Is there a fanbase in all of video games that has it worse than us? And no, before you start whining you retarded metroid fans, fuck off, youve had years and years of great games we only have 2. There's even hope for a good metrioid in the future but if color splash flops (which it will) we'll never get another entry period and even if we did itd be another sticker star.
Is there a fanbase in all of video games that has it worse than us? And no...
>we only have 2
Fuck you fuck this thread SPM was my favorite
then you have awful, garbage pale taste. its gameplay was arguably worse than sticker star
>b-b-but muh story
no. fuck off. literal OC DONUT STEAL characters riddled throughout a poorly designed world with gimmicks out the ass and broken boss battles. Kill yourself.
Off the top of my head:
>Metal Slug
>Mega Man
>Breath of Fire
>Silent Hill
none of those have it WORSE than paper mario fans.
Mega man fans have it worse. Sticker star is bad and the new game looks terrible but Nintendo isn't pretending it's thousand year door 2 only to cancel it and all other Mario games in development.
Megaman fans haven't got shit since outside of some terrible ports. Then the MN9 fiasco happened. That shitty mega man cartoon where he's a student with a secret identity and has a mini me was just announced 2 weeks ago.
I dunno, but I find it hard to find a fanbase in all of video games that's worse than the obnoxious Paper Mario fanbase.
It's really easy actually. Just look at Overwatch, Undertale or any MOBA or MMO
Hell if you step outside of vidya you'll easy find worse fanbases on Sup Forums and /trash/ like Steven Universe and Gravity Falls
F-Zero hasn't had a console release in 13 years.
Metal Slug hasn't had a game top the first four. Sequels were rushed or failed experiments, went mobile. Anniversary title was a sequel to the mobile tower defense game.
Conker got one game, a censored remake with removed content, the sequel was put on hold until Microsoft would ask for it, the creator would have killed him off in the sequel anyway, he became a DLC asset for Microsoft's Garry's Mod which died in two years and wasn't even finished, and now he's used to promote bad AR.
I don't think I need to even explain what happened to Mega Man.
Breath of Fire is now mobile.
Silent Hill has some Mega Man syndrome.
>Mega Man
Devs not listening to fans and constantly fucking them over isn't exclusive to Mario, pal.
You sound like the Internet equivalent of the faggot who tells someone how much worse their own life is while the other person is trying to vent frustration.
Several of those franchises he mentioned have it worse.
At least they enjoy things.
When you stop enjoying something and in becomes clear the creators have no intention of appealing to you again, you don't kick and scream until they hopefully listen, you move on.
>two of the best RPGs of all time
>Mario RPG and Mario and Luigi play just like it
Fuck off.
>Steven Universe
>Gravity Falls
THOSE are the fanbases you choose to rag on? Really? Not MLP, Hetalia, or Homestuck? You clearly have no idea what a bad fanbase looks like.
My bad, I forgot about Pocket Tales. So did everyone else.
Maybe not worse, but Crash Bandicoot.
funny thing is that you described TTYD with that too except for the boss battle bit. 64 is the only true good one
>Mario and Luigi play just like it
Confirmed to have never played either of those games.
I think the fanbase of an idea that got split into two separate series, one doing its own thing and becoming a bit stagnant due to playing it too safe while the other shit the bed with abrupt experimentation.
>>Mario RPG and Mario and Luigi play just like it
Kill yaself my dude. SMRPG is basically final fantasy: mushroom kingdom edition and M&L has shit gameplay.
They're both RPGs with active battles.
TTYD had the same charm as 64 with worse wold design and a better battle system. They're different but equal in their own ways. Both have detractors and both have positives over the other.
>At least they enjoy things.
They enjoy shitposting and acting like manchildren online, that's about it.
>you don't kick and scream until they hopefully listen
Except that's literally what they do.
MLP and Homestuck are bad sure.
But SU fans are composed of sociopath children who launch smear campaigns or worse on people who do such terrible things as
>draw something they don’t like
>ship something they don’t like
>exist in a way they don’t like
>do literally nothing, but someone doesn’t like them
It literally keeps getting worse, to the point it’s bleeding into the real world with shit like the SU fandom review bombing actual businesses for le funny meme and violent crazies getting more and more brazen with the fact they’re launching these harassment campaigns on other people in the fandom due to personal distaste than any real ‘offense’ committed.
