Rate my latest character build

Rate my latest character build.

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Nice Chad build

take out 1 chr and put it in luck

use only fist of the north rawr


if you're planning on minmaxing at all (which it's obvious you're not) take a few points out of str and put them into agi or per, since retard stronk doesn't necessarily exclude agi or per

then you can game the casinos for caps and get the bump to 10 in most stats. owb also gives you +1 or +2 str, and lonesome road gives you a free special point.

have fun using only your tagged skills.

not that dude but fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout:_New_Vegas_skill_books

Yeah I considered this. I have 500+ hours in the game so I figured I'd just make a fun build and see if I can get through the game with it.

>draw distance is based on Perception

What asshole at Obsidian came up with this and is there a mod that disables it?

isn't that just for npcs?


Never go full retard. Though perception at 1 is okay because of ED-E. That and there aren't any perception skill checks worth a damn.

How much content will I be missing if I don't add points to Speech?

draw distance has nothing to do with perception

perception is only used for the red markings on your compass

Really you could take from str and put into agility.

+2 Reinforced Spine perk, +1 Lonesome Road, +1 Genetic Implant.


Its the only way. Grab all crit you can, get better criticals. Go nuts. You can go melee with this too because of all the str boosts in this game.

I wish there was some gif or webm that could convey how slow reloading and drawing is with 1 AGI

I also always wear light armor with this build.

What's best for a melee/unarmed build: Built to Destroy or Heavy Handed?

Content? I'm not sure if any but there are a shit ton of quests that can be resolved peacefully/alternatively through speech

Believe it or not you actually gain more content with lower speech.

What is the best build for a gunlinsher/saint of killer type of character?

How so?

you better be maining that super heated saternine fist my dog

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Is the Courier the strongest protag out of all the Fallout games?

I can't imagine the others even contenting with the Courier.

not him but you can outright skip entire dungeons by just speech checking the quest giver and insta-completing the quest

Speech will be needed for several good outcomes for some characters like Joshua Graham, or Dog but not a whole lot of stuff is locked behind Speech checks. Now Lockpicking, quite a few unique weapons are locked behind a Hard or Very Hard lock. Lucky, Gobi Campaign Scout Rifle, Q-35

Unarmed sole survivor

I've done exactly the same kind of build. It's the best.


whoops meant contesting

Should i bother with Jsawyer? what are the most noticeable changes aside from the level cap? does it feel like vanilla but better, or something else?

Rate my build

>CHA is higher than 1

I imagine the Vault Dweller and The Chosen One might be able to contend with him, but not necessarily win. That all depends on the circumstances. However, I imagine he could take down The Lone Wanderer and Sole Survivor, easily. None of the come close to the level of skill and experience of the Courier by the end of New Vegas.

You're a moron, Harry.

all the changes are listed here

Courier is The Terminator post DLC so no, I don't think anyone can actually beat the guy except maybe father time itself.

Are bethesdrones really this stupid?

It's what the game would have ended up with if Obsidian had more QA time with it.

>courier rises from the dead for revenge like Obsidian making a perfect Fallout game to spite Bethesda

holy shit

>1 Intelligence
Are you black?

I think the major difference between all of them is that Courier has probably the most wasteland experience out of all of them, aside from maybe the older version of the Vault Dweller.

LW and SS has only dealt with the wasteland for a few months at best. Chosen One mainly lived in a comfort of a very successful tribe, so even he doesn't have that much experience.

If we're bringing every single asset to the table, Courier absolutely win because the Courier has access extremely advanced technology from Big MT which probably even better than the Institute's tech and has keys to ICBMs.

They could possibly talk the Courier down with speech, if we're going off the game's logic, but in terms of experience and arsenal then Courier has it in the bag.

i'm going to assume that's a good thing

why would they spite the people who asked them to make new vegas?

