IF you don't pick one of TOP 10 heroes (read: DON'T pick fucking HANZO) YOU are losing your team the game.
Explained in videoformat for people who don't understand the picks
IF you don't pick one of TOP 10 heroes (read: DON'T pick fucking HANZO) YOU are losing your team the game.
Explained in videoformat for people who don't understand the picks
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Tracer is too much fun.
check the catalogue for any of the other 20 overwatch theads faglord
>competitive meme
I don't get this
I play games to have fun
Why should I handicap my fun by playing a character I don't like?
To win. Cause winning is fun. Stop being a losing faggot. Although I will say over watch is too casual to be competitive
Typical Blizzard balancing. Just compare to WoW. Some classes have been OP since 2005 and some others permanent cuck status
Pro-comps work when the team is sticking together, communicating and playing at a high skill level. Try playing the 2 tank 2 support meta in a normal game with pubbies and see how terrible it feels.
If I get this game to play as based cowboy man am I cancer
I wish Genji was played more. He's easily the coolest character to see high level play of. Tracer is pretty good too.
Nah just don't suck.
>guess ill go solo q
>Guy insta locks hanzo
>other low level picks widowmaker
>on KOTH map
yes we lost.
>lose 20 games
>get 1000 deaths 5 kills
how is this fun?
Every single game a retard pick genji because he saw fucking a pro get 6 kills with him...
and all our genji did was die and feed ults.
>there is only one way to have fun
There's only one way to get good with Genji, my man, and that's to practice with him.
The pro teams create comps. Certain hero combinations that work well together if a team is communicating.
If you are just playing in pubs you have no business in giving a shit about tier lists.
This would easily be solved by having community "Noob friendly Hanamura 24/7" servers.
This could easily be solved if you stopped bitching at everyone that doesn't "match your skill level".
Not him you replied to but
>Only one way to play the game, Blizzard's MM way
>It doesn't try to matchmake for anyone but Blizzard's convenience
Just saying, noob friendly server.
Some random user
I've lost track of who's arguing for what at this point
How can a character have >100% usage?
I've never had a problem with the matchmaking whatsoever. I'd say it's pretty good.
They are probably counting both sides. It's fucking retarded.
I think it means there's an average of >1 per game, like one per team
number of times picked among all matches divided by number of all matches. It could be as high as 1200% with this.
It's been effectively confirmed you can try to tank your win rating as any hero and it'll be suspiciously hard to when you get matched to stay closer to 50%.
Argue all you want about >50% with Forced 50%, but you have to admit that's some dodgy shit going on.
But I just want to play and have fun. Winning is a bonus.
I have 40%
Made a comment on Plebbit about tiers in Overwatch, got told that they don't exist for Overwatch because everyone is equally viable all of the time.
Dunno why I fucking bother with that site, jesus fuck.
Link to proofs? I am greatly interested to see some actual documented research.
>Pick McCree because I like the Dollars trilogy and what to play as Clint Eastwood
>He has a shitty meme belt buckle and happens to be top tier
save me
It would be hard to confirm it officially when the price tag for an account is so high, people get a bit attached to their stats and wouldn't just tank them to check. With no way to reset them, you're looking at some pretty expensive smurfing to confirm with a larger group of researchers.
Also haven't really got anything on hand, sorry. :|
Sup Forums at the least has the stigma that "THE FBI WILL COME AND ARREST ME IF I USE THIS SITE!!!"
It does wonders at keeping away a large majority of the idiots, but unfortunately it's something that wearing off as time passes.
Why do you say
>It's been effectively confirmed
I just won a game as phariah after killing thier whole team twice. shit list
Is faceplanting over and over fun?
These picks only apply to high-level competative matches where each team is a coordinated premade with pros playing at the height of the skill cap. Not to mention these picks only apply to Payload maps and not KotH
99% of overwatch players on Sup Forums aren't playing anywhere near at this level, so someone picking mei isn't going to cost their team the game anymore than your average mcree or widowmaker
>I'm your huckleberry.
What did he mean by this?
Sup Forums was never good.
why is mei in all of my games then
And yet it's better than 90% of the places to talk about vidya. Only makes sense though since people that identify as "gamer" are some of the most autistic fucks around.
