Did you really do the right thing, Sup Forums?
Did you really do the right thing, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
By not playing it? Yes.
Got a refund? Yes.
epic :)
Shame he didn't sellout the merch, now I can't tell which of you faggots to bully without your undertale t shirts on.
>Sup Forums still gets this triggered by a fucking skeleton
the only way to truly play the game is to do pacifist run first, and then do genocide run.
Otherwise both are meaningless.
>people still get defensive about this sjw pandering trash
No. I didn't refund it when i had the chance.
Fuck you, you skeleton fucker.
>muh sjw xD
It's tumblr: the video game. debate all you want but it's true and deep down you know it.
Explain pls
Undertale was one of the best games I played in the media dryspell that was 2015.
Just... don't. He's probably the kind of guy who would call The Rocky Horror Picture Show a SJW movie. Don't need to waste your time.
Asriel = another name for Azriel (AKA Izrail, Azrin, Izrael, Azrael, Azrail, Ezraeil, Azraille, Azryel, Ozryel, or Azraa-eel), a Hebrew Angel/Demon, the God of Death, and some say he is the same entity as Sariel (AKA Seriel, Sauriel, Surya, Saraqael, Sarakiel, Suruel, Surufel or Sourial), demon son of Lilith and Samael, the blind God, who also identifies with the Angel Metatron (UNDERTALE's Mettaton). Yet another deity associated with Azriel is Raziel, and some believe they are the same being. Raziel (under the alternate name Galizur ("Revealer of The Rock")) is described as the "ruling prince of the 2nd Heaven." He is said to expound the "Torah's divine wisdom," and protects the ministering angels from the Hayyoth (four-faced anthropoid beasts), the "holy Creatures" that uphold the universe. He is the Archangel of the Ophanim, the wheel angels.
UNDERTALE is Jewish mysticism propaganda. Toby Fox is, quite literally, a Jewish shill who secretly tries to normalize the Hebrew Satanic cult of Remphan and Moloch and make it accessible to children.
Gas the kikes.
If what you say is true this is dope.
>1 non-binary protagonist
>1 non-binary antagonist
>2 gay male characters
>2 lesbian characters
>1 transexual character
>pro-multiculturalism "monsters should immigrate and live with humans" message
>full-on tumblr fanbase
>not an SJW game
>every thread until you like it
Not really though
I... i don't know...
>implying the absolute GOD of hyperdeath is just a rip of some shitty angel
Those faggots just stole it from his DeviantArt account, duh.
Where's the gay and transgender characters
Damn, calm down dude.
Shit yep he's the guy who calls mettaton transgender
The knights.
>I have to named Howard Shekelstein to have interest in religious mythology.
whatever senpai
wtf dude
>new game comes out, it receives nonstop raving reviews and top bants and OC on Sup Forums and /vg/
>tumblr and youtube and other fucking communities find the game
>it's now utterly deserving of the name Memetale
Why can't we just have one fucking game the normies don't find?
Mettaton is a male ghost in a male body based on David Bowie and Prince you dense fucker
Yes, that's why he loves crossdressing. Not gay at all man.
And by God no, Bowie and Prince were not queer faggots either, no sir.
>people feeling edgy for killing characters in a videogame
Watch your fucking mouth when you speak of The Great White Duke, you philistine.
Bowie literally had gay sex with mick jagger. Look it up.
blame the internet and rat kids and tumblr and youtubers and your mom
And you fap to traps online, niggerfaggot
I came here to post this
fuck you
as good as undertale was, it was never deserving of "greatest game of all time" and the nonstop slobbering of it. it's an above average RPG in an era of average and below average RPGs with some gems here and there. why did normalfags eat it up so much?
>monsters (like undyne) try to kill you, even if you are a good person, just because you are human
>they are just trying to free themselves ;)
>you had enough, decide to kill every single one of them
>"waaaah, muh genocide, you are now hitler (chara)
the game
Not required to do the right thing. tricky bastard.
>people let tumblr dictate what they can and can't like
>non binary
You mean ambiguous?
>gag "no homo bro" joke in video game
>tfw neo Sup Forums would consider this youtube.com
18+ please
>being this mad over Overwatch threads
>restores to trash thread making
18+ please
>muh subber sekrit klub
Fuck off
I didn't "play" this shitty "game"
non-binary protagonist
>gender ambiguity is non binary
>1 non-binary antagonist
The male goat, the male skeleton, or the other male goat? cause those are all the antagonists and you're retarded.
