Be healer

>be healer
>nobody protect me
>people complain about no heals

Typical mercy cuck

dumb frogposter

smart frogposter

you need healer help helping helper

dumb nigger ape

Fuck off to one of the dozen Overshill threads already up. This is an MMO thread.

>healer fags always cry when they die
>game doesn't have minimap and only rein has third person but it's extremely limited

Fuck you fags we can't fucking mind read or have eye behind our heads. How about you stick with us and communicate instead of only speaking after you are already dead.


It's not nice to talk to your tank like that, mercy. Are you asking for punishment?

dumb frogposter

>there's no help line in the game
>you'd literally have to stop and type while under fire to ask for help

>be healing someone in tf2
>someone behind me dies
>complains to me when he dies

>soldier im healing dies to random crit when im at full uber
>complains to me about not using



>group up synonymous to help

>Has a loving and smoking hot bf
>Never blames team if he dies

>has a smoking hot bf

Despite what Ellen tells you, being gay is never a positive unless you're testing for HIV.

I hate this kind of players. That's the reason of why I don't play as Medic in TF2.
I only play with it when I play with/against bots.

-A girl

> fat tank cocks

>playing medic
>some retard whines on the mic for me to heal him instead of pressing E

I wish more medic characters in games had a revive skill like the ones where you hold a button to revive somebody in co-op games.

Only one I can think of that had something similar was the Defibrillator the medic had in Battlefield.

>Be roadhog.
>Don't need heals anyway
>Turn around and see Mercy hop jumping away from Tracer or some cunt

Its not that hard to just look around folks.

>entire enemy team ganking healer
>healer spends every second and every last drop of mana/energy/whatever trying to stay alive
>teammates still manage to die to fuck knows what
>complain that healer is shit