>lag compensation
>poor netcode
>20hrtz servers
Sup Forums today is a bunch of teenage and young adult normalfags pretending to be autists and NEETs. Look up the statistics to this site nowadays. There were a lot of weirdos' years ago when this site barely got 1 million visitors but not it's above 20 million, the weirdo's are vastly outnumbered if they havent left. It's just people pretending to fit in with the long dead culture. Sup Forums's userbase is indistinguishable from reddit.
>low tier means 0% winrate
Usage is not viability
Hasn't there only been like one fucking competitive thing with eight teams? I'd wait a couple more months before a "meta" forms.
I still don't get it.
Overwatch is not a game about "maining" a character, it's about switching.
Because you're in shitter babby garbage tier and the Mei player hasn't realized she could just be playing Mcree and do the exact same thing but better.
Groupthink bandwagoning on a single tournament means fucking nothing.
You know literally 0 about how metas work if you think this has any relevancy to pubs. Classes are made to counter other classes, if a current meta has, say, two McRees in every team, then the classes he hard counters will not be used as often. But that isn't the meta in Quick Play, so your chart is irrelevant.
They've been having tournaments since the beta was first released.
>i follow the competitive overwatch meta
with that tier list i'd say only the bottom 7 heroes really slow your team down
you shouldn't
we only have to wait a little longer then all these autistic assholes can go to ranked and leave our fun game alone
>Im the guy your lookin fer'
>Because you're in shitter babby garbage tier
Not him but so are you statistically speaking.
Pubstomp heroes like Mei and Bastion are only lowtier against pro teams. Unless your win rate in quick play is >80% these picks don't mean shit.
This guy fucking gets it.
Because you are not playing in tournaments with that specific meta.
>if a current meta has, say, two McRees in every team, then the classes he hard counters will not be used as often.
The problem is that Mcree is a hard counter to all other characters.
winning with a shit hero is even more fun desu.
It's not like that's stopping you from picking Hazo every game anyways.
That's why I said it's wearing off.
I actually heard some normie talking about this place like it was the old days a few days back, saying how he can't "use this site" on a public connection lol so it still exists to some extent. I expect early 2020s to be the turning point where this place isn't "a kinda better reddit" and instead just becomes the damn beast.
>watch a competitive match on twitch
>team consists of 4 engineers and 2 lucios
>they stomp on attack, defense, and koth
what a creative meta
they are all on their containment board /r9k/
>note: no king of the hill data
>lucio down
>winston down
>mei bottom
Wonder why
>YOU are losing your team the game.
Jesus fucking Christ, you autists
Here's a secret
Just pick a hero you enjoy, and enjoy the fucking game.
Oh, but you're a pathetic little child who needs to "win" in online games to give some sense of pathetic "achievement" to your worthless liveS?
Tough shit. Most people aren't like that, so most people play games for fun. Don't like it? Fuck off to Dota2 with the rest of the losers
Not really, but you are right that two McRees does pretty much put some characters out of the game.
yeah, but at least I won't have to listen to people whine about it
>wow, look at that chart!
>I'm gonna pick Lucio because all the pros use him so it will for sure help my epic k/d
>team comp is 2 gengis, 2 hanzos, widowmaker and bastion
You are literally hurting your team by picking the characters pros use if you queue in any less than a 6 man group with mics
>The problem is that McCree is a hard counter to all other characters
Balance issues do not necessarily relate to picks in the competitive meta, though for obvious reasons it can encourage certain picks.
It is just inevitable that certain characters will get picked more than others.
>uuuugh hurr tier lists din't mean shit in pubs
Yes they fucking do.
No matter how you spin it. McCree still beats everyone in close quarters and murders tanks with a double fan. Widow still dominates on far range and can just fuck off the moment she notices or hears Tracer/Winston/Reaper. Zenyatta still gets destroyed with single shots and is the worst healing potential in the game.
You or your enemies not being good enough to abuse all these advantages/disadvantages does not mean shit.
Picking Tolbjorn or Mei is akin to taking a knife to a gunfight. You may win SOMETIMES due to random factors or enemy's sheer incompetence but you are still being a shitter who brigs down whole team.
>Wow. I just lost the game for myself and five other people but it was sure fun playing this character xD
>Pubstomp heroes like Mei and Bastion are only lowtier against pro teams.