If you don't think that's encapsalates the absolute worst fanbases, then YOU HAVE CLEARLY NO IDEA WHAT A BAD FANBASE LOOKS LIKE.
homestuck's fanbase overlaps with undertale's fanbase so your point is moot.
why do fanbases keep getting worse?
like, people argue that you should just ignore them but that’s becoming an increasingly less realistic option as more and more fandoms have gone from ‘annoying’ to ‘intolerable’ to ‘toxic’ to ‘violent and toxic’ to ‘actually, literally criminal’ and it gets worse with each new thing. i fucking shudder at whatever is going to come after steven universe and undertale, they’ll be sending bombs in the mail and shit.
Who knew fans of Mario RPGs were so elitist? How the fuck do you get elitist over baby's first JRPG?
Ask competitive Pokemon players.
I loved Sticker Star, it was different but still very enjoyable. If they make something different, you cry, if they make a copy / pasta of TTYD, you will also cry, no matter what they do, they're fucked.
>It's a "Paper Mario fans are totally this unreasonable and super elitist. Except it's really just falsflagging hi/v/emind retards that feel the need to parrot themselves into the echo chamber" Episode.
Sticker star was bad, not for being an action platforming rpg, but forgetting the rpg part. Sticker star has great potential and just came short with the execution.
Paper mario has already shown it can be a great hybrid game in the form of super paper mario.
Kill yourselves.
Same. It could've been better, sure, but it was fun for what it was.
>Paper mario has already shown it can be a great hybrid game in the form of super paper mario.
Based user
RPG fans in general are fucking elitist , just look at any SMTfag.
>Paper mario has already shown it can be a great hybrid game in the form of super paper mario.
Super Paper Mario is not that, it's RPG Mechanics are non-existent and it's platforming is terrible.
Only the story redeems that failure.
i'm honestly glad Metroid doesn't have a RPG spinoff seeing how most RPG fans at.
everybody's so fucking split to each other
>it's a "fandom/fanbase" discussion
>being part of one at all
Metroid fans are in a similar position by being split between the 2D & 3D games though.
It's a very hard battle between PMfags and Metroidfags.
Who are the most whiny, autistic and annoying fans? Decisions, decisions.
>first game on PSP/3DS is somewhat shallow but solid and clearly had a lot of love over its three year dev time
>second game heavily improves combat and all mechanics but despite that love still being there was clearly rushed out the door in a year's time, framerate is total shit despite same graphics level even on the Vita version, dungeons are literally presented like a board game though at least they're better designed
>third game strips and dumbs down all the customization aspects, makes a genre jump to an RTS hybrid, strips RPG overworld entirely, game structure is super repetitive, framerate issues not solved at all, middle fingers fans who followed it on PSP/Vita
>third game was also presented as the start of a second saga in the series even with its tagline, but the series just ended there
>in Japan the first game had TWO updated re-releases in less than a year, second had one in less than a year
>in the three years it was active there were six releases and three were just updated re-releases
>this cannabalized game sales as everyone just expected an updated re-release, especially after the CEO said they wouldn't do one for the second because they knew it angered people with the first, but did do an updated port to 3DS anyways
>only the first game was localized and had no effort put into advertising so it sold like shit and there is no word on the sequel
>developer has pretty much completely forgotten about the series since the third one
Stopped reading right there
>If I follow the hi/v/emind enough, maybe I can become a part of it!!!
>SPM is the one that had a "good story" right? I should just keep parroting that while calling everything else shit, perfect!
It's painful to see this. It's painful to see how much Sup Forums has become a shitty echo chamber.
The rpg mechanics were just right for a hybrid. Killing enemies yields exp, that exp turns into levels, those levels turn into stat increases. Perfect.
The platforming was fine, and ultimately fun.
Metroid discussion is pretty peaceful and not split with elitists outside Sup Forums tbqh
Well maybe if SOMEONE didn't make a divide in the first place, we wouldn't be having this discussion
Metroid discussion devolves into retarded horny 15 year Olds posting zero suit Samus and role playing with a faggot.
