Bored yet?
Bored yet?
kind of
Obviously. The most shallow game of the year award goes to this game. You can't even really get better at it because even a baby could play it.
I was bored before the end of the beta.
As in I didn't even bother buying it? Yep.
Nope. Mostly because I'm playing a lot but not excessively like some of my friends.
Bored of faggots picking the dwarf and bastion for sure
yes i hate this game, if only because it isn't TF2, based gabe, whoring TF2 out like just another cash cow
Kind of, more frustrated really.
Why did they have to give Pharra a fucking rocket launcher out of every single weapon in the world. Can fly, noob rocket-launcher, ridiculous splash damage and an even more annoying ultimate.
Literally No skill: the starter character.
Fucking remove her.
Pretty much
>forced 50% even in casual mode
I wish it had more game modes and a simple death match
not buying it until then
bored of playing mccree the game, there's really no reason to play other offensive characters and he's not fun to play against.
Still havent seen proof of this. Just anecdotal evidence.
I'm bored of seeing 50 threads about that game. It's even worse than the MGSV or Fallout posting last year.
>complaining about pharah
just play solider 76, mccree, widowmaker or roadhog.
Yep already I just play the game in small doses but even then it gets dull fast
go make that pro money
what can we do to stop it? we need to force them to go to /vg/ like how neogaf sends their threads to community after a certain amount of time. im so sick of the shills
dont reply to the threads like your doing now
A little. You don't really improve much by playing Overwatch. If you want to get better at Overwatch, you're better off playing TF2, CS:GO, or Quake.
Shit will get better once ranked comes out. Right now you're either queuing into teams of retards for no reason, or partying with friends to pubstomp (again, for no reason).
I literally put it down after the first night for Total Warhammer.
Not as fun as the beta, mostly cause we had a full 6 man team all the time during that, also the map and game mode variety is dull.
her splash damage is like, nonexistent though? a rocket launcher that almost requires body shots to do any real damage doesn't sound noob-friendly to me.
i think this is the first time i've seen anyone actually complain about pharah
>Shit will get better once ranked comes out.
I don't think so.
Any word on when ranked will come?
>ridiculous splash damage
have you even played her???
What did user mean by this?
he just got buttraped by a decent phara with good prediction and now he's mad >:(
Torbjorn is the literally no skill character, after that noobs mostly use Reaper.
Pharah is a bit underpowered if you ask me, her rockets don't do that much damage plus she's really squishy.
>he's just mad haha!
doesn't excuse anything though, and im not even that guy
her rockets do 120 damage on direct hit
By the end of the month supposedly.
Does Blizzard have any presence at all in E3? I was kinda hoping for a character announcement
Not defending the game, because it really isn't that great, but the idea behind some of the characters was to include play styles from different FPS genres via different characters. Phara is the Quake/UT character with the high jumps and ttt missiles.
If anything, I'd say pharah is a balanced character. She has pros and cons, not OP or UP.
If you were going to do anything it would be to buff her health a bit but it's not that necessary
They travel slow as fuck though, anyone but the most retarded players will move out, as Pharah you rely on splash damage and only use direct hits for turrets, bastions etc.
>6 posts
>1 posters
hmmm i wonder what's going on here.
Getting better actually.
if you're a shitty pharah yeah sure
Only correct waifu
Mercyfags leave
>all these shitters
I think what this thread really needs is better team composition
They have travel time, versus being hit scan like other characters. You're not giving that aspect enough credit and are only considering the numbers. Hit scan weapons are cancer, just look at Widowmaker.
Alex I'll take "hero's that feed genji ult" for $1000
Shitty characters that need to be removed ASAP:
I haven't played in a while, busy playing other vidya at the moment, but I'm planning on getting back on the saddle soon enough.
Spent 30 hours on it already, that's a dollar for every 0.75 hours. Pretty good deal.
bit frustrated tryna get the 20 killstreak achievement cause i'm shit at life but other than that i'm having a fuckin blast
>mei not putting an ice wall in-front of both of them
what a shit
Try harder next time. Shitty edits will take your shitposting to the next level.
try Mei, that's how I got it.
POTG ruined the game for me along with no proper sensitivity adjustment.
POTG is just blizzards way of trolling you, it always picks the worst play, especially when it picks you, and on top of that it doesn't even reflect who did the most work, because FUCK whoever actually DID SHIT, lets just reward fags that run in for kills...YOU CAN'T EVEN SEE A SCOREBOARD TO COMPARE WHO DID THE MOST...
He didn't play the game
waiting for those mccree nerfs
>ridiculous splash damage
this is why I don't browse this retarded board
>being literally autistic
if you take potg seriously you need to cool off.
it's an automated system, it's not perfect.
it's worth it just to see some of the neat stuff your team mates or enemies were able to do.
you are gonna be disappointed when they come out.
that arguement is shit
>everyone can get good at it
>means that everyone will try
>the giant faggot that spends the most time ingame is going to be the one everyone thinks is number1 because he is seen everywhere in the end
>there is just enough attention span from less-faggoty players to give a few giant faggots the attention they need to considered pro
>e.g. even though everyone is just as good - just a few giant faggots will be considered pro even though if they tried it in any other game they would never ever leave wood league
Team comp is part of the problem. It's all good and fun until you get to higher ranks then everyone plays the same fucking classes
If you do the same thing then it's just who gets control of the point first because you're forced to walk through chokes to push back in because of blizzards shit map design and 5s respawns
I know I sound butthurt as fuck but it's really annoying to play against her in 98% of the games. She is almost like Widowmaker, she destroys all fun and you have to play around her. I would've been fine if they just gave her an assault rifle or something but not a fucking rocket-launcher.
