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>giving a shit about the series after DR2

Dead Rising 3 could've been a good entry if they didn't give a shit about making the game easy as shit. The fact that they went out of their way to do that is a disgrace. Shit like the Weapons Locker should've been a new game+ feature, not a focused mechanic.

A new entry in some subpar zombie series.

Who cares.

I kind of do. Third entry wasn't that good, but supposedly they're taking a lot of the criticism they received from it into consideration. Curious to see what exactly.

>Still no Dead Rising where you play as a cute girl

One of the DLC chapters in 3 let you play as a girl. Not a cute one, though. There was also Arcade Edition.

>Subpar Zombie series

2 (opinionated ) and 3 sure but not one (still opinionated ) may be the best zombie game on the last gen of consoles

>DR1 had great setting,atmosphere and charm but pretty boring gameplay (mash the hit button in most cases)
>DR2 had slightly less charm because it was a little darker and the characters were a little more edgy TK was pretty based as a villain imo
>DR3 had best gameplay but least atmosphere and the writing just wasn't as fun

I kinda liked Nick as a protag though

I knew the 2 million title is DR4

Pic is a supposed DR4 shot.

1 was a non-traditional survival horror. Some of its mechanics made it more lenient than your typical survival horror game, but it was still pretty tough.

2 made good changes and enhancements to the gameplay and the story went more for emotional impact than unique and interesting writing, which I think both serve their own purposes. The only thing that bothered me is the gameplay felt a hell of a lot slower than in 1.

3 made all the obvious improvements and is one of the few launch titles that actually gave you a lot to do. Too bad the game was too easy, the bosses were forgettable trash, and character movement didn't feel as smooth.

What the fuck. I didn't even know DR3 happened.

I really hope it'll have good Psychopaths this time because the only one i really remember from 3 is the biker guy and thats only because he was playable.

Dead Rising 3 wasn't that good. It totally missed the point of the first two games and instead focused on the over the top humor by taking it to a whole new retarded level.

>only 2 mil anticipated

Why? I thought MH is THE series for capcom.

I just want the setting to be bright and fun again, setting the game in a ruined city like 3 drained a lot of the charm

DR1 still had the best psychopaths. They were examples of how the infestation affected all different kinds of people, making them more interesting. 2 did that as well, more-or-less. Basically, when it came to a lot of bosses, it's possible to sympathize with them because their minds were escaping the chaos.

3 didn't have that at all, the bosses shouldn't even be called 'psychopaths.' They were just assholes.

I love how people shit on DR3 while simultaneously praising DR2, which was equally fucking shit. DR1 is the only good one in the series and it's a crying shame it didn't get ported to anything else.

DR2 was definitely not as good as 1, but it was at least challenging and provided a unique environment that expanded upon what 1 established.

But yeah, how the fuck does that joke of a game called Devil May Cry 4 get a "Remaster" on current consoles and PC, but Dead Rising 1 continues to be ignored?

Could be platform change. MH3 sold 1 million, MH3G sold 1.5 million.

>provided a unique environment that expanded upon what 1 established
I don't feel like this is the case at all. Other than ballooning into casinos as hubs; DR2 has a disturbing xerox feeling.
Despite being a resort complex an entire wing is unfinished, seemingly only to mirror the Willamette Mall.
The interior open-air pavilion may not be a park, but it's structurally comparable. When it would be perfectly sensible to have exterior access.
There's underground tunnels again instead of say a back-store access hallway.
There's a mirror fast-transport shortcut again, without attempting to make any sense.

fuck off...DR always have the whole lol sillyhumor...one of DS3 flaws was exactly the lack of humor...thats why the dlc was full retard zanny humor

Are you referring to Arcade Edition? Because that's the only DLC that was actually passable. And it's fucking criminal that the PC version didn't have that included.

Only thing remarkable about that game is that it's PC port is still the worst PC port ever made.

DR 2 and 3 sucked balls. It's really amazing how hard they managed to fuck that series up, especially when DR1 and Lost Oddyssey are the only games that are worth keeping X360 for.

Shame it's not coming to PS4

Ignoring 40+ million potential buyers seems stupid to me but oh well

Eh, I don't think anything can beat Saint's Row 2 PC port. Not only it looks like garbage for some reason compared to the console versions, it actually runs TOO FAST is your PC isn't at least 10 years old.

Good thing these games have been absolute trash since Dead Rising 2.

Off the Record was good though

*not on ps4


love the shit out the first one. know that mall inside and out.

played 2 for like 15 mins, didn't really hold me but i didn't give it much of a chance either.

never played three. watched someone play it driving around in some tank or armoured car.

should i pick up 2 and 3 or just grab off the record on the cheap?

Calling RE7

Would that be a bad thing? I mean, it would be worse if it was a real Xbone exclusive.

>sonygger detected

Not him, but Off the Record was good as fan service. Still, it only made the game even easier with its checkpoint system. Besides that and the NPC AI being made intentionally worse, it wasn't really much better than the original DR2.

Also, they dropped the fucking ball with Evan's theme. He's Adam the Clown's brother, who had one of the coolest themes in DR1. Evan's was just generic circus bullshit.

Wait for a sale. I occasionally see DR2, OtR, all of its DLC, and 3 on sale as a bundle for around 20 bucks.

Here's to hoping for another Frank & Chuck game.

Is DR3 worth getting at some sale for cheap or is it a complete waste of time?

But it isn't? The game ran sub 20 fps on 720p

There was a ridiculous amount of zombies and the detail was pretty good

I may be grasping at straws through paranoia since it's a blurry-ass pic, but they aren't just trying to make this new character look like the protag in the movies . . . are they?

>The game ran sub 20 fps on 720p

Forgot to say on the xbone.

It's fun, if you find it cheap go for it.