Nice try. Nothing can be discussed on Sup Forums.
>Have a similar gripe as everyone else
>"Y-you're just being a parrot! It's not like those arguments exist because they're actually there!"
Next you'll say I'm a parrot for thinking Melee is overrated.
name one popular nintendo fanbase that not autistic and annoying
>it's a common complaint, I'll dismiss it
So going by your horrendously biased logic and reasoning, Sticker Star is a flawless game.
>but forgetting the rpg part
I'm sorry, what was that? That sounded like something out of Sup Forums's shitty echo chamber. How about you come up with something original?
You're being a twat.
>Metroid discussion devolves into retarded horny 15 year Olds posting zero suit Samus and role playing with a faggot.
i don't see any of this in /vr/'s, /m/'s, Sup Forums's, or hell even /8/v's Metroid discussion outside Sup Forums
try harder, senpai
Best Paper Mario character
>ZSS ecchi and hentai dumps
>Bitching between Super and Prime fans
>Bitching between Super and Fusion fans
>Circlejerking and crying about muh evil nintendo
They are terrible.
>Is there a fanbase in all of video games that has it worse than us?
As a Paper Mario fan: there are plenty.
Now stop being a faggot.
>The platforming was fine, and ultimately fun
The platforming was dull and areas were pretty bare. I feel like they should've removed Pixls and given each character more interesting abilities that were balanced around the locations and bosses to discourage "switch to peach-bomb-parasol"
Most of us had it worse, anons already listed dozens of other franchises gone to shit, grow up faggot.
The fuck is peach bomb parasoul? Why would you not just use floaty and bowser?
Oh wait, almost like there was many different ways to play the game.
WOW... WOAH....... WOAH!
>why not just use overpowered Pixl and-
See the problem?
OP, I'm as pissed as any sperglord about Sticker Star & Color Splash since the first 2 games are my favorite games in general but don't be that faggot trying to compare fandoms by saying one has it worse than the next. All of them are going through shit & at the end of the day all fans are disappointed their favorite games aren't what they used to be. Move on or at the very least wait for the next game to confirm if the series is a lost cause.
I mostly used Luigi and the hammer Pixl myself. Options are nice.
That's kind of the problem with SS, actually.
>it's a NO CRITICISM faggot defends his favorite game that was in reality just okay gameplay-wise and it kind of contributed to Sticker Star thanks to feedback
Megaman fans also have hundreds of games to play, not just two.
I'd put up with the pointless sticker battles if we got partners and cute stories back.
>this 12 year old series with 4 (5) games with a spin-off appearance has it so much worse than 20+ year franchises that went to shit and got worse over a period of time longer than Paper Mario's existence
you're being silly
My favorite game ever is Paper Mario The thousand year Door. I play it once every year, since it's release.
Stop being a fucking faggot. Super paper mario was fun. Sticker star had fantastic potential, but ultimately had too many flaws.
Color splash has the chance to fix the problems sticker star had. BUT NO. CAN'T HAVE ANY HOPE. LE STICKER STAR 2. XD MUH TOADS. PAPER MARIO IS DEEEAAADDDDDD.
It really makes me sad to know I share such a fan base with raving retards who would sooner proclaim a game dead on arrival before waiting to play it.
I didn't even like SPM at first, but it quickly grew on me when I stopped looking at it through my biased glasses.
>That shitty mega man cartoon where he's a student with a secret identity and has a mini me was just announced 2 weeks ago.
While it does sound unappealing, Sonic Boom was a good cartoon surprisingly, or at the very least, tons better then the game.
>Color splash has the chance to fix the problems sticker star had.
It won't though, the majority of people's problems with it are from the gameplay which from the trailers it seems it hasn't been fixed at all.
I'd put up with no stories and no partners if we had fun gameplay with lots of customization and options and variety back.
>all the inputs for SS action commands are just "A"
>>Circlejerking and crying about muh evil nintendo
>"Behead those that criticize Tanabe and Sakamoto faults in Metroid!"
kys nintendrone faggot
>when I stopped looking at it through my biased glasses
>anyone who says the platforming was less than perfect is a shitposting hivemind
Yeah, no
You're not playing the victim with this shit
>Super paper mario was fun
It's not the "perfect" mix of RPG mechanics and platforming you're making it out to be though.
