They fucked up the release of this so hard they pulled it off the steam store and then steam had to introduce a new...

They fucked up the release of this so hard they pulled it off the steam store and then steam had to introduce a new review system showing recent reviews next to overall reviews.

This game now has "overwhelmingly positive" recent reviews, does this mean it's now playable? This is from someone who had it crash over and over on release until I refunded it

Other urls found in this thread:


it was always 'playable', but autists can't get off unless it's a stable 60fps 2160p on ultra.



>they cancelled the Linux version


Still not played Arkham Knight. I've played Arkham Asylum / City and was pretty satisfied with it.

- As far I know quality wise is not that great
- The major issue was performance. Is the performance fixed for now to be playable?
- Worth the discount price if ever appear?


Jesus fuck, that's one terrible webm. Looks like a fucking gif.

It still have no boss fight, too many batmobile sections, dumb looking suit and shit villain.




>it was always playable

I'm not graphics whoreson but do you really think this? Do you really think a game is playable when titans were having frame rate drops to single digits?

What logic do you have for them pulling the game from sale entirely and spending more time and resources on it?


Same boat as me, is why I started this thread to find out if anyone has played it since its been "fixed"

I've heard all these issues, I'm not expecting it to be better than previous games, just something to play is all now that it is cheap on the steam store too



i played and finished the game on pic related, which is below the minimum requirements. it was also before the latest performance patch.





Well we have similar specs except I have a 7900, I was unable to get out of the intro screen as it kept crashing. This was common enough that it was removed from sale and brought back and apparently fixed.

To say that you didn't have a problem and therefore everyone else is an autist is absurd.



Runs fine now




did the people with Titans try playing the game on low settings or was it beneath them? The game is an unoptimized piece of shit, but it wasn't unplayable.




If you're getting single digit frames I imagine you'd drop the 3 provided settings to low, wouldn't you?

As you can see the graphics settings allow much customization and fine tuning to help you run the game to your capabilities.

If only video game companies listened to people like you and simply said its an unoptimized piece of shit and everyone who can't actually make it out of the opening game screen is an autist who expects too much





>If you're getting single digit frames I imagine you'd drop the 3 provided settings to low, wouldn't you?
If I had a high end card i wouldn't even sneer at the direction of a low setting. shamefur dispray.



it is still broken but i could play it at about 40-50fps with no drops, though i did have textures on low and the rest on high since i only had a 2GB card.


>everything on high except textures
>no drops
>on a 2015 release game
>on a 2gb card

So it's fuckin fine now eh?


2GB is tiny for a modern game. Of course that isn't the only property that decides how well a game runs, but yes, you shouldn't expect your 2GB card to be able to run current generation games.


I had a 980 SLI setup and at 1440p the game had large stuttering problems months after release.

That's not acceptable.

>stuttering problems

How unexpected



What's your point?

Jesus that scene made my dick jump, it was like a jump scare for my dick.

SLI/Crossfire always stutters







No it doesn't

Just play it on the PS4, it's the definitive version with post processing that the PC version doesn't have.


even with everything on lowest settings (@1080) i was still getting framerate stutters every few minutes, was stable at 60fps otherwise, that was september last year
don't know if they patched again after that






You faggot didn't even play the game at release did you? Couldn't even avoid stuttering at low settings and I have a 750ti


I played it as soon as the pirated version came out. i dunno which version that is.

I recently finished it it ran pretty well for the most part in fact I never noticed it going below 60
I think they did an okay job in post-launch but it seems that people are just really mad and don't care about anything because of the original launch was so bad
The game itself is also pretty good if it's as good as Arkham City or close second




>I'm too poor to have had SLI after 2012
the post



>i'm too poor to buy a good card so i use two shitty amd cards
the post

its playable, it was slightly playable at launch if you knew how to make the game use all of your ram instead of limiting itself to less than 4gb.

is it good? no. not really. and one major flaw is the goddamn batmobile. its shoehorned everywhere, you feel like batman wouldnt be able to do anything without it, its not even there as an option (except for roaming), some times the batmobile is the only freaking way batman could deal a threat. fuck you.



> does this mean it's now playable?
It could also mean that basically no one but paid shills is still reviewing it.

>not rubbing the end of the gun against her lips suggestively.

>this thread

My dick can't handle Harley Quinn
Shame she has that ugly cap in this game

what cap?

oh it's part of her suit but you know, that ugly thing on her head

The game's definitely in a much better state than when it released but I think it still has issues with AMD cards with no fix in sight. The game also shits the bed totally if you go SLI.

Other than that, I can get a constant 60fps at 1440p on my 3.4ghz 3570, GTX 970 and 16gb RAM combo with zero stuttering. Although I can't turn on all the bells and whistles, those fancy PhysX shit has to stay turned off.

I refunded it too at first and only got it again because shit was dirt cheap on G2A.

but it's not ugly

>not making her suck the gun


>All these lewd Harley pics and webms
>In-game she's voiced by Tara Strong and it ruins everything

>it was always 'playable',
no it wasn't. i had it day one

It was actually better than City but autists complained about the batmobile being a focus in the gameplay. gee it's like they wanted to focus on the newest major element of the game
Knight has a shit ton of fun side quests that blend with the main one perfectly
anyone who thinks City isn't lacking due to not treating the open world aspect correctly, is retarded

>it was always 'playable'
yeah, aparently the console version was always playable, if you got it on any of the consoles you probably had a good time with a game that is pretty much delivering what you would expect after Arkham City and Origins. If you got the PC version you were in for suffering.

Its playable now. I never played it on release so I can't tell you how bad it was back then.