Holy shit this game is great why the hate?

Holy shit this game is great why the hate?

Plotwise and character development wise is clearly way better than RE5,RE4 and pretty much any of them besides maybe the first one or 2.
Gameplay is superior too.

I wish I bought it when it first came out so I could properly enjoy Mercenaries with an active online.

RE5 was a fuck ton of fun when it was active. Loved jumping into random co-op sessions and several hours worth of Mercenaries pre-Gold edition.

Ah, the daily RE6 shillposter is back I see. About time you resumed making these threads, OP.

Leon and jake campaign were fun.

I dropped the game once I entered Chris's campaign

It no longer was re

Gameplay is the only thing is has going for it. Plot is no different then previous games 4 had at least memorable villains and. Character wise what development they introduce 3 new characters and besides Jake and possibly Helena what development did Pierce get?

Simmonds and Carla are the worst, shitty bad guys ever
Simmonds just wants Ada but she said no, and Carla came closer to destroying the world than Wesker and he was THE big bad plotting this for a while
It's shit, and you're shit; only good things about it are the controls and mercenaries
Just shut up already

sure the gameplay mechanics themselves are pretty polished, but the level design is so fucking bad it brings the game down heavily

Pirated it, hated it. Mercs looked fun, I'd pay 5 bucks or so for it if it was still alive.

They should make RE6 its own IP and develop off that separately while RE7 goes back to the classic formula

Also the inventory management in the game can go to hell.

Just got this and RE5 is more active than 6 for some reason, thought I can usually get some games in both.
Playing on PS3 though.


This game had some really great villains and set pieces.
Some of the best in the franchise.

4 had Ashley the worst character in the franchise.

>why the hate?
I could go into a very long explanation why. But nobody cares.

But the gameplay was nice..too bad you pretty much had to figure out everything on your own. And the main campaigns were unsuited to the gameplay.

Who wanna be Ada and Simmons? Also Ashley was only with you for a few sections in the game Leon is usually on his own in 4. Plus nothing in 6 comes close to fighting it or the Krauzer battle.

Yo....you guys like me though right?

>way better than 4 plotwise
>when RE6 takes its retarded story completely seriously
This is bait


Go away dsp. It's uncharted with zombies, i quit playing this very early in Leon's story and let my friend play through this abomination by himself.

Yes, i loved this game, it was so fuckin fun


No one bit a vocal minority wants that. Just go look at the remake sale data vs the 5 and 6 remaster.

You're back? I thought you got discouraged and left because everyone laughed at you.

It's a good game, just not a good resident evil game.

Shit b8


I do!

Played it with a friend. Too fucking mediocre, even like that.

I didn't give two shits about the horrible story, but the gameplay was piss poor. QTEs up the ass, some of the worst bosses in a RE game, no weapon customization of any kind (we got those retarded skills instead). The most it has going for it is the presentation.

i only got the first episode from the humble bundle man it left me on a cliff hanger. i plan on buying the full game during the summer sale though.