I've created something really special guys and I wanna tell you all about it

I've created something really special guys and I wanna tell you all about it.
I created a website where you can create your own gaming journalist articles. The format is more complex and more in depth than reddit or Sup Forums, and best of all, 100% anonymous.
We can change the way people see gaming journalism by making our own articles. Fuck these LGBT pro-censorship journalists man. They fuck what is gaming and we can stop it.

I do apologize the main page takes a while to load, as I have yet to implement an image optimizer

Other urls found in this thread:


>linking directly to 1stamender.com
Post the pastebin.

Fuck off with your advertising

I am so sorry that you wasted time, money and effort to create this thing that nobody will use.

why would nobody use it?

Why would anyone use it?

I'm not even entering the site because it's an obscure link posted in Sup Forums. I don't have enough layers of internet security to take risks like that.

hmmm you have a point.
You can google 1stamender.com and see some raw data being generated though, it is a legitimate journalist website.

What does 1stamender mean?

See, you're asking people to do things. That's effort. You're in Sup Forums, nobody creates anything, we just consume corporate produced entertaiment.

This looks pretty neat. But did you actually make it op or are you just shilling it.

So. you take the money from the clicks. and the user writes make no money

Worst goy ever.

It stands for the 1st amendment of the US constitution.
The first amendment is supposed to be for the freedom of speech. As of right now I see journalism in all aspects, not just gaming to be atrociously bad or incredibly biased. Either a 3rd party or a government entity swaying the people's opinion with forced articles that a minority believe in. I intend to take the middle man out of it and allow anyone to post anything with just as much validity as the other.

he doesn't know that you can link a paypal account email to your account to allow people to donate to you directly. You recieve 95% of the donation

I made it. It is coded entirely in PHP and sql, sprinkled with very small bits of javascript. I designed it to keep anonimity in mind, so that you can be free of consequence if you speak something out of line. Like this article I made right here:


Kotaku write for you?

To add on, even sites like Sup Forums have been taking down posts with janitors and shitty people wanting to silence unpopular opinion.

There's no janitors on my site. The janitors are effectively the people. If you find something that would break rules you report it and we will review it, if it does go against the fundamental rules (Which are super super lax) it gets blocked.

You can review the rules here:

"1stamender"?? couldn't even buy a new domain name, just had to re-use one you had already?

The name doesn't really stick tbqhwy family
It's cool and all, but it might struggle trying to gain traction

Actually that is one of our evening techs just copy pasting articles to fill out our site. But the idea of my site is to allow everyone to write whatever they want despite their opinion. SJW? you can post on my site. Anti-SJW? You can definitely post on my site.

Love trump? Post on my site. Hate trump? Post on my site.

Evangelist? Post on my site.
Hate muslims? Post on my site.
Love muslims? Post on my site.
You get the idea. I want people from all walks of life to give me their opinion. Make a real site where people can talk instead of all this bullshit we see today.

Nice, how much are you paying?

>being this paranoid about a website
it's not 2003 anymore

Usually it sticks a lot harder to US. I purchased the domain 1stamender and firstamender and redirects to 1stamender.com no matter how you say it.

What? If you mean what I think you mean you can link a paypal account email to your account to allow people to donate to you directly. You recieve 95% of the donation.

We have no advertisers. But I intend in the future to have some sort of a fund payout to popular journalists for hosting 'free unobtrusive' ads on the site in the future.

firstamender is better, 1stamender makes it look like "One Stamender"

As the web developer for this site, a lot of people should be paranoid about unknown websites so I do not blame him for this.
You can nowadays check to see if a website is harmful or malicious with a phone as the coding stays within the environment and can't mess with anything crazy.

>Make a real site where people can talk instead of all this bullshit we see today.
wow you mean like Sup Forums?

Site seems solid. But doesn't it becomes super bloated if everyone makes articles? Or the lack of consistent quality in articles varying from every writer? Like people go to a good news site because it's good - not because it churns out the most articles or because anyone can write one. But because it has some kind of quality.

What the fuck is a stamender?

are we really still at a point where websites can harm your computer if you dont download anything?

>hehe goy... generate traffic on my site and ask for donations... oh and 5% cut of those donations please...

Look I understand that you're just starting out but not promising any direct revenue from articles AND taking a % of donations is just pathetic my man

Like what if hypothetically the site gets huge, do paid shills start writing obvious endorsements of whatever event or product? Do people face roll their keybiard to make articles and flood the site with trash?

