ITT games that are literally, objectively better than Overwatch

ITT games that are literally, objectively better than Overwatch.

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You first OP

I know right?

>all this Battleborn shilling
Ok, you've finally got my attention.
What kind of game is this even? Is it a MOBA/FPS hybrid like SMNC? Or is it pure FPS like OW with a few abilities on cooldown?

It's a dead game don't bother

Post yfw you aren't Anthony Burch

Thank you very much, but I know that already, and it's not what I asked.

Not better than overwatch but still fun and free... and runs on a potato.

how did this "art style" get green lighted? it looks like some C tier cartoon animation for children

What are the chances this game will do better than Stillborn?

Not very good.

Their Windows 10-just kidding!- thing fucked their playerbase hard. Shouldn't have made that stupid decision in the first place.


t. Gearbox Software, LLC

Deleted in

user, you seem to have posted a picture of Battleborn. There is nothing worse than that game. You should try again.

>le shills meme

There is literally zero evidence that shills exist, much less coming to this shithole to attract people.

First person SMNC. With grind and season pass included.

It's SMNC in everything but name with some more added onto it.

When you level up you choose between 2 to 3 upgrades to your abilities that can actually change your playstyle up a good amount. It really gives the characters a lot of depth and versatility for different situations, rarely will you be completely screwed by having picked a character that gets countered by the choices the other team made if you make the proper upgrade choices.

The Gear is a weird system but I don't mind it. As you play PvE or get packs with ingame currency you get these Gear items that you bring a loadout of 3 into each match with. Throughout the match you get a currency called Shards that you have to balance between buying your gear (which can get pricey if you want to use legendaries), rebuying destroyed turrets/defences, or buying super-minions to help push/distract the other team.
I say it's weird because you CAN end up bringing a loadout that doesn't help you at all that you can't deviate too much from (for example, bringing a Shield Penetration build of gear and you end up fighting a team of Eldrid characters who have no shields) but all in all it' an alright system.

It's a fun game and I actually like it more than Overwatch for it's different mechanics and more depth, but it sold like shit and you're not allowed to talk about it on Sup Forums unless you're ironically shitposting about it.

If anything, if you miss S/MNC you should definitely get it but wait for a sale. It's doing fucking horribly but it'll definitely stick around until all the promised content gets released throughout the year.

>not getting images purposely from ifunny to trigger Sup Forums

works everytime

Gigangic will compete with paragons while paladins is a bootleg version of ow

>t. Gearbox Shillware

So it's mobashit, got it. Not interested then.

You are not fooling anyone Pitchford

>feminism is awesome

There are so many things wrong about this, but

>Battleborn is a game with lots of innovation, character and intelligent humour
>intelligent humour

What the fuck?

wow sounds shitty, glad its dead

>having to grind to unlock skills in a "MOBA"

>t. Gearbox Shillware

Stillborn is basically the ugliest game I have ever had the misfortune to witness during my 28 years as a gamer.


You asked what kind of game it was: it's a dead one.

Th-that's not true, overwatch has more players so it's better!!!!

You have to grind credits to buy loot boxes. Open boxes to have a chance to get the good items. You equip the items to your hero but they don't do anything. You have to collect in game currency to active them.
And the drones actually wonder why the game is dead on arrival

Is it time?

>intelligent humour

>The worst meme character in borderlands 2 get a 20 minute cancer expansion in battleborn.

Even if the game is good I will NEVER play it now that I know this shit exists in it. Fuck Anthony the fucking cuck and his one-dimensional sister's characters.

>same va as english tuturu

I made it to 50 seconds. Jesus fucking Christ. No wonder this game bombed.

the legacy of Burch is the only reason this game isn't doing well.

Even though it's great.

Overwatch is a different style of game. The 2 games shouldn't compete, but they sorta look similar if you watch trailers, and blizzard is too huge and evil of a corporation to compete with. It's just bad luck that blizzard announced overwatch shortly after battleborn.


Is the UI still unbearable dogshit?

Doesn't he say that when he kills a girl though?

blizzardrones are shitposting in a thread made to bait them.

So even though you are right, it doesn't matter. this thread was destined to be shit since the dawn of time.

Don't even care, I'm only playing Gigantic when that comes out. It's actually a fast game and I'm all about that fast.

Overwatch is the only game people will be playing in a year. Paladins, Battleborn, Smite, and whatever Overwatch knockoffs you guys can come up with will be dead or already dead soon after each of their launches.

