Who's ready for gaming to be saved?

Who's ready for gaming to be saved?


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MN9 part 2 incoming

the bad guy looks like a cross between a minion and the bad guy from despicable me

Looks great,honestly.

It looks alright but a bit less fast paced than I expected

Mighty No. 9 all over again...

>20 year old game has superior digital art
based, real rareware

>less fast paced

Since when are collectathons ever fast paced?

both games looks like they were made for toddlers

>a game gets delayed by two months from an estimate
>instantly gets compared to a game that was delayed eight times and made by a reputed con man

c'mon you retards, this looks good

They're made for people who like fun games

The 2 latest rayman games were pretty good

i know it looks good but i don't want the same effect

>both games looks like they were made for toddlers

Said like a true 14 year old.

>Q1 2017
Time to shut my brain off to this and pretend it doesn't exist again. Looking forward to it though.

Oh damn that end, I liked that.

They only showed 2 worlds off, I'm fine with that I guess.
Looks like there is a metal power up and invisibility, ala Mario 64.

Overall I'm happy with that trailer.

Also I'm pretty sure they're just using one of the Banjo voices for Yooka, I'm sure that ones been done before.

>dat end
>Bat has a giant mat
>Lizard has a tiny one

its the little things

look at the cocktail glass behind them

>it'll probably have car sections by then

Kek, based playtonic.

the jiggy in the cup though

yeah I saw, i guess i didn't feel like it was worth mentioning

the lizard needs a Hawaiian shirt.



people actually like that ending? this was one of the cringiest things ive seen in a while

it's the nostalgia, we've wanted a new banjo game for an eon


Hey man, I liked Nuts and Bolts.

looks nice but i don't really like the design of the two main characters

banjo and kazooie were much better

video games are back


Good, we alreadt have a reason to hate the big bad that will keep us motivated to beat him.

poor guy didn't have a childhood filled with fun.

>mfw the last seconds of the trailer make fun of this kind of people.

Is cringe another word that has lost all meaning?


The old Rare Dev team is the one behind YL

cuck cuUCKCcUCK cUCKCUck

it's easier if you just don't think about it, friend

is this the most nintendo-esque looking game in the last 2 years to not be exclusive to nintendo?
looks like fun, weird being reminded of games can be fun even if they look like toys.

...wait, games are just toys...

It's called tongue-in-cheek humor. I weep for how brain damaged you are.

yeah, because i totally didn't get that. it wasn't on the fucking nose at all.

Is that a Mr. Pants reference I spy?

Honestly, I think it looks too fast, I've played banjo-tooie for fucking years on the n64 without the expansion pack, and this game looks so smooth that I'm afraid I'll fall off ledges like nothing. Was banjo-kazooie 60fps? it never felt like it was to me.

it's more about pacing than frame-rate

the only bit i'm concerned about is that ice cavern where even in the demo they almost slid off the side, but it's hard to say. if it's as floaty as the old games with the higher performance it'll be kinda weird.

LOL Banjo-Kazooie was like 8fps for most of the game


Well there's no denying the devs trying to keep it kid friendly. But why does that matter?

Yooka a cute

Maybe, but i think they were making a reference to Nuts and Bolts

>That cheeky ending
Just like mom used to make.

Post sexy Gruntilda.

Oh fuck
oh fuuuuuck

This looks amazing

we're fucking back bros



I just got my college degree and I spend my free time watching anime and violently masturbating, come at me you child

It actually looks alright.

>It'll probably have car sections by then


She sounds cute