She already has a "rocket" ultimate where she covers a great area and does decent amount of damage, they didn't need to give her the rocket-launcher. I just find her extremely anti-fun and she makes the games really boring. That is just my opinion though.
>80 splash damage
>not ridiculous
You're the one who is retarded mate.
>They travel slow as fuck though, anyone but the most retarded players will move out, as Pharah you rely on splash damage and only use direct hits for turrets, bastions etc.
>None of those players were paying attention to Pharah
>Roadhog was stunned when he got hit by one rocket
Just play 76 retard
>Can't jump
>Now a much shittier junkrat
Yes, they wont nerf him properly
He will still be meta in the next 6 month from what we know about blizzard.
They already nerfed him once in the beta and didnt manage to make him worse.
If they nerf what they said they will, the only thing different will be that he kills some of the tanks somewhat slower.
He will still wipe anyone else with the stun -> flashbang combo and his single shot medium range dmg and his ulti will be the same.
They just said they will make fan the hammer not kill tanks and reduce its dmg a bit.
But as long as your team doesnt consistent of several tanks (which has other drawbacks that can be counter picked) he will be at the very same level of effectiveness.
So i always laugh when someone butthurt kid is like "lmao wait for the nerfs retard" after i wipe them with mccree.
Not really, multiplayer FPS' only get boring if you're bad or you've been playing the same game for months/years.
I think I'll stick with it until Battlefield 1 and if that sucks just stick with it for awhile until the next best shooter comes out.
I'm not bored, but I'm kinda mad that the higher level I go the shittier the players I find. When I was level 20 everyone played to win the objectives but now at level 50 everyone acts like it's a team deathmatch
worth a shot, i've been tryna cheese it with torb but always get fucked over when i have to expose myself to get new turrets up
King's row defense as Mei is the exact way I got it.
Not only did I get a 21 streak, I didn't die all game either.
I didn't even try to get the achievement.
Obviously you need to luck out and have a good team.
>complains about this
>non junkrat's insane grenade launcher splash damage
>not his ridiculous moveset
you are extremely fucking dumb and need to stop talking about things
>Implying a game with instakill aimbot abilities will have a pro scene
Hahaha oh wew
if you died to pharah you either werent paying attention or youve never played a rocket launcher fps and are unable to time your jumps to avoid splash
or she pressed q
literally just aim up with any hitscan weapon
holy shit how can you be this bad? pharah is a strong character but also the easiest to counter
Why does Sup Forums hate games?
i know i'm on the fringe here but ive been waiting for a game like this for years
i dont even have any friends, i play solo
i just cant get enough
>junkrat splash damage
>ridiculous moveset
If anything he is much more balanced than Phara. Atleast he takes somewhat skill considering he has a grenade-launcher and not a rocket-launcher which goes straight all the time. Phara has unlimited amounts of escapes due to her jetpack, Junkrat has one possible espace and that is if he wastes his mine to jump away.
If anyhing they should nerf his martyrdom grenades or whatever when he dies, they are complete bullshit damage wise. Maybe his regular damage on the grenades a little bit as well.
Other than that he is good.
Junkrat's grenade launcher has an arc to it, it will not explode when it hits the ground and he can't fucking fly.
god yes
there are only 2 game modes, all the maps are designed the same (spawn, open area, chokepoint, objective, chokepoint, open area, spawn), there are already best and worst classes for each role regardless of map, and blizzard is not releasing balance or content patches any time soon. not to mention the fucking fact that there is cosmetics loot gambling in a b2p game, which is a complete fucking scam.
i guarantee the only patches coming in the next month or two will be additional loot crate bullshit.
found the guy whos never on the payload
shit aight, i'll be trying this with my friends backin me up then
thanks for the tip fami
>cosmetics locked behind a progression system, like literally any first person shooter in the past 10 years
Holy shit the autism
No. My friends and I play in a party of 4 and it's a blast. Without friends it would be boring.
I like it, but I'm burned out by the same maps, retards, and bad matchmaking. Just taking a break from it for the moment.
>other games scam you in the same way
>therefore it isn't a scam
that isn't how the world works you stupid fuck
More heroes, more modes coming soon so not really
>implying I'll ever buy an actiblizzard game again
you're all so full of shit, can't even back up your claims from months ago, probably bought it day1 too like the good goys you all are
>just got the game
>all of my friends are level 40+
>forcing me to play with them
>enemies are outplaying me by a fucking mile because of the skill difference and my friends are too bad to carry me
found the genji shitter, I'm sorry that I BTOF with Pharah every single time
Just like old games are a scam for having higher difficulty levels locked behind completing the game.
What a fucking scam.
Nowhere near being bored.
Although I wish the loot crates would drop me some of that 'friends' thingy I keep hearing about.
its similar to survival bias
>someone who doesnt like games posts on Sup Forums how he doesnt like games
>those people who like games are playing games and thus not on Sup Forums to defend their opinions
>instead you have a thread where angry people come to complain to other angry people about how game x is bad whilst those who do like the game are enjoying the game and dont know the thread exists
>Bored yet?
Quite the opposite. I am at over 100 hours already and have no desire to play any other game....whats wrong with me?
Bastion comes second after Phara in shitter-tier.
Keep defending your shitter character.
>this meme again
How about you check the other 10 threads about wanking on Overwatch
>whats wrong with me?
You like games
truly the worst affliction.
>complaining about one of the few characters in the game that actually requires some semblance of skill and prediction to play well with
>not realizing there have been cash prize tournaments since Beta
>not realizing there have already been multiple cash prize tournaments since launch
>not realizing there are pro teams
>the pro players are miles ahead of most people on Sup Forums
No, I do have to take 1-2 hour breaks occasionally but that is more because of the retarded players than a lack of content.
Literally shoot on a wall behind them and get a kill: the character.