So that will be even worse than Kotaku, good riddance, never come back to Sup Forums

How are you profiting off of this? I don't mind writing articles for free but I'd like to know if you're making money from it.

I mean how much money will I get per word to write articles for your website. In any currency you prefer.

Yea. If you have no script, you're pretty good though.
>I accidentally got a ransom ware looking at obscure porn a few weeks ago on a new machine

Traffic doesn't matter if he can't monetize it with ads retard and I doubt he's selling user info to fund it.

I see. it is okay though you can type firstamender.com and it works.

Sort of. It was a direct inspiration of Sup Forums. However there is a slew of added credentials when it comes to posting an article. You have to have a headline, a body, a picture, and an optional section for sources, location, etc.

It's like a more formal Sup Forums but even better, no censorship like Sup Forums actually has been doing more and more as of late.

That's whats amazing about it. You have the absolute shit and amazing articles. The purpose of the site is to allow it all. Now you also have a rating system where you can rate a journalist, and the articles. Based on the journalist rating, time, and article rating will dictate what shows up first.

Yes. Absolutely.

I don't have any money coming into my site. No money is being generated for me as of now. when I establish a user base and can show it to business who want to host ads will be when I start dishing out money to journalists.


I don't think there's any info to sell. I literally made an account named s with some useless password and no email and it that was valid.

You don't get paid, you can get money via donations and OP gets 5%

That's a fucking terrible name for a website.
Also fuck off

Why would I put articles on your site if I don't stand to profit from it right away? You understand I could just... make youtube videos right?

Without going into how stupid this idea is overall that name is just awful. Shitty gaming press has nothing to do with muh first amendment rights.

Name isn't gimmicky enough for the tech or Internet but I really like the site, I'll use it to at least shit post Sup Forums and prove that I'm right and everyone is wrong. :3

What about first-write
Also not everyone is American so the first amendment may fall flat.

so your site is going to be full of shit with no quality control whatsoever.

Yes. But it's up to the people to rate those endorsements. It's up to the people to moderate and decide what content they are interested in. If a majority of people hate your article than they won't rate. Your articles start with a "0" for the article rating and a "0" for the journalist rating.

Well... Except Kotaku tailors their site much harder and don't allow hearing of the other side, effectively being a propoganda machine, where my machine is the mixed bag, the true forum.

As of right now I have no users on this site actively posting articles. There isn't a big user base right now. I have maybe 50 people who registered, but most haven't posted an article. I can't go to an advertising agency to get revenue streams because theres nobody on my site. when I get the user base I will do this and there will be strict contracts as to what an advertiser is allowed to do.

Paypal donations entirely until I establish user base for ad revenue.

Now you're getting it. You can choose to put in fake data if you please. 100% anonymous. I make no money in you registering.

Why would anyone write for the site then? I can shitpost here just fine too.

Neither does Sup Forums KEK but this site has at leasthas rating.

But what if I'm a gay anticensorship dude. I approve of all your senrans and doa volleyballs.

Oh so this is literal an ad for a commercial effort? Almost fooled me OP as your site looks more like a high school project.

>Hey guys, hate these other jouralism sites? How about you write your unqualified shit for me, for free?


Legitimized an opinion or subject in essay format with citations prepared for people to read? When was the last time you debunked someone on Sup Forums and have every base covered. Or even just to share tidbits of news. Also it doesn't get deleted like Sup Forums - while Sup Forums has a place in discussion it's poor on actual news and citation relying on people to discuss other sites like.

Youtube actively takes down videos if your video is too offensive or too un-pc, or copyright flawed. They don't give a shit about you or anything else. My site is a haven to kill the silencing of unpopular opinion.

It has everything to do with it.

Its okay. I believe it will catch on just because of the Americans.

But it does have quality control. The quality control is the people. You can post anything but anyone without an account can rate you as a journalist and your articles. If you have shitty ratings your articles simply won't be the first in line and people may not see your article.

I already posted on here that its a lot more formal in the way you post than Sup Forums or reddit, and that there is no regulation where as this website you do and you really do on reddit.

Post on the site man you're welcome to be a part of it with your opinion standing tall.

It can be unqualified, but it can be legitimate. Just because you don't have a badge on your name doesn't mean your opinion doesn't count.

It's really cute :3

As we all know, anonymity and lack of accountability usually lead to really insightful and well-constructed arguments.