Paladins never stood a chance

Battleborn has the potential to keep a small dedicated community like Evolve

Smite isn't going anywhere

Overwatch better step up it's game on content updates, else I'm going back to Splatoon and PVZ:GW2.

>needing constant new shinies to keep you entertained

This isn't an mmo. You don't clear content and then wait for patches


Liking a game that use crazy trannies as inspiration for characters...

forgot pic

>Battleborn has the potential to keep a small dedicated community like Evolve

Nigger there are more people playing on the private server of a shitty 2008 MMO called Warhammer Online than Battleborn and Evolve combined.

What disgusts me most about that shit is that if you swapped nothing else about battleborn and overwatch other than the developers, that battleborn would be the big success and overwatch would be the game being shit on by everyone.
Sad state of affairs.

fucking this
played both betas with my blizzdrone friends, and even they said that battleborn was better, but wasnt polished as overwatch, so they just went and play Graphics and Porn: The game, but still they enjoyed more battleborn play

I played the Battleborn and Overwatch beta, Battleborn lost out almost immediately
>Grind to unlock characters
>Have to unlock in order cant even choose
>Horrible UI
>Visual style is dogshit, cant tell what is actually happening most of the time
>I rarely got matched with english speakers

I didn't end up getting either but at least Overwatch felt like a well made and polished game by comparison

The worst looking character and they seem to be using it as the poster child, I dont get it

Are you implying the game would be made properly? Battleborn gets shit reviews from everyone for a reason, players who have bought the game arent even playing it

>battleborn review
>more than half of the review is shitting on Overwatch

I don't care for either of your shitty moba shooters but why is this everything any battleborn fan ever does. Every thread on here, every time this game is mentioned anywhere it's like "Yo Battleborn btw OVERWATCH SUCKS" and then there's even that infamous twitter exchange where even the devs couldn't keep from throwing shots at Overwatch

Overwatch doesn't seem to need to do that.

>small dedicated community like Evolve
Evolve has around a 100 people play it on steam whenever I look at steamcharts. Supposedly it takes forever to find a game and then you're playing against the same couple of people again and again. I feel like "small dedicated community" is a bit euphemistic. Melee has a small dedicated community. Evolve is about as dead as a AAA multiplayer only shooter can be.

Your delusion is horrifying.

They aren't even the same kind of game. It was Gearbox's fault for lumping it together with Overwatch.

Besides, everything about Battleborn is extremely cringe inducing. Have you listened to the character's dialogue? Fucking terrible...

The game itself has some horrible issues and should have either been F2P from the start, or had a more expanded single player experience.

Also, fuck grinding.

>Shilling this hard for an awful game

It's funny how delusional people will get when they want to justify how they dropped money on a piece of crap

When is this dev going to stop using cell shading to hide that they dont know how to make a game look appealing.

Everything you said applies to Overwatch too though :^)

It's just Randy Pritchford trying a last desperate attempt to get money before Gearbox collapses

Not really.

Redesign the characters.
Redo all the voice lines.
Remove most of the shit from that god awful UI.

There it's already on it's way now, but I bet it plays like shit anyway.

>>Grind to unlock characters
like any other game, but this doesnt take long, its made this way so you can play the campaing at least once, wich you get like 4-5 characters just by beating it

>>Have to unlock in order cant even choose
yes you can, you can unlock all characters in 2 ways,
1 grinding your main lvl
2 getting an "achievment" example: beat campaing 3 or get 20 kills in pvp

>>Horrible UI

>>Visual style is dogshit, cant tell what is actually happening most of the time
maybe if you play melee a lot, and you are in the frontlines

>>I rarely got matched with english speakers
no comment here, maybe because low pop

But that's wrong, you fucking retard.

Even Battleborn fans can identify stuff like performance issues, shit matchmaking, confusing mechanics with no tutorial, and a poor business model as being reasons why the game flopped. The fact that Gearbox were behind it just made it worse.

The open beta for this game had 2 million players and 1.9 million of them jumped ship because it's optimized like dogshit, is overly complex without explaining itself to you well, and its visual design is hot garbage.

either all crazy trannies look like shit tier elves or all shit tier elves look like crazy trannies, they didnt base the look on a fucking person.

Holy shit. I never thought it would be so dead.

>Bernie 2016
Epic meme

It's quite sad really. The playerbase themselves are trying their best to shill this game because the actual company has horrible PR and can't market this game themselves. It doesn't help that the game itself is shit and isn't being patched/fixed. Matchmaking is also non-existent.