Before you have a fit, I'm not calling it bad.
The problem with ss gameplay is that there was none.
Once you got burnt out on battles, all you had to do was run because winning battles yielded zero benefits, ultimately making the game have very little gameplay.
If they can fix the idea of no exp/coins only, and they can fix boss fights being not tedious trash, then color splash has a very good chance of being a great game.
Is paper mario the undertale of nintendo? They seem to share the exact same demographic of underaged tumblr children that are easily amused by wacky, two dimensional characters and very simple gameplay.
Very few of them seem to have experience with other RPGs or videogames in general in addition to this. Why is that Sup Forums?
>Color splash has the chance to fix the problems sticker star had BUT WACKY CAPS LOCK ALL THE NAYSAYERS ARE IDIOTS AND SILLY IT'S COMPLETELY DIFFERENT
So basically, OP is looking for
>series with O N E (1) game
>that was released 25 years ago
>that has a massive cult following that's still going strong to this day
>has had multiple cockteases since for a sequel
>but finally gets one announced and is worse than any game ever made prior
>a sequel so bad that literally every fan commits mass genocide in their city/town
>but still sells enough copies to warrant annual rehashing
>Is paper mario the undertale of nintendo?
PM isn't a shitty Mother-like or an inferior Dragon Quest clone (Mother) so no.
Adding EXP and better bosses won't be enough.
What made the first games do appealing to most people were the customization options and the partners. And I doubt they'll bring back either of those.
>Is X the X of X?
It would be nice if they transferred to more of a deck-based battle system with instead of every attack being consumable, and maybe a mana system with the paint mechanic that you have to plan and build your deck around. That would be really cool.
But I doubt they'll do that.
>Paper Mario is only good with partners. Anything that isn't a carbon copy of the first two games is automatic trash.
I'm out.
what the fuck is it with nintendo fans and complaining about literally every single game nintendo makes?
>wah wah metroid is shit
>wah wah make a proper 3d mario
>wah wah paper mario is shit
>wah wah smash doesnt have my favorite character
do you guys like ANYTHING?
>Being a dumbfuck who doesn't understand how variables work.
>Is paper mario the paper mario of paper mario.
Go back to school, please.
Who the hell are you quoting?
Paper Mario is definitely the Paper Mario of Paper Mario.
actually it's "is x the y of z"
That doesn't make the shitty meme any less shit.
That's not what he said, but it's not surprising going by all the absolutely stupid assumptions you've made after SPM got even a hint of criticism.
Why do people think that having aspects the older game has makes it a carbon copy? Just expand upon those things with new ideas like a real sequel should do. It's what TTYD did after all. For example the battle system gained stylish commands, super guarding, a crowed for the stage, bingo & partners now have HP in TTYD.
The hilarious thing is that out there, people that doesn't even call themselves Nintendo fans, buy those games and actually enjoy them.
Then you have these Nintendo "fans" that go in forum and imageboards pretending their tastes are surpreme and cry Nintendo doesn't pander exclusively to them.
I legit read a post of a guy that said he only loved metroid and he didn't like all other Nintendo games. But he couldn't stop saying how Nintendo had to pander to them.
I don't disagree, I'm just trying to be helpful.
Paper Mario fans aren't mostly composed with faggots from, so no.
>a game can only be completely different or a rehash
>series already had a sequel with significant changes that didn't stray too far from the formula established in the first
Please do leave.
Silent Hill
Ape Escape
They're the same as Metroid fans. They had years of great games that had eventually run its course.
Gonna need a picture user
Nobody has it worse than Sonic fans.
>3 good games
>followed by TWO ENTIRE DECADES of pure filth
>run its course
They got one bad game and then a spin-off.
They're being the babies.
fuck you, Advance 1, Rush, and Sonic Battle is based
>arguing with psuedo-classic purists
Same deal with Mega Man, only legitimately bad games were X6 and X7. Everything else is fine.
Series is Little Battlers eXperience/Danball Senki
>They got one bad game and then a spin-off.
Other M (bombed)
Prime Pinball