Why does this company attract the worst posters on both ends? Anti-posters are more obnoxious now
Is it because it is now an easy target and that people have forgotten Microsoft exists?
Why does this company attract the worst posters on both ends? Anti-posters are more obnoxious now
The 3ds catalogue has been underwhelming for many people who enjoyed the gba and nds.
Same with the wii u. Seems like nintendo's consoles are riding too much on nintendo games rather than quality 3rd party games, tho that isnt a big issue.
Censorship isnt that big of a deal, but it is an indicator of nintendo willing to give up certain things whichbhardcore fans or weaboos enjoy for the sake of the wider audience.
Overall the hate is understandable, but in the context of nintendo to be more competitive and win back marketshare in a sony dominated market, i understand nintendos decisions.
The thing is half the Criticisms are just shitposts. Of course NOA deserves hate, but look around you. Do you count those as critism?
>worst fanboys
>not sonyggers
now i wonder who could be behind this post
Paper mario
There is no one company that attracts more shitposters from both ends. Sup Forums is a collective shithole of biased fanboys and contrarians for everything.
Read: both ends
It's the only company that does enough different shit to allow everyone to shit around. Sony is boring to talk about because the biggest thing they did was adding paid online. Microsoft just straight up fucked up in the beginning and is painfully trying to repair itself.
It's also the only company with IPs almost everyone is invested in. The whole thing is retarded anyway because everyone thinks they are right and have that idea that is "so easy to implement" and "will save the company".
Just imagine a bunch of nostalgia ridden armchair businessman throwing shit at eachother
>Anti-posters are more obnoxious now
>never mind that they wouldn't post so often if they opposite extreme didn't feel obligated to reply
Because I usted to like them. But they keep pulling out bullshit moves, one after another, and their games lost the magic. And as a euro sony catters to me more han them
Can you define 'lost their magic'?
It means "I grew up and no longer like games targeted at 10 year olds".
Paper mario
That is just one game
Are you generalizing?
You are part of the the worst fanbase, nintenboy.
>b-but muh poll
Anyone not being here for the first day knows that nintenfanboys are the biggest shitposters.
As a euro nintedo for me= handhelds
And their handhelds are worst now. They never topped GBA. Ds managed to hold because it has third party support. Nintendo games one it were pretty average at best. 3ds is the ds without said dupport and even worst games. It's a monhun machine, simple as that. Then you learn about the censorship, regiĆ³n lock etc and you get angry
PCucks are the worst desu.
Majority of them are just nintendofanboys hiding behind PC, just like they were hiding behind the 360 at the beggining of last gen.
they divested rare, invested in motion controls and now care more about selling toys instead of games.
noa almost handed sega a win for the 16-bit generation single-handedly because of retarded censorship policies and everyone currently at noa is too fucking new to remember it.
that about sum it up for you?
>noa almost handed sega a win for the 16-bit generation
They are just little kids, they can't help it
>mfw those muh 60fps sluts
like I understand why you want 60fps and I love 60fps gameplay but when the game engine is not designed for it and it causes tons of glitches, physics start getting wonky then fuck off immediately.
And I always hear the same argument of the developers don't know how to program but if they didn't know how to program, they wouldn't even be working on games to begin with.
>I hate Nintendrones but don't you think anti-Nintendrones are worse
fuck off cuck
You dont remember Mortal Kombat and Doom?
But the 3ds can play DS games
This makes it the best handheld in my books
I don't think you know what it means
Anyway just look around. Tell me which side is shitposting more
Which fanbase has Ruggarell support?
>mfw you pretend to know what you're talking about but spout complete and utter shit
Show me one example of them shitposting to another example of Sonyggers shitposting
I'll wait
And why are the polls invalidated suddenly?
Your mother
>Show me one example of them shitposting to another example of Sonyggers shitposting I'll wait.
I dont have to show anything. If you were here longer than the first day you would know that nintendo fanboys (like you) are the worst by far.
>And why are the polls invalidated suddenly?
Because Sup Forums is riddled with butthurt nintendo fanboys?
No wonder my mother is always angry. Micropenises are a shame.
