You looking forward to this year's games Wii U bros?
You looking forward to this year's games Wii U bros?
I only bought my Wii U a couple of months ago and still have alot of games to get. So far I have SMM, Splatoon, MK8 and Kirby. I'm planning on getting NSMBU and Nintendo Land next plus some more controllers for multiplayer fun.
>he actually plays games, instead of shitposting 24/7; that means he must be a shill!!11!
The Wii U has a pretty decent back catalogue of vidya, so if you've never owned one it's probably and OK purchase at the right price. It definitely isn't a console you buy for upcoming games though, since it's now completely dead. I'll pick one up in a year or so when the price comes down.
>bought a couple months ago
That doesn't count. I've owned mine a year after launch and I played everything.
actually i'm looking forward to the up and coming Smash Wii U modding scene
>Mighty No.9 is he best game on WiiU
Loled hard.
>kissing the cap
ha, gay
I swear if these games turn out to be overhyped trash like every past PS4 exclusive i'll be pissed as hell.
>The Last Guardian
>t-t-this time for sure
Oh come the fuck on, how can you be THIS delusional?
It is coming out.
Stay mad, nigger.
They have been showing lots of footage and previews the last few days and they confirmed it's coming this year.
>tfw you will never get to play Splashy Duck
Hold me bros
There's like more games coming out for Vita in the next month than for the Wii U this entire year.
>Not owning a PS4 and a Wii U
It's like you hate video games
Whilst i refuse to get hyped until it's in my hands, the fact that there is a build with playable sections out there gives me hope.
I forgot I owned a Wii U, lol.
Okay. Whatever makes you sleep better.
>Mfw Nintendo announced the end of their consoles lives would have a content drought
I feel like some of the best games of a consoles life usually come out around this time. Unless the NX lineup they are delaying the launch of and ditching the WiiU and 3DS for is the stuff of legends I am for real done with Nintendo. This gen was actually really good for fun games but fuck the shit they've started to pull at the end of it. RIP in peace Iwata.
Once I see how the PS4.5 plays out and it gets enough games I want I'll buy one. I got burned by buying a Vita early and now I stick to my rule, if I buy Sony console I buy them late into the gen so I actually consistently have games to play. If that never happens I'll just stick with my PC and old console for the time being, I still have quite a few WiiU, 3DS, and Vita games to play.
The fact that they already have playable builds only means it is coming out.
Stop being so upset about games.
>>Not owning a PS4 and a Wii U
>MFW i hacked it and can play every Wii U game i want
Feels good, i will play Zelda and Notendo won't get any cent from me
Sony's entire E3 2015 can be summed up by that one game.
I already own PS4 and 4(four) fucking games, and Soulsborne is not one of them. I'm as desperate for new _games_ on PS4 as anyone.
I simply can't believe that this time Sony won't fuck their customers with TLG like they fucked them how many times already.
If Starfox Guard had Mario Maker quality level making and sharing it would be a fantastic package. Still decent all things considered.
>mfw did this too but also bout my wiiu preowned so ninty didn't even get money for the console
WiiU finally getting minecraft!
it can be summed up by watching reaction videos to that game being shown finally, FF7 remake announcement, or Shenmue 3 announcement.
any one of those 3 things alone was enough to make it "win" for most people who had any idea what any of those games were.
Which has a more promising line up?
Dreamcast or WiiU?
The duck game for Wii U when?
>goes into passive aggressive minirant instead of answering the goddamn question
Sasuga shill-sama
The 'question' was
>actually plays games
Said the kid who missed every notable title on a Nintendo platform
>You looking forward to this year's games Wii U bros?
>Um ACTUALLY it's not 100% like X so you're wrong!
Keep sliding shill
Let me borrow your games senpai.
nah, though luckily the games i played it on already were great.
will probably get a PS4 when it gets good exclusives.
until that gonna be playing on PC