Yooka-Laylee E3 trailer:
Release date now Q1 2017
Yooka-Laylee E3 trailer:
Release date now Q1 2017
It looks alright but feels very dated, especially compared with the likes of Ratchet & Clank. There's a jankiness to the whole thing that I can't quite put my finger on.
Looks really fun. Nice comment at the end, this is pretty much classic Rare humor.
wew kickstarter always delivers right lads
Whats she doing?
Now up on YouTube: youtube.com
Maybe her butt hurts.
The delay sucks, but this still looks pretty alright. Liked that conversation at the end, definitely tell it's done by ex-rare employees.
I wonder what the budget is for this. Hope they're not expecting to sell a million.
Nice music
Is that shit running at 20fps? Eww dropped
Weird. I always felt R&C was janky as fuck, but this feels completely right to me.
>tfw it actually looks fun
Official version of the trailer on YouTube from their publisher Team17:
This is in 1080p, other YT version is only 720p
It looks kind of empty.
I hate something about the environments. The harsh shadows or something. Maybe the colors too. Looks very generic.
Still hoping it turns out well.
"A rushed game is always a bad game but a not rushed game is always a good game" - Shiguru Motorola
They will hit a million across all platforms. It's not that difficult anymore. Even 2D pixel shit without years of hype get that
My dick is ready for it.
They could have picked a better song.
I'm a bit excited
looks decent
some small details could have been added such as
an after image of particles after going through a ring
making the enemies not so still and so weird in movements, overall looks kinda fun
It sort of reeks of Unity. Like it has the same exact cheap lighting of any wannabe game developer, though at least the assets are high quality and nice looking.
It doesn't look smooth either, like they're running it at a low frame rate. I worry that it will also run like shit, another problem with Unity games.
I still look forward to it. Behind all that, I still sense some Rare vibes.
Maybe - but keeping the budget down and not assuming it will be a blockbuster is probably a good thing to create a sustainable company.
The whole thing feels like it's missing a layer of polish that should be there imo.
>brilliant work Cedric on getting first reply! We'll up your rate to 10.2c a post!
Daikatana and Duke Nukem Forever
When will Nips learn?
>Pants, and why you should wear them
>Jiggy as the lemon wedge on the glass
Is it made with Unity?
The lighting is shit.
Yeah, it's Unity and it looks like they're just using the built in lighting or whatever.
>being a defensive faggot when it's obvious the game has been delayed for polish
>DKC-style minecart sections
>tfw donated to both Mighty Number Meme and Yooka-Laylee
Is Shantae only time when I did not goof? She is now my biggest hope in all this despair.
>delay SF0
>it ends up being one of the worst game of this year
Wew lad
Ehh, this looks fine.
>Is backing flash tier animation in front of out of place beginner's 3D modelling rivaling Duck Tales Remastered when I did not goof
Only the first one was kinda like that but it wasn't too bad
Eurogamer preview with 6 minutes of gameplay.
it looks pretty fucking fantastic for an indie game created by a small team
What are you talking about? The music is on point and sounds pretty much like BK, BT & DK64.
Ratchet and Clank isnt a kickstarter game.
The other WIP tracks by both Grant and Wise sound better.
>indie game
>small team
user this is pretty much 80% of the original Rareware team. If anything they are far from Indie
It's a shame Unity has become so popular while still being janky with major performance issues. I'm sure it's great for devs and makes life easier and shit but the end products really suffer from it.
>It'll probably have car sections by then.
Well, it managed to make me laugh already.
I dunno. I played the first 3 and the first 2 ps3 games and the platforming in them never really felt right to me. Jumping always felt like it lacked any sense of momentum which always really bugged me.
This looks okay.
They achieved their goal of making a typical 5th gen platformer, with all the good and bad that comes with that genre, but most people seem like they donated to this for nostalgia anyway.
I feel like their backers are the kind of fans that'll go out of their way to play the game with the N64 shader and will even mod in Banjo if given the chance. Im not really the audience for it.
Excited to hear Wise's music though.
The WiiU is holding it back.
>people shitting on the animations
>on the lighting
>on the rendering
It looks like a larger, more complex, higher-poly-count N64 collectathon
Which is exactly what was promised.
If that's not what you wanted out of the game IDK why you'd have backed it, that was always what it was supposed to be.
They promised a BK follow-up and it looks like a BK follow-up.
Are you fucking retarded? This is the best Grant song we've heard so far. The other two tracks we've heard out of him sound like watered-down B&K. This one actually has some sense of unique identity to it.
>Are you fucking retarded?
Sorry for having an opinion, you autistic sperg.
>yfw you banked this
I'm hype as fuck
>the lighting is intentionally wonky
>the missing touches are intentionally missing
Yeah, they delayed it for fun.
Ease up, fag. Don't be that guy.
Looks fun. I love that everything still has eyes like that check point.
>That jab at the end
Just unsure if I should get if for PC or Wii U. Wish there was a physical copy.
I dont want it to suck but it probably going to suck
The stamper brothers arent even working on it
Weird trailer. Its just a bunch of...gameplay.