I was able to get it to run at 30 with few drops, iirc.

Is it possible to make it run at 60?

The current rumor is that Frank is the single player character while Chuck, Katey and Nick are the co-op characters. So they are finishing up the Zombrex arc at least.

I've been hearing that it's supposed to be a new character. Looks kind of like a young Michael from GTA V;
Considering Frank is at least in his mid-50's by now, I really doubt that's supposed to be him.

Why don't you buy a bone or PC so you can play microsoft shit?
You should own a PC already.

I'd say it's worth going for DR2, finish that then when you get the DR itch again get OTR.

DR3 is missing all of the charm. Takes the serious approach and tops it off with a Walking Dead piss brown filter. I mean the gameplay is still there if you need more DR but do yourself a favor and skip all of the dialog and cutscenes.

That poster already looks much more colorful than the entirety of DR3. I don't want to get too excited though.

Just like the RE2 remake, I'll wait until we see a significant amount of gameplay to get excited.

To add some hope, CV supposedly stated they're taking all of the criticism they received from 3 into consideration. We'll see how that goes.

Agree on the filter but dr3 was somewhat silly

The only issue with 3 is introducing cool cars and then placing roadblocks everywhere. Other than that it's a pretty good game. Granted not as silly as 1 but still pretty funny.

Hopefully they do, they'd be doing the right thing, and who knows, the game might turn out pretty damn decent.

>being so out of the loop you do not own a MS platform
>complains that they should give their competitor free money

you know which deadrising girl always gets me going down stairs?

the showgirl psychopath from deadrising 2

she was super milfy

the xboner got fucked so hard microsoft, fucking MICROSOFT, is pandering to windows users

I never thought I'd live to see the day

Motherfucking Bibi

no thx

DR3 also has direct performance problems getting in the way of things. I suppose PC version is better, but XBone version chugs on regular basis and adding vehicle as a mainstay didn't help.

I really want a port or remake of 1 for other consoles and pc damn it

I was excited to see her show up again in 3 and then got really sad when it turned out to be a drag performer

If you play as Frank it MUST be good!

MajorTitle 1 is totally RE7

My main gripe was that they tried to go gritty instead of following up DR2's overall goofiness.

Normies don't know about MH

Made to fail then

>4 million
That's a big number, could be RE7/RE2 Remake, or Mega Man ;_;

DS3 tried way too hard to be funny and ended up not being funny.

DR1 was better because it combined batshit stupid concepts and played them seriously, adding nice mix of black comedy and seriousness.

>DR3 also has direct performance problems getting in the way of things.

Yea they really picked the wrong area for this

You wanna know my guess? They got stronger devkits or were misled on how powerful the xbone was and it was too late to back out.

Another mall type one would have been better even if it did seem repetitive.

You forgot the test build photo.

Frank is back.

That would be Street Fighter. Monster Hunter is extremely niche.

It's probably Monster Hunter Stories.

Or Monster Hunter 5 for NX

They said they're going to be releasing 3 MH titles, one of them coming out March 2017 specifically.

>I was younger when DR1
That's all I got from your post.
The nostalgia goggles. Remove them.

Post best Psychopaths and songs.

Reminder that Cliff did nothing wrong.

Aw man, I don't want to upgrade...

>Windows 10
So basically exclusive to Xbox then.

Oh, you're that same guy from yesterday's thread with the nostalgia argument?

Oh well, you started shitposting so there isn't much point arguing about it.

You'd be an idiot to willingly accept windows 10

actually 3 is better than 1 and 2.



Can't wait to play it on my ps4

The only Psychopath I actually feel bad for killing him.

No PlayStation 4 port no buy

Shame 3 was exclusive to bone, and got a shit pc port

Why was 2 on PlayStation anyway?

Yeah so did I.

I kinda felt bad for Adam as well, seems seeing those kids getting eaten by zombies made him go a bit crazy.

Shhh! You'll trigger the anti MS shills.

Anyway, it lacks the charm of DR1 despite being structured far, far better. Definitely better than DR2 though, even excluding the wacky arcade edition.

>Implying Frank didn't find the fountain of youth while looking for his next big scoop


Forgot there was even a DR3

DR1 was basically my dream game. Dawn of The Dead (1978): The Game had been a fantasy of mine all through my childhood, but I've really grown tired of this series after the piece of shit that was DR3.

MS didn't fund it and Sony probably did a little money hatting to get it on the PS3. The 360 did get a sweet prologue game/demo though.

>people liking DR3 unironically
>people hating the time limit

Neo Sup Forums is real

I just hate the fucking time limits in 1 and 2.
They made them better in 3.




Where'd you guys find these?

If this isn't shitposting then tell me why not having time limits, THE THING THE GAME IS BUILT AROUND, is good

If this is real, i hope they add the previous games to BC for the Xbone. I kinda feel like going thorugh all the again.

Leaked on Sup Forums by some user

>that steering wheel

Games can never do circles right, pathetic.

I don't think so

1>3>2 imho

damned zombrex

No. March is the end of a fiscal year in Japan. For comparison MHX was set to sell 2.5 million by March 2016 and that game came out in November. MH games usually comes out between Fall to Holiday season. And no it's not Stories.

Same here. I might pick it up later if it's good. I need more bone games.

Can we actually get some good music in DR4?

DR1 had really good music, Gone Guru and Justified being standout ones but generally everyone's psychopath theme was really gud.

So this definitely confirms Dead Rising 4.

It'll be on all platforms, DR2 was the only real sucessful game because it was multi-platform.

DR1 = DOA because the PS3 was delayed so the devolopers ditched it and made the game exclusive

DR2 = Best game of the series, successful and highly praised

DR3 = Need I say?

DR4 will be multiplatform, screencap this.