>i get my news from a non-curated website written by a random collection anonymous ggers with no editorial responsiblity

Here's the deal OP: you pay me $100, and I'll allow you to beg other people to refund this $100 to you, but I'll also take $5 from the refund.

Fuck off shill, either use archive/pastebin or get the fuck out of here

Notoriety doesn't make people have accountability or agency for their actions and never has.

Look at Kotaku. Look at Hillary Clinton.

Wouldn't the voting system be subject to doxxing?

Generally not. But because people can essentially lower your ranking in a search clause it makes it very easy to moderate on its own. You would see only the best articles up top while the shitty ones stay at the bottom.
Preservation of anonimity is important because without that people may not want to tell their opinion for fear of being slandered or attacked for their opinion. While their opinion may or may not be safe in the minds of people, it is their right to say what they want provided they aren't doing so with the intent of physically harming someone.

post pics of your website or nobody is going to click on that link
like said,Sup Forums doesn't create,they only consumate,if they were able to create something they would already make games where if you look down you can see your own foot

We create memes though

implying I would even waste my time to archive that shit.

OP as dumb as this sounds I'd advise you to look to Sup Forums or even reddit, they'd no doubt be more interested than Sup Forums.

Wouldn't the voting system be subject to fraud?

I think the name of the site need something else.. Or changed to one word type thing

If Sup Forums doesn't create, how could reddit and 9gag find their hot memes?
Checkmate nigga, checkmate.

Yeah I mean it sounds shit until you put in the account rating as well as article ratings with time. Checking sources posted would also legitimize an otherwise illegitimate article.

I mean I explained that I will be compensating journalists when I recieve revenue streams from non-obtrusive advertising. As of right now I have made nothing on this site and have been putting my time and effort on it alone.

It's subject to external IP address. You would need to get some serious zombifying to make it happen. Sure it's possible but really all in all it doesnt matter.

Very well.

and how you are going to deal with shitposting and stuff ? rating system ?

>But it does have quality control. The quality control is the people.
that's more or less the quality control of all the other sites too.
>anyone without an account can rate you as a journalist and your articles.
so spam-rating will be very prevalent?
>If you have shitty ratings your articles simply won't be the first in line and people may not see your article.
so in the end there won't really be any difference to the other sites? the other sites display what the majority likes. sure, anyone can post but if you ever get a big audience most articles will never be seen. it's also just as likely for retards to gain massive audiences as it is for them on youtube. actually now that i think of youtube you may succeed but it won't be something i enjoy.

What's stopping a group of different people who disagree with the writers views to ruin the writer's rating?

You imply that Sup Forums is a single entity when its a series of people. You have different people with different aspirations. If I had even a few new people writing to my site and spreading the word, it would prove to be invaluable.

I got a libertarian talk guy called That Guy T to talk about it as well.
He talks about it at around 6:40 or so.

Why would I read your shitty site if I have to go through sources anyways? While I doubt this site will work at all I certainly don't believe your contributors will engage in actual, first hand journalism.

Second, even if you get a critical mass of users so that the voting system works you'll just end up having a huge circlejerk echo chamber.

Undoubtedly the biggest article will have the headline.

OP is a faggot.


The fact that nobody will use this site and therefore no one will care.

Holy shit I remember this from years ago

you can type in firstamender.com and it works.

yep entirely. No regulation is purposeful and intended.

the point is you are not censored. You may get pushed down but you don't get censored. Your page stays up. Nobody takes it down.

Okay so sure that can happen. but if you have a majority of separate people rating then you're good to go.

It's totally okay. With enough people it can't possibly exist to have a huge circlejerk chamber as you call it. Say you have a feminist agenda group helping eachothers rating and the numbers of feminists to regular people are 20% feminists and 80% regular people.

So if the majority downvotes you while the feminists upvote you have what... 2 stars out of 5? Versus the article that gets unanimous votes would do better.

The most favored article will have the headline. Not the biggest article. If one person rates an article a 5... it's a 5 on the article. It uses an average, not sheer number.

What? Years ago? I just made this site a month ago man.