Shoot yourself with a fucking gun.
What else did you expect?
There is.
bullshot rendering
I'm beginning to think that old tech hid a lot of dev sloppiness that we wouldn't accept these days.
Cutscenes and bullshotting.
It's trending. Weird. The thirst is real, I guess.
Wii U version will probably look and run like shit. The Wii U should be capable of the graphics shown, but the engine they're using isn't very optimized. Even a (seemingly) 2D game like Ori and the Blind Forest doesn't run very well unless you have a decent computer. Probably why why the Xbox 360 version still isn't out and will probably just be cancelled.
*2 minutes of gameplay looped three times
On all platforms? Glorious.
But muh nostalgia. And I don't like to buy games on Steam on release. Well unless there is a physical copy
I know it sounds like the kind of people who defend 30FPS lock in "cinematic" games as an intentional choice...
But I mean, look at it. The characters still speak in random pitch-shifted burps. They still use bone-scaling and stretch-and-squish on attacks and level geometry. FFS there's a dinosaur character rendered with an actual N64 poly count (called "Retro Sixtyfourus")
Yes, I do think that the game is meant to be visually remniscient of N64 games. Yes, I do think lighting and textures are probably simplified dramatically with a comparatively minimal amount of indirect lighting to recapture the oversaturated LDR look of N64 games. Yes, I do think enemy animations are unnatural and cartoony to be remniscient of old 6-bone armatures.
I don't think it's a cop-out to suggest that minimizing the accuracy of the lighting suits the style. In fact I'm personally rather surprised not to see blob shadows.
>ring just disappears
hopefully they add something to that
This is going to another E3 where I gloss over half of the presentations because I've already seen the trailers and announcements, isn't it?
Hearing those sound effects and that Grant Kirkhope music combined with talk of "we're gonna see more at e3" stirred up nostalgia so powerful that I'm on the verge of tears. I miss when stuff like this was the norm.
it looks like it can be fun, with some comfy music to boot
as long as it wont be 60 dollaridoos on release i'll probably get it instantly
Everything about this seems great, but I hope they have a good hub world to link it all together.
this looks so much better with the higher framerate in this video. Count me hyped.
They even got the sounds even more perfect than I imagined them, and they loop exactly the same. Remember how bad nuts and bolts did it?
>Where was the brown level?
What did she mean by this?
do you think DNF was in constant development for the decade it was in limbo?
>E3 trailer
>releases before E3
What did they mean by this?
>Short clip of an underwater factory level.
>Trowzer's metal gear solid phone ring
this is perfect. I just hope they add an animation to when Laylee shoots and does her sonar radius blast thing
Woah, you mean people might still want collectathon platformers that are weaponized brain candy?
No, couldn't be, the market research and focus testers said no..
You're a fucking idiot.
can i still back it? It looks like Tooie openness which I am so down for. They just need to add some polishing, so I'm glad for the delay
The trailer has a ton of weird slowdown, and even some pop-in, and I'm not really sensitive to that sort of thing. Kind of worrying.
Only problem now is E3 is pretty much over
And there's a ton of visual effects which feel like there should be there but aren't. When you pass through a barrier, nothing happens and it doesn't look right.
This is neither made by Ubisoft or a PS4 exclusive.
I noticed a bit when they were flying high above the level but otherwise I didnt really notice any.
Thats unity for you. The final game will feel sluggish as fuck, because unity is and always will be a meme engine, which's only purpose is to make a quick buck.
I know we have the book to get into the worlds, I just sure as hell hope it isn't one book with all the worlds in them, that would suck.
Well look at that, a kickstarter game that doesn't take 10 years to come out.
Oh wow.
What point were you even trying to make?
>banjo ground slam puzzle
>crouch puts yooka in a ball form, can do great elephant-on-ball style jumps
>quills as sprites look great
>minecart animations are stretchy and neat
>swimming looks comfy
>world looks huge with linear mission routes
>the transformation looks way better modeled than in the sketch
>the dialogue sounds are perfect
the only thing that looks bad is that small somersault attack against that orange goblin. It looked weak?
uh oh!!!!!!
How come is 60fps and isnt?
The lighting looks nothing like an N64 game.
And even if what you're saying is true, which it isn't, you can't just take a few elements of a visual aesthetic and change the rest if the end result is it looks like shit.
The N64 games looked good. The lighting in those games fit the style. The lighting in this game is ugly as hell and it is the result of some sort of unintentional limitation, be it within Unity or the devs themselves.
Not him, but my biggest problem with the lighting is that the game models and animations look really cartoony and lively, but the lighting looks like stock tech demo lighting. It just totally clashes with the whole motif of the game.
What else is wrong with it besides that? I didn't notice anything "wonky".
>tfw this is the one kickstarter that actually delivers and you didn't back it
tbqhwy the movement in all Rare N64 platformers feels sluggish as fuck.
I feel like that's why its delayed. They more than likely know. The design is there, but there's just a bit more polishing to go. And using a non-60 fps trailer was stupid. The gameplay video is much better
I wish we had seen some coop or versus