What are some games that black men would enjoy?

What are some games that black men would enjoy?

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I love his face



NBA 2K16

NBA 2k16

Any game

A man as old as him should have known better

NBA 2K16


Princess Maker, so they can experience fatherhood artificially (lestthey miss out on the feeling entirely).

Bloodborne is enjoyed a lot by niggers

Saints Row IV.

It has a whole bunch of crazy powers so it'd be like shonen anime black people seem to like for some reason, as well as a bunch of running and gunning.

Why DO black guys love shonen anime like Dragon Ball Z and Naruto anyway?

You'd think so... you'd think so

This is the face of a man who has just swallowed the redpill.

Are they fixing transformations and adding beam struggles?

We wuz Krangs n shiet

Sup Forums can't you raid some other fucking board?


GTA games of course

Grand Theft Auto
Saints Row
Job Simulator
Pay Day

The image on the right reminded me of that story of that white guy that lead some online campaign to free some black guy that was arrested.

Then later on he was randomly robbed and killed by the same black guy

What African Americans need is a strong, positive role model in video games. I feel like this is the perfect game for them.


I think you tried to say welfare simulator

The GBA version is also nice when you're on a run

Literally what's going on here?

Nah you don't play games that are your life, you play games you wish were your life.

*smacks lips* mahdden *pays child support* n *loots gas station* mahvel vs cahcom 2 *breaks into a house*

On the run from the 5-0 or running to catch their dad?

t. Tyrone Johnson

Is this game good for my black son? No memeing pls.


Is there a board that slightly free of Sup Forums?
Maybe i can migrate there.

I remember reading that a zoo somewhere let the animals watch TV and recorded what channels each animal liked.

Gorillas liked sports, especially football. Apparently they really only watched it for the tackles though, they liked the physical impact.

Unrelated to this, I think African American youths would enjoy the Madden video game series.

Mywife's black lover loves this game!

farming simulator


Too late, schools out at this time in Europe.


Not even /ltgbbq/ is free of Sup Forums you retarded retard, this is Sup Forums.

>make a thread shitting on indians yesterday
>600 posts of bullying

>make a thread making fun on blacks
>half the thread is butthurt



What part of "slightly free" didn't you understand?

its not even blacks being butthurt, just white cucks being upset on their behalf

>newfag makes up boards instead of accepting the fact that Sup Forums is the most quintessential Sup Forums board
Wow, faggot.

>le what are some games meme xD
Fuck off, scum.

Princess Maker is garbage, no matter what you do they turn into prostitutes.

and many more

and then there's this nigger.jpg

Fuck off back to your shithole, bitch.


wow, no one telling anyone to go back to Sup Forums in that thread, but there's a dozen posts here doing it. whites really like coming to the defense of their black bulls

no, but there are plenty of better boards, better than Sup Forums

Well this place is full of reddit whiteknights cuckold apologits and tumbrlrinas when a thread start with racism against black they get triggered

This is Sup Forumseddit after all and a nu-male sanctuary

This nigger seems mad, better call cops

>shitting on indians yesterday

I hope they bring some videogames because there are zero vidya in this shit off-topic thread.

Real time now.

GTA San Andreas. Do you think black people actually liked that game? Or did they just get angry about it?

>pays child support


you can be a pretty hup mo didda bix nood muhfugga in elite dangerous

illicit shit and all. blacks love breaking laws.

This game is good for any of your black sons

Indians are worse than blacks thought

When will you learn?