>support the first amendment by writing an artice
this has nothing to do with the first amendment besides that the government doesn't shut your website down for criticising it (in a hypothetical scenario). the 1st amendment doesn't protect you from other people, that's what the anti-discrimination laws and laws against violence do. i mean i may be wrong because i'm no lawyer but i doubt it.

you are right,Sup Forums create memes,but they come from a source

you create memes for a product that someone else made,not you

Sup Forums makes memes,but not original content

>Metacritic: the more critics you average over, the more the average tends towards the opinion of the average person in the street, and hence becomes superfluous, self-negating, since it is precisely the purpose of criticism to give you something more than the opinion of the average person in the street. Metacritic here works exactly like journalism, which in its more advanced stages tends towards simply reflecting the rabble's opinion back to it. The most successful journalist is he who has no ideas of his own, but best manages to predict how the rabble will feel, and serves its eventual opinion to it in advance. Even better, to be as average a man himself as possible so that no advanced inquiring, insight, dissimulation will be required on his part, but merely to write down his simple, average thoughts like the simple, average man that he is. The application of democracy to criticism and cultural analysis here has the same effect, tending to either cancel itself out or reinforce its own functioning, depending on how you see it. Metacritic then is no more really a critic than a democratic government is really a government (or public opinion is really an opinion) — and so it is with everything.

why would I want to read your shit "community generated" site instead of specific critics with a cock and a goal

>and the numbers of feminists to regular people are 20% feminists and 80% regular people.
Why would this ever happen?

If there's a platform where you can silence others and le upboat your ideological bullshit, you can be sure that the SJWs will do a takeover. See: reddit mods in any subreddit, SomethingAwful of all places, Sup Forums, etc.

Stop dumb posting you can't silence anyone on the site.

>check a random article
>it's literally just copy pasted of the provided source

Not only is this garbage it's probably also illegal.

I'm more worried that your site will be overrun with the channer/redditor type who loves trump and gg but hates women.

But maybe that's the point.

Ah yes, because Sup Forums didn't waste our braincells enough, now we can waste them by wading through garbage in essay format.
I'm sorry to say op, no one will want to make the effort of writing anything and if they do it will be horribly inane and pointless.

Except you forget the part where you're anonymous in your posting. As of right now the site is hosted on godaddy servers, but we plan on moving it overseas to kill the chance that the US government would take it down.

Because you have a say in what shows up top. Not me. Everyone as a whole benefit from this.

If the sjws take over then they would be the majority, however I doubt the vocal minority is the majority. If an article gets pushed to a perfect 5 and a guy sees your headline article, hates it, votes it a 1, it now becomes a 2.5. It simply takes an average not sheer number.

We needed to do this to fill out the site. When I initially created it it really had about 3-4 articles I used to test with. it took a while to build it to the number of articles we have today. If someone reported an article and said it was plagiarized I will review and take it down if it violates that. It is something against the rules but there will not be anybody who can just take down the article unless someone complains about it being plagiarized.

The point is all opinions. It will be overrun with everything.

I do already have a few people who post. It will be just fine.

From what he's saying he probably prefers that anyway.


>>If the sjws take over then they would be the majority, however I doubt the vocal minority is the majority.
Look at any other website moron.

I knew this would happen. But that's totally okay. You have a right to your opinion even if its total shit.

>blatant self-advertising thread
>88 replies

>we plan on moving it overseas to kill the chance that the US government would take it down.
in that case you could go to the court and appeal to the 1st amendment. if you go overseas you aren't protected by the 1st amendment anymore. are you a tinfoil hat?

DUMB ghazi nigger

I hate the name, I keep reading it as one stamender.

can't wait for SJW and jews to take over this site for donations

>but we plan on moving it overseas to kill the chance that the US government would take it down

You believe your awful copy paste webpage will matter enough for the US government to give two shits? You're actually delusional. You'll probably get some DMCA mail if you keep copy pasting articles though.


Telling a moron to shut the fuck up isn't censorship.

No just a regular guy. I can imagine for sure the government taking down the site if someone released, say, military plans leaked from the pentagon. That would be something that would get my entire site taken down. To protect myself I would have to have the servers overseas. if I get taken to court they wouldn't have much of a case. The disclaimer + where you see rights as a reader and journalist clearly state that 1stamender.com is not liable for any user posts, links, etc and that the journalist may assume full responsibility in what they post.
but the best part is because they're anonymous, nobody can go after then.

then say firstamender. You can go to firstamender.com and it works.

I want to see everyone being a part of this site. Not just anti-sjws

Taking a page down despite what the moron thinks is censorship.

cool idea but why isnt the game only about gaming? you have like all the other kind of news too

It would be a shame if someone went up and down these articles and reported any plagiarized ones to their original sources

oh wow ! i don't even need a job anymore ! i can just stay here and write articles about gaming and get donations

thank you OP you are so cool !