>2 gay male characters 2 lesbian characters
Well there you have it, fallout new vegas and courage the cowardly dog is tumblr shit because tumblr invented gay fictional characters
>1 transexual character
This ain't a thing
>pro-multiculturalism "monsters should immigrate and live with humans" message
>Tumblr invented "everyone should get along"
>mfw tumblr invented the vast majority of stories from years before tumblr's inception
>tfw Ess jay dubyas at every point in history that doesn't agree with my Sup Forums narrative all along
ayy you're retarded.
Why do you pronounce words like a 5 year-old?
Why do you have the mentality of one?
>Yes, that's why he loves crossdressing. Not gay at all man.
>being this culturally illiterate.
>people born in 1997 are allowed to post here.
Genocide is literally genocide though. You actively seek out monsters to kill, even ones that dont even fight back.
>they will never realize their true potential because if you do genocide then they all die and if you do golden ending they never find out
Life is a bitch in undertale
People born in 98 arent underage anymore
>>gender ambiguity is non binary
Sorry, did I trigger you by not using the proper sexual terminology? Are you sure you're not an SJW?
>The male goat, the male skeleton, or the other male goat?
Chara, and you are retarded ;^)
And no tumblr did not invent those things, but tumblr and SJWs fully follow those things. Same difference. I never said anything about anyone inventing anything anyways, just carrying the putrid liberal message.
>Ess jay dubyas
Grow up.
Huh, about that...
>missing the point entirely
First off, you have to go into the game with the express decision of murdering everyone in order to get the genocide route. It was designed more as a surprise route for people who like to grind autismally.
It's also very very easy to get off of. If you spare even a single person, you immediately go back to the neutral route and you have all the way up until the second to last boss to do it. If you leave an area without genociding it first, you go back to normal route, even if you go back and wipe everyone out there later.
The pacifist route is likewise intended to be something you have to know about beforehand and actively work towards. Aside from being forced to complete the neutral route before you can do it properly, the game also tries to trick you into killing a few people by not explaining the mercy mechanic until late into the ruins and by having Toriel give the illusion of being impossible to spare and having her get killed if she drops below half health.
>bowie wasn't gay
>getting triggered because I called a "crossdresser" a "transsexual"
No John, you are the SJWs
You stole my post friend.
I pirated it, played it for a couple of hours. The ms paint graphics and shit humor and "gameplay" didn't resonate with me. I did dig the sountrack though.
Gender ambiguity is not non binary. It just means you can't immediately tell. It doesn't mean they identify as a traffic cone or whatever the fuck.
I had my bowie phase after mgs5 -》his death :(
Both Frisk and Chara are supposed to represent you their gender is whatever you choose it's not "non-binary" or whatever shit you keep saying. It's like the Boss from saints row
Ignoring the fact that Chara is not an antagonist, I'm just going to point out that Chara and Frisk are both very clearly on the gender binary (AKA Male or Female as opposed to a Helioatypical Partial Demi-Gendered Individual you illiterate Sup Forumstard)
come on goyim, this is the Citizen Kane of gaming! only autistic neckbeards hate it. you're not an autistic neckbeard, are you goy?
Yes my Greatest Ally, I'll buy 6 gorillion copies right away.
To be fair Citizen Kane got shat on by critics when it aired
I did pacifist, got bored, then did genocide, sold my soul then did a "betrayal" run
The game's excuse is that you have Save, Load and Reset powers, which places you well above Death itself. And since nothing can actually be a threat, you're expected to do the right thing.
What the fuck kind of shit is Heliotypical Partial Demi-Gendered.
there's only one review that matters youtube.com
Wow you're all so contrarian and cool
No, please fuck off and kys you cancer of gaming
Cause only hipsters cared about it then
Only hipsters care about now, some of them just have money, nothings changed
Found the newfag, straight out of facebook
>did I trigger you by not using the proper sexual terminology?
>ambiguity is a sexual terminology invented by tumblr
>Saints row as well as any game where you can create your character was was invented by the SJWs
>one of the most common morals throughout mankind since before even the bible was made "Everyone should get along" was actually liberal propaganda the whole time
>H-ha I-I'm only pretending to be retarded ;.; c-cuck.
