When's the last time you REEE'd at a game? Why?
I want to REEE on those tits OP.
minutes ago at supertux 2 cuz ice physics
I prefer to REEE on Sup Forums on normies
Probably last year when I thought it would be a good idea to get drunk before playing Bloodborne with a friend.
Everything went fine until Gascoigne and my reactions were too shit at that point to deal with him.
Playing Fates
Effie died to a 1% Crit on a chapter in revelation that would have otherwise been one take
when watching other people play bad
nudes of her??
playing Dark Souls
Press B one too many times and back stepped off a cliff
Serious sam 3
At the part where you get airlifted out and shot down, lost all your weapons and then come to the crashed helicopter in an oasis.
shortly after you get mobbed by klops and AAA's I pushed forwards and apparently the main force got stuck behind a sphinx.
I kept pushing forwards and they caught up, just as I found more fucking klops and helicopters. so I get overrun, blown up and load the save.
I died again
It fucking autosaved literally surrounded by a hoarde of fucking AAA's
Last week when i forced myself to complete Soul Calibur V awful story mode
The fact that had to use those two faggots and Phyrra almodt made me quit
Specially the ZWEI vs Nightmare fight
Seriously, fuck that mode
Playing the ffx remaster and flipped the fuck out when I was one lightning bolt dodge away from getting the Onion Knight for Lulu and an encounter randomly happened just as the last lightning bolt struck meaning I had no time to dodge.
I think I'm just going to play blitz ball for a couple days before trying that horseshit again.
Just a few minutes ago because the fuckwad who made it thought a base miss chance of 80% is perfectly fine. No porn game is worth that frustration.
Literally any time I see a Mei in Overwatch.
Double that if it's KOTH
>Having bad day
>Learn that family trip to hawaii is canceled
>Play overwatch
>Have great game
>Second half of the game and mom calls me over
>go back to computer
>Kicked for afk
>Throws mouse at screen
Rip my monitor i had it for so many years
It was a great game aswell
Autism: the post
Sorry about your trip user
Street fighter 5
This was the last time. Fuck those trolls. Haven't gotten mad at a game since.
Overwatch basically every fucking day since it came out. Just came back from buying a new keyboard today. And I don't even fucking REEEE normally, last time must've been years ago.
Needless to say I stopped playing that shit game too. Filled with cheap as fuck characters, retarded noskill abilities, stupid MMO-candy RPS system and bullshit RNG elements, nevermind the fucking matchmaker forcing you to a 50/50 win/loss ratio no matter what the fuck you do.
That game was the biggest disappointment of the fucking decade for me.
>shithead picks zenyatta when where being shitstomped by a widow covered by mercy and symmetra on hollywood
Stop making this thread. You've been warned.
This game was great.
Love Live School Idol Festival.
I was at like a 1200 combo in a medley festival and I fucking sneeze and fucked it up.
I had to change classes 3 times to shutdown this fucking Tracer who's team was doing literally everything to keep her alive.
Felt like my team wasn't doing jack shit