E3 in 6 days

>E3 in 6 days

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Report cards fucking when

8 mooks you day



Report cards have always been a shitty Sup Forums tradition which I've never partaken in. They're mostly just bait/extreme bias. E3 bingo is better.

I can't remember the last time I was this uninterested in e3

>E3 in 80 shits of the rooster

Time passes by so much faster when you aren't constantly worried about how many days there are left for [Next Big Thing].
You should give it a try.

Statistics show that the people most disinterested in E3 are total losers.

Fine, drinking game when? Now that this year I'm allowed to buy alcohol for myself ;)

Shouldn't you be playing golf, Gramps?

>wanting time to pass faster

>Crackdown 3
>Sea of Thieves
>Gears of War 4
>Kingdom Hearts 3
>Final Fantasy 15
>The Last Gaurdian
>Gran Turismo Sport
>Forza Horizon 3
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>Nier Automata
>Halo Wars 2
>Titanfall 2
>Zelda U/NX

Best lineup of games for a long time desu. Reasonably hype.


>Dishonored 2
>Deus Ex
>Yakuza Zero digital release date end of June or July
>Scalebound not looking like ass
>Crackdown still haven't the destruction
>inFamous Electric Boogaloo
>Star Wars "doesn't like look shit" game
>Middle-Earth 2: Not oogie-boogie wraith edition
>Gravity Rush 2
Quite a few things I want to see and expect

I honestly don't know what is coming out near the end of the year besides Shadow Warrior 2 and Deus Ex. Sony is going to be heavy on early/mid 2017 and late 2017 with God of Norse. Microsoft is all 2017 with Scalebound, Crackdown, Halo Wars 2, Recore etc

>Sonydomination in 6 days

>tfw have to go through three days of work then I get paid, Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator is out and E3 is happening
Next weekend is going to be so good that it makes this weekend painful.

>there are people that unironically looked forward to this last year


>on a weekday afternoon

wew lad

last one

Thanks in advance

It was awful and I don't expect this years PC show to be any different.

>implying it isnt 6 in the morning

Also the rules:

Fuck off nintenshill.

There was one either early today or late last night, check the archive if it's not in the catalog

Too many sequels desu. But that's been a problem for years.

I'm full neet for now since I'm on break. Only responsibility I really have is going to the gym every night

>he doesn't pre game for work

>Timezones? What's that?

thanks prof

Sounds like people playing this are going to get smashed

Please god

What even will this look like?

Spiderman ass PS3 font, how old is this?

Depends what you're drinking desu.

I'm hoping we'll get some word on the RE2 remake.

rockstar wont be there

Seriously this. I'm not expecting gameplay, but some new info would be great.

Same senpai. Just some news would make my E3. I'm expecting their show would mostly be Monster Hunter or Street Fighter related or promoting their supposed RE4/5 ports.

Considering that rockstargames.com/agent/ is still up, it must still exist--at this point as either a PS4 game. Or now an Xbone/Windows 10 game, because I wouldn't be surprised. Rockstar hasn't made a current-gen-only game yet, so I don't know how much better it can look than the GTAV ports. You'd expect after three years for a really impressive-looking game.

We only have leaked environment screenshots from ex-developers dating around 2009. And probably hyperbolic statements from Sony and Take-Two people.

>Michael Shorrock, SCEA's director of third-party relations, wrote on the official US PlayStation blog, "as part of our long standing relationship with Rockstar, and the incredible success for both companies with the cultural icon that is Grand Theft Auto we've agreed to the PlayStation exclusive rights of the next great franchise from the Rockstar studios." Nothing more was revealed about the new franchise except the clarification that it would not be L.A. Noire. According to Shorrock, "Rockstar really wanted to make a game that you can truly only do on PS3" and added that the reason Sony locked the IP down as an exclusive deal was because Sony believed the franchise would "set the bar for the rest of the industry."
>Ben Feder, former president of Rockstar parent Take-Two Interactive, said that the game would be "genre-defining" and "a whole new way of experiencing videogames that we haven't really seen before."



Rockstar doesn't have to be at E3 to reveal a game/show a trailer. They've had Microsoft and Sony do it for them in the past.

RE7 is rumored to be there as well, but we'll see. Also they'll probably show off Umbrella Corps one final time before release. I'm not expecting too much from Capcom

>no squilliam thread

This sounds like something children need to do because they having nothing better to do they end up thinking about e3 24/7 and want to speed up time because it's all they have going on in life.