>Letting monsters that attack you for no reason, have killed multiple children so they can wipe out humanity and have the ability to become realty bending horrors just by taking human souls live
reminder that literally every monster besides toriel (who still attempts to fucking murder you when you don't listen), inducing the monster kid is down with the "kill all humans" plan
reminder that "oh we're totally good now because of this one little child" is something the game itself calls out as a bullshit ending that makes no sense
reminder that the only proof the humans started the war comes from books written by monsters (why would they say otherwise when they've spent the last 1000s of years being propagandized towards human genocide)
reminder that in the pacifist ending there's nothing stopping endless amounts of flowey 2's to just hang out near a hospital or a graveyard to suck up human souls and fuck shit up
reminder that chara is just a metaphor for how some people play videogames and shouldn't be taken 100% literally
>Gender ambiguity is not non binary.
Exactly, that's frisk and chara.
I always do the right thing, even if it means I have to do the wrong thing.
>muh sexual terminology! get it right you sexist!
I never said Chara was a tranny, you illiterate idiot.
>>one of the most common morals throughout mankind since before even the bible was made "Everyone should get along" was actually liberal propaganda the whole time
Yes because you know, systems like nationalism were not a wide-spread thing centuries before multiculturalism, right? Get a grip on reality bro.
>>H-ha I-I'm only pretending to be retarded ;.; c-cuck.
Nice one. Tell me more things I never said and did.
That's what nonbinary means, is when you identify as or are born as a gender that doesn't exist on the gender binary of male and female.
When a person walks up to you and says their gender is dolphin, then they are nonbinary.
When a person walks up to you and says their gender is female, then they are binary, regardless of whether or not they were born female.
People who are born as hermaphrodites are also nonbinary, even if the doctors cut their dick off and record them as female(which aren't because a hermaphrodite is more than just a regular woman with a penis glued to her)
This is just one of the countless examples of why the gender binary is bullshit by the way. It's just the one that affects humanity the most prominently.
I played the game for all it was worth and deleted it from my computer, I think I did the right thing. also sans is an idiot who lets a murderer go murder cause maybe they'll change their mind
>the shit Sup Forums makes up to justify being triggered by undertale
Holy shit classic.
I know you're trolling holy shit this is some mental illness shit going on
Undertale is nothing like the Citizen Kane of gaming.
Ocarina of Time is the closest we have to a Citizen Kane of gaming
>Widely overpraised for being "innovative" and "original"
>All the people who praise it have never actually seen/played it except maybe once a very long time ago
>Is actually really really shit
>Was called out on being really really shit by all the critics at the time of release
Obviously OoT doesn't fit all of those. It's actually a fairly mediocre Zelda which means it's a pretty decent game. It is widely overpraised by hipsters who never played it though.
>dev even predicted the date Sup Forums would turn around to and hate undertale.
Honestly this whole ordeal is amusing.
Fun game, but cancerous fan base.
>never really played 3d zeldas
>trying OoT
Holy crap the controls where bad as shit.
I've gone though some games with bad controls let me tell you so I was surprised to find I was bothered by it.
Does the 3d version fix up on this or something?
Reminder that almost no monsters want to kill all humans including asgore, they just see it as the only way to freedom
Reminder that they were already "good", you just proved that humanity had changed towards accepting monsters
Reminder that the war was a thing that the boss monsters were actually present for, so theres not just hearsay
Reminder that flowey was made by alphys accidentally, and theres no actual way for another one to exist
You got one thing right atleast
>muh sexual terminology! get it right you sexist!
>still saying ambiguity is a sexual teminology
>I didn't call her transgendered I called her non binary! there's a fucking difference learn your fucking terminology illiterate shitlord
Holy shit Sup Forums=tumblr more and more everyday.
>"everyone should get along", something that's been around since the dawn of fiction was actually a byproduct of multiculturalism instead of multiculturalism being a byproduct of that old ass moral, because I will rewrite history until it agrees with my narrative.
back to Sup Forumsblr with you.
I should probably clarify that I don't put stock in people who say they identify as attack helicopters.
They are not actually nonbinary because they are almost certainly making up bullshit for attention, but it's what the word gets used for anyway.
As for the part about the gender binary being bullshit, this is pretty obvious to anyone who knows what the phrase "asexual reproduction" means and is capable of realizing the implications of it.