Total War Warhammer

Why doesn't Total War Warhammer let you rename legendary lords?

I really wanted to rename Karl Franz to Donald Trump. Main reason I bought the game.

Because they are legendary lords from Warhammer universe not dumb memes from our fucked up reality.

This is one of the most autistic things I've read all week.

And I'm a Preschool teacher.

I can rename other lords in the game though? Doesn't that contradict your point a bit?

They're not legendary.

One can dream.

You sound like one of those faggots that wont play a game because the main character is the wrong skincolor or gender or some shit.

So? Nuln is from the Warhammer universe but I can name it Detroit if it want, or whatever

wait for a mod that lets you do that

Use mods. If that doesn't work, then wait for mods.

Well, he's a Trumptard so that's a given.

>playing a dead game
>playing a dead universe
>playing SEGA Jews latest shit

You have any hot students?


Just edit the name with PFM then.

You do know how to use the PFM, don't you?

>I want to rename the Emperor of not!Germany Donald Trump xD
>what is WHFB? xDDD

>Thorgrim looks like he sits on a throne with wheels
>it's actually dwarfs holding shields

What? I'm black.

I don't even know what that is. Any nifty tutorials?

>guy asks to change a name
>"lmao u must be a neonazi XxxxxD Reddit karma bls"

Grow up.

Based black bro, we shall make America great again

>use warhammer to escape from reality
>faggots on the internet literally drown it all with their shitty donald trump emperor memes

the alt right is the other side of the shitty tumblr coin

atleast leave Fantasy alone, you fucks

>he doesn't want to lead the Empire (America) to stop the Chaos (Mexican) invasion



Sorry but Sup Forums is Trump territory.

Aw man now I remember Warhammer is missing battle speeches.

Know I think of it, Heretic militias are really underutilised in 40k. You'd think chaos mostly used space marines and daemons.