If you go to the Steam forums or the epic Battleborn Leddit for shits and giggles, all you find are people either calling it the greatest game ever (cult classic) or players trying to find ways to shill it. One thread even had people talking about pushing big YouTube gamers to play this game, but they realized that these kind of people only play POPULAR games.

It's fucking dead. If it was made by a competent company that didn't give cringe-inducing commentary to every character, had a good art-style, a decent UI and actually balanced characters...then there might be a decent game here.

Gearbox dug their grave by comparing this game to Overwatch, then releasing it at the same time. Battleborn shills always blame it's failure to people comparing both, but it was Gearbox themselves that did it first. What a fucked up scenario. Even the lead writer for Gearbox left...

>better than anything

Maybe if they un-fucked the card system and got their tongues out of Barik's ass.

Vegeta though.

lmfao. this is why battleborn failed so hard after they started the overwatch rivalry. overwatch's cliches go down smooth compared to the worst parts of borderlands.

christ I really hope Borderlands 3 is more like BL1 instead of Anthony Burch

Look at the nose, mouth and chin, and overall facial structure
That's a 1 in billion face, Gearbox are the kinds of SJW faggots who go "LET'S MAKE A BRIANNA WU CHRACTER" and then do it

>not being patched

It's gotten more patches since release than Overwatch has during its entire beta.

Someone needs to update that. Battleborn wishes is could get those numbers again.

jedi with vegeta voice thats pretty fun to play, rath wrecks shit

That is terrifying.

>expecting BL3 after this shitfest

I don't even see Gearbox recovering well after Battleborn. They sacrificed a lot to make this game and yet they are getting absolutely shit returns. They may have to stick to Borderland series to get revenue back again, but if that fails the entire company will die.

So why is the game still so unbalanced? There are a good amount of people waiting to even play again because of this fact.

The only thing that was marginally unbalanced was Alani, and they made her not a tank to fix it.

What has Blizzard done to fix McCree?


My only hope is that they realize they absolutely can't fuck up Borderlands 3 and they shed at least half of the bad parts of 2 and just knock it out of the park. They're definitely at the make or break point of a business.

God help us if they end up like Wildstar and use Battleborn as a F2P zombie revenue source.

Overwatch also runs on potatoes.
Blizzard games always run on garbage systems.

You can't save her

>having to grind

You mean playing the game?
Or do you somehow thing the unlocks are the main draw of the game? Of that's the case you should play WoW or something.

This. It's actually why I'm not playing Battlebored or Overmeme. I hope the DLC comes with more versatile weapons or something, but the speed, fluidity, teamwork, and breadth of mechanics in Splatoon are really unmatched this gen.

>What has Blizzard done to fix McCree?

Blizzard has already mentioned that they are going to fix him and numerous other characters shortly. Maybe they don't want to add a ton of patches and instead wish to do one large one? Maybe they want to find the best solution for each character before changing it all up? Sounds fair enough.

Also, why go back to comparing this game to Overwatch again? Who fucking cares dude, the two games are not alike. This is a Battleborn thread...

Why is he dressed like a wealthy brit if he is a crazy german stereotype?

I don't really see Battleborn surviving without going F2P.

A lot of its elements are already fairly similar to F2P structures, so they wouldn't have to change a lot to the game.

Because he's an advanced butler-bot that went mad after the main programming he was attached to went down. He was made to have skill in hunting and a disdain for the lower-class, which resulted in him going on a "hobo" killing spree.

The only game keeping the WiiU alive. Makes a person kind of wish there was only one console/pc system so all the best games could be played easily.

It's getting worse every day, and even some dedicated players are leaving because there really is no end-game.

Finding a match is unbearable, too.

Because this company can't make interesting characters.

Sounds fucking horrible.

Good thing its dead.

This is actually a huge benefit.

Battleborn has a lot of performance issues, meanwhile some of the most popular video games in history had the greatest optimization, such as warcraft, quake, etc.

There are people that bought the game that really want to play, yet can't, and Gearbox isn't really doing anything to fix this.

Oh, yeah, Borderlands 2 humor.
I now understand.

At least I havn't heard BB be praised for it's humor, like BL2 somehow was.

>he wasn't here for the borderlands 1 shillings


I wouldn't mind trying this game out if it was free to play.

I can't justify playing for it at this moment. It's far to expensive. Why wasn't this game F2P? From what I have seen, it would have worked better.

>like any other game
Except Overwatch

How are Brianna's limbs?

I don't see how that has anything to do with Borderlands humor. It's a simple backstory about why the robots in the game act as they do.