>Show me one example of them shitposting
This literally just happened. Nintendo fans spammed two FF 12 hd threads to death when the initial announcement was just made.
>And as a euro sony catters to me more han them
Yeah I bet they do you FIFA loving fuck
3DS has the best library of games ever. It is literally the best nintendo handheld unless you hate games.
>Nintendo fans show support when their company offers a great E3
>Something Sony fans and Microsoft fans can never do because they never had a great E3
When they fucked up in 2015, we made sure to let them know, too. Just look at the dislikes on Federation Force. There's nothing wrong with giving positive/negative feedback to a company to let them know they did well/they fucked up. But by the filename, I know you're too young to remember that 2014 Treehouse wasn't known to be censorhappy.
Since the start of this gen shitposting has gotten a lot worse due to the influx of kiddie Sony fans. We can't even discuss anything anymore without shitposting.
At least last gen we had MS and Nintendo fans agreeing and discussing games together but Sony fans remain the most cancerous fanbase on Sup Forums that hates video games and just buying them because they're "cool" and never playing them.
This tbqh.
>Something Sony fans and Microsoft fans can never do because they never had a great E3
And here is another example how nintenfanboys are the worst.
>Anti-posters are more obnoxious now
Found the treehouse employee
how goes the damage control?
Nintendofans are the worst by far.
This, Nintendo fans are mature and are sure to let Nintendo know when they make a mistake.
Look at Sony's fans where they praise and defend their company no matter what mistakes they've made, it's pretty sickening to see this amount of fanboyism for insane sony fans.
Tell me about it.
>Celebrating the FFXII remake
>Some ass hurt sony faggot is shitting the thread up posting nothing but but golden face edits while the rest of us are letting our hype gush a bit.
By far the most obnoxious fanbase there is, and they wonder why people hate them.
>2014 Treehouse wasn't known to be censorhappy.
And when did they do a complete 180 and started censorsing games? Right when you began to support them. They were ready to censor games immediately, they just needed the back up of their fans to do it.
Sony won the last 2 E3's and look at ''This is how you share your games on PS4'' video. They will win this E3 again as well.
or maybe I'm not a fan of shallow chibi rpgs giving me eye cancer
>Look at Sony's fans where they praise and defend their company no matter what mistakes they've made
Holy fuck lmao, it's asif you completely skipped over the thousands of posts that've rained down since literally defending censorship and NOA localization
You can stop samefagging any time now, nobody is gonna fall for it.
It isn't everyone though, literally any negative even if valid discussion attempt of uncharted or Bloodborne is always met with
>never ever
Not occasionally, always
You can stop being asshurt now.
I'd post a screenshot showing I'm not samefagging but you'd just disregard it and claim I edited it because you're so far gone in your paranoid world.
The reactions to that event are a great case of anti-skub
>Stuck with Nintendo all my life
>Realize Nintendo is slurping shit in recent years
>Criticize Nintendo's current direction
>It isn't everyone though
Good point, the same can be said about Sony fans too. The thing is the criticism of Uncharted was never driven constructively, Uncharted fans wern't even able to have a civil discussion thread until 3 weeks after release because every thread was raided and flooded with crysis and arma screenshots.
Of course they wont accept crticism when every post is calling the posts are more interested in calling them a sonygger and shitposting the game rather than wanting to talk about it reasonably
>when it's a false flag, it's always the nintendrone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nintendo won 2014.
That's why 2015 was such a dissapointement
I think part of the problem, people grow jaded when someone or something is constantly prodded, especially unfairly, so it just grows bitterness and resentment, causing people to snap back.
>I think part of the problem, people grow jaded when someone or something is constantly prodded, especially unfairly, so it just grows bitterness and resentment, causing people to snap back.
Exactly, its just a really shitty cycle all around. As a Nintendo fan though, if there is a censorship thread you kind of know just to avoid it, nothing good comes of it and you can just go find a kirby, 3ds or smash/kart thread and have fun and chat but for people or perhaps idorts like myself who like Sony vidiya as well, unless its obscure ps1/2 stuff, its pointless because 90% of the time it will be complete and utter shitposting lmao its ridiculous
"fuck nintendo" isn't a criticism. Not that I'd know what you said, but just pointing out most of Sup Forums are clueless on what actual criticisms are anymore.
