Ignore the Overwatch Shilling for a few minutes

Ignore the Overwatch Shilling for a few minutes

Has everyone forgotten about this ?

15hrs till release
>Are you gonna play it?

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>15hrs till release

Thank you, you glorious knight in armour. I've completely forgotten about this
It's going down folks

>implying steam is any different
Did you even play the original ?

As someone who loved the original nothing they've announced about this new game gives me hope.

I finished it multiple times. It's no different than steam and that's exactly the problem. Why the fuck would I run the same shit program more than once?

I watched GBs quick look. Did they really dumb down the controls for girl gamers at the request of Anita? It seemed like they were convoluted as ever. They could hardly execute a wall run to a jump.

yep, I preordered it
I loved the first game too much to not give this a chance

>mattress face


no, they seem to have left the controls alone

>Has everyone forgotten about this ?
I had, yes

I thought the same thing but steams selection of games in fucking weak

All they pump out now is early access bullshit for full price
Besides the mandatory games (HalfLife, CS, TF, etc) what else is there?

Same but I dont preorder


Since its EA I was expecting them to force gun fights but it doesnt look like it

>EA SJW garbage

>15hrs till release
Hold on really? Guess I know what I'll be doing.
Not playing this.

Does anyone really care about story and characters in ME? I skipped every cutscene.

>ignore the other shilling for our shilling
Fuck off the game looks shit fuck ea suck my dick cyka blyad

Nah. Open world ME is not the ME I asked for. Especially not Asscreed style open world,

>le fight tha power fight tha corporations
>evil rich crackas oppressing minorities and free speech
>published by EA

good post
once I heard it was open world I figured it would be shit
another good post

New mirror's edge is absolute garbage.
The "bad guys" literally want you to get a job for fuck sake.

I watched some french guy stream this yesterday, it was completely linear and there was some red line constantly showing you where to go.

Not even going to try to pirate this.

Dunno. The empty "open World" gets me unsecure. The other thing is im a poorfag, I'd rather buy Witcher 3 dlc's insead.

It really depends on what you want to play. I know of a few obscure games from a variety of genres that are good in my opinion at least.

>it was completely linear
exactly like the first game then

>and there was some red line constantly showing you where to go.
which you can turn off

the game has problems but the things you mention aren't

I think the line is stupid too, but it seems to show the slowest path you can take through an area, so if the player is any good they will never use it.

>>EA SJW garbage
Explain you weeb faggot
Just because the mc is a female its sjw?
This is what I was worried about
Mirrors Edge was fun because you had to figure out the path to get to the objective. If its just a Skyrim tier follow the line then fuck that

Depends how long it is.
Im not paying £40 for 8 hours

literaly who

ir's my idea or they have improved the face of the character???

Linear as in mostly only one route available, at least that's what the stream made it look like.

No they didn't.
She looks less Asian than the 1st game.

>woman empowering video game about an ugly chinese hipster runner who beats men just doing their job..

ill pass

open world sections have arguably more routes than the first game allowed.

as for main line story missions, unless someone here has a press code, we've only seen one mission and it was about as linear as an early mission from the first game.

>we've only played* one mission [during the beta]

Played the beta and EA Access version on Xbone. Going to buy it on pc though.

you think its worth the $60?

> feminism "the game"

They even got that jew bitch anita something as a consultant for the game. Buying the game litterally means supporting feminism, are you a cuck user?

Mirrors Edge showed you where to go by turning things in the environment red, but it was rarely the fastest route. You have to activate that red line, otherwise it's exactly like the first game

I don't like how the game looks worse for the most part.

Denovo? If yes, no. If no, yes.

>Dark, Dirty, Gritty Rebirth

no one asked for this

I never pay full price for PC games. I'm sure I can get it for $45 on Kinguin. I think it's worth that



No. Also, stop falling for disinfo

i just want to listen to the soundtrack

I am concerned that the game will be shit because the original is shit.

>Made in Sweden

Kill yourself

That's not Sweden.
Sweden does not have a police force