1 intelligence builds are fun.

because bethesda fucking ruined fallout

Or contending. Both work. Which is probably why you combined them

They gimped their dev time, rushed the game to hell, and withheld a bonus for missing their Metacritic expectations by a single point.

youre not familiar with the events regarding the deal between bethesda and obsidian are you?

18 months is a sensible amount of time if you're going to be building your map with pre-existing assets. and it's not like this was the first game Obsidian has made that had technical problems. bethesda wanted a sequel, if they didn't think they could finish it in time, they should've said no.

What's even the point of picking up skill books if you don't have Comprehension, and can't get it without wasting three perks on Intense Training to get your INT up to 4?

I'd imagine dev time might be elongated by having to use Bethesda premade assets. Their engine is and has been absolute shit for years.Even with having to rush the game, Obsidian blew Bethesda's piece of shit Fallout fanfiction out of the water.

perhaps, i don't know enough about game design to confirm that.

The game isn't just about assets. And besides, 80% of the shit in New Vegas only appeared in NV. Not to mention all the features they added in.

The incremental loading animation system alone took them a month or two of work.

Kinda hilarious because while Obsidian managed to pull it off in NV, Bethesda couldn't in 4 even though they had the means and budget. I guess that just speaks more about how incompetent Bethesda programmers truly are though.

Thanks to you user !

Any build with int and luck

I've done multiple complete playthroughs of the game and seen just about all the high speech check content there is. I want to try going through the game without those options.

Whats Speech have to do with Intelligence?

>No 10 luck

it's the tops


never knew how much i wanted this "feature" until now

They originally had 2 years but during development they were suddenly cut with 6 months, no matter how bad Obisidian have been with technical difficulties in the past 6 months is a crazy amount of time.

Makes sense, console users aren't very perceptive.

You only need 7. You can buff it to 9 with naughty nightwear. Which is enough to clean out every casino.

>1 int

how low does your int and char have to go for you to get unique dialogue responses? and will luck ever do anything other than casinos/crits? like you're chasing some whacko fiend leader and it turns out you two went to the same middle school and you talk like old friends even through the drugs and he gets where you're coming from and stands down, or something? some bizarre lucky turn of events

the real benefit of luck is critical hits. you don't need the casinos to make lots of money, you have the snow globes and you can piss off the NCR or the Legion and sell the gear that their assassins drop. one fully repaired set of ranger combat armor is worth like 6000 caps if you have 100 barter.

How good are the revolvers in NV?

the ranger sequoia and the hunting revolver use rifle ammo, they are both excellent. the .44 is very good against common enemies. the .357 is a piece of shit, unless you find the unique model.

4 INT and im not sure on CHAR

What I do is get close to the ban limit, then play roulette and max bet. If I lose for a while I just play blackjack for a bit for easy money without going over the limit which can give you between 22,000 to 24,000 caps.

You can still get 100 barter because it's skill based. I would rather have 7 luck and 3 other points in special for something else. Hell it's 4 since 6 is the better starting stat because you can get an implant from the clinic.

Also I forgot the naughty nightwear is only +1. So you need the shades to get another +1.

>INT 1

Nigga what are you thinking?

Unless you're intentionally doing for a Mongo run, in which case, carry on.

having just gotten into revolvers I gotta say the 357 feels a lot better than the 44. dat reload animation is my first /k/ boner tbqh

definitely get Lucky if you're enjoying the .357, it's a beautiful gun.

ill look into that thanks pham

>implying character builds matter at all after fallout 2

Just pick randomly, it doesn't matter.

if you play without DLC it matters because you can't max out all your skills.

You can get the Matter Modulator by fucking around the building and falling into the room its in

I get that the Fallout general on /vg/ is probably nothing but endless Fallout 4 shitposting but that doesn't mean there have to be multiple New Vegas threads on Sup Forums at all times every single day

If there's enough interest for a sustained thread fuck off and start /nvg/ or something

there used to be just one at a time but autistic newfags are now starting multiples.