Sounds like the problem isn't Nintendo then, it's Sup Forums.
The WiiU was a mistake.
Its because modern Nintendo is gutter trash and attracts the lowest common denominator (autists, furries, tumblrinas)
That makes them easy pickings for everyone. Yes people rag on Nintoddlers a lot but people ironically shitpost against Nintendo while Nintoddlers are dumb enough to believe the refuse they post.
>Is it because it is now an easy target and that people have forgotten Microsoft exists?
I'd say so, yes.
Don't get the wrong, Nintendo's gone full wack-job lately, but Sup Forums seems to always need some unanimous evil to shitpost about, which currently is basically Nintendo. If Microsoft was still relevant we'd see more shitposting about them, but you see almost nothing about Microsoft on here since it simply doesn't get (You)s - shitposters see no reason to post unless it gets them (You)s.
I guess that means Nintoddlers lose their Sonygger card because they play it daily.
>Anti-posters are more obnoxious now
lol fuck off
>anti-sjws are worse than sjws
>anti-christians are worse than chrisitans
When will this retardery end?
Microsoft was never NOT what it was
>lol fuck off
This isn't helping your case
Because only literal man children could like Nintendo. They are the bronies of the Sup Forumsidya world.
Ask yourself, do you know a SINGLE Nintendo fan who isn't a degenerate/neckbeard? Didn't think so.
The only reason anti-Nintendo shitposters are obnoxious right now is to make up for all of pic related posts. Now that Nintendo are getting BLOWN THE FUCK OUT left right center the Nintencucks suddenly can't handle it.
Face it, they shitpost everyone.
>They shitpost Sonyggers when it suits them (HURR, NO GAEMS, ENJOY YOUR MATYOORE EXCLUSIVES)
>They shitpost Xbots when it suits them (HURR, AT LEAST THE WII U ISN'T AS SHIT AS THE XBOX ONE)
>They even shitpost other Nintendocucks (FUCKING HANDHELD FAGS)
They're complete cancer and always ride of the coat tails off whatever fanbase is currently getting the least shit thrown at them
>PS4 + Wii U best combo. Sony and Nintendo exclusives all in one!
>PS4 + PC best combo. nintendo exclusives and PC for multiplat!
They are the true cancer on Sup Forums and the source of the majority of the shitposts. When they're not falseflagging or deflecting to "muh Sony boogeyman" they are jerking it off to underage Squidporn like the degenerate losers that they all are.
Throw in the fact that the Sup Forums mods are LITERAL Nintendocucks in disguise (I NEVER get banned on Sup Forums unless I shitpost against Nintendo. Not when I shitpost against PC, PS4 or Xbox One, never am I banned but dare I say something about Nintendo? LEL, 3 DAY BAN) and Nintendo fanboys are OBJECTIVELY the worst fan base on Sup Forums
They primarily aim their games to children, so it attracts the worst sort of people, like the fanbases for most cartoons these days.
>how to spot the anti-everything poster
There has been nothing but anti-Nintendo shitposting for the past months, and it's really fucking obnoxious since it's all up in your face everyday. The company's been shit since e3 2015, but none of you faggots are giving any legitimate criticism. Instead, you regurgitate the same shitposts like "fuck Neo-Ninten xD" and "m-muh nostalgia Nintendo was better back then and I won't say why ;((((."
Anti-Nintendofags are just jilted former fans and Nintendofags are delusional.
Welcome to Sup Forums, now it's your turn.
Sonyfags has gotten shitposted to death over the past 10 years (see the memes that were created to made fun of sony) while Nintendo was worshiped about everything they did. Now Sony is on the top again and Nintendo is at their worst. Now it's Nintendo's turn to get shitposted to death like every new console generation where one console rises and another falls.
With the PS4's sales not only rising at higher than PS2 levels, there's barely any shitposts you can do to stop most of Sup Forums from buying it. In a few years there will be nothing but pro Sony posts due to people getting it for games while anti Nintendo will be at their high. Enjoy your ride because it's the cycle of shitposting on Sup Forums.
hope its pasta
So why exactly is a war being waged about this?