Mei is low tier by virtue of her being bad Mcree on all possible fronts and by huge margins other than her health bar, which is only relevant if there's a sniper and therefor is not relevant because they both fuck Snipers up.
Bastion is low tier at all levels of play unless he has a pocket Reinardt and a pocket Mercy, which isn't Bastion being strong, it's Reinhardt and Mercy. The same Mercy could be giving a Widow Bodyshot Armageddon and the same Reinhardt could be disrupting the enemy team while that is happening and have far greater impact than merely forcing the enemy team to double reinhardt and coordinate the fire strike.
Name one single character that Mcree cannot delete.
There literally is not one
I understand your sentiment but desu lucio is almost always a decent pick.
Counting for an individual team. If your team doesn't have at least 1 mercy or McFag on the team you straight up lose the game. Good game Blizzard.
And this is why you will never achieve anything in your life and will die an anonymous nobody that nobody ever heard of or cared about
Im tired of all that super serious competitive shit ruining all the fucking games.
C9 picks Tolbjorn and stacks their team with him and consistently win games.
You are retarded or just baiting.
Meta is fucking everything, it's not just which characters are played but how they are played, common synergies etc. You are meant to switch characters constantly to new situations being thrown up, the characters were specifically designed to be situational. If the tactics employed by the teams in that tournament are not being used in your game (so in other words it's a typical Quick Play game), you are free to use all the characters hard countered out by those tactics. This is basic shit.
No people will still whine about how you pick Hanzo and can't do shorn with him.
Mei doesn't get picked in anything competitive because Mei is honestly pretty weak. She's just fucking annoying.
also I think Mei and Bastion are good just situational.
Hanzo and Zenyatta are bad. Reaper and TJ are overshadowed. Dva is bad. Symettra and Zenyatta are overly nerfed and should just be reverted to beta status. 50 shields, orbs w/o LoS.
Point dps characters need to be built for the game, flankers need to not be released for awhile. Support position needs real choice. Main tanks need real choice, though off tanks feel pretty solid. Sniper, Builder and Flanker should all be seperate classes from the 4 we have now.
We have all these heroes on our 6 man group. I have a positive win rate
just like 99% of humanity ever has or ever will
at least I'm in good company
Zarya shuts him down pretty well.
This isn't really relevant to pub games other than the obvious overpowered/underpowered heroes.
A Soldier 76 can wreck shit in pub games due to teams not being supported well and he is self sufficient. Roadhog is similar. They both tend to do very well as they don't really need people backing them up and they will wreck the other team if they are not being backed up. Other heroes will perform better if there is teamwork though.
>It's super competitive and serious, their's pro matches and a vibrant meta.
>check out the game
>tickrate of 20
>horrible netcode
>lag compensation
Please tell me that people thinking this game is super competitive is a meme.
>Playing Overwatch competitively
Fully blown autism
>Players discovering which characters are strong or weak so that Blizzard might get off their lazy ass and fix it is ruining the game!
Fuck off.
I don't get it
These tiier lists are literally irrelevant unless you're playing in tournaments. Why are they getting spammed all over the place?
>And this is why you will never achieve anything in your life and will die an anonymous nobody that nobody ever heard of or cared about
Yeah because winning in an online game is that fucking serious...
Sup Forums is the biggest containment board on this site next to Sup Forums. There's a reason why every other board sends it's shitposters over to Sup Forums aka Sup Forums2.0
You know how mobile games can be boring, despite a constant barrage of flashing lights and colors saying how you're winning? Well, games can be fun, despite being told you're losing all the time.
it's not, but it should be
What you're talking about is cripplechan m8.
the problem with the meta right now is each team needs too many things at once. Multiple supports, a tank or two, someone to do damage behind the tank. 80% of comps are mercy luc rhino mcree widow and a friend. Playing with homies sucks when everyone wants to be flexable
The same reason Sup Forums thrives on fucking collages, because they are easy to spread around to annoy and mislead people. It looks authoritative to idiots because it's a chart.
No she doesn't. She can survive one round of fan that doesn't mean she does well.
>Soldier 76
>Not fucking great
He's pretty solid on all ranges, does great damage, can heal self and the team and his ulti is good for clearing sites.