>it's gonna be amazing
R-right lads?
>it's gonna be amazing
R-right lads?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm excited for it
Into the trash it goes
The graphical style looks incredibly promising so yeah, I'll be checking it out.
>chromatic abberation
>boss run: the game
>people only give a shit about it because it's coming to Steam
No it won't be good.
definetly gonna buy it bcuz im le hardcor gaemr
Honestly this game looks fucking awesome
Chromatic aberration works here because it emulates that old cartoon coloring.
Kill yourself Nintendrone.
I think you forgot to remove your tripcode. Would you like me to explain how?
amazing? i hope so. but its definitely going to be good. probably will get it for steam.
>available 2016
inb4 delays
sonigger detected
>Only boss rush
It's gonna be one of those all style no substance games
bosses are generally where all the substance goes for a lot of side scrolling shooters
Fuck off cancer.
This shit hurts my eyes
I get the look they're going for but I really don't like it. I feel like this blurry shit would give me a headache after an hour of playing it.
they announced side-scrolling stages fucking ages ago you god damn dongles
You can't outright say that; Alien Soldier was the same way, and that game was spectacular.
>horrible human being like this exist
fucking tripgafs
I like chromatic aberration, it was something that old cartoons had, but this is too much.
I thought this game was already out.
When is the expected release date?
When did boss rushes become bad? Bosses are the most fun parts in games you faggots.
That game hurts my eyes.
Get better eyes, casuals.
>all of the millenials that are going to pretend to like "old" cartoons because of this shit
every time
Shut the fuck you pathetic nugamer who have never played Alien Solider
That's certainly the hope.
I'm optimistic.
You're literally retarded and you should kill yourself
Looks great but the fact that it's a boss rush style game makes me think it'll be extremely short.
can't wait to play this in 1440p 144hz
that's just 90% of people you retard. most people are fucking stupid but some of the new generation that plays this game could potentially go back and watch all the old cartoons.
also millenial means anyone aged up to 35 by now so if you're on Sup Forums at 36+ saying that shit you need to literally end yourself it's only downhill from here
didn't they delay it so they could have proper levels, because people complained about it being boss rush only?
It'll likely be tied to 60fps/1080p since this is a 2d game
They could easily at least uncap the framerate but devs developing 2D games seem to be retarded and insist on tying framerate to game logic
I was born in '95 and watched a lot of the old classics in TV growing up...probably the same happened to the "new generation" though maybe to a lesser extent
damn, that sucks. now that you say it, i remember something about 2d games and frame timings.
I feel like this game should have come out a couple of months ago.
Spotted the millenial secondaries.
I feel like you should've made me cum a couple months ago
Hand animation takes a while.
It's why they're focusing on bosses primarily.
I'm expecting it to be a solid platformer
Probably huge disappointment to most people because the artstyle is great and they project ton of expectations on the game because of that alone
Spotted the how u doin bby :^)
>felix the cat was a cool cartoon, right?
>ugh, what?
Boom, you've defeated a millennial hipster
Personally I hate that art style. le old meme disney art.
Seems like hipster tripe that's been hyped up way too long. How many years has it been now?
>Alien Soldier
hell yeah
too bad Superhard is fucking impossible
hell yeah it was bro. I just bought the NES cartridge off eBay for just 70 bucks. Totally worth it, it's on my shelf right now! Probably a lot of fun!
*Ding* Whoops, gotta go! My ramen is done! Poor college kid problems am I right?! XD
It doesn't have to be based on frame timings but devs are retarded and lazy so they just tie it to the game logic
As for the resolution...nothing you can do about that since 2D graphics don't work the same as polygons/3D
I'm guessing it will come with a few resolution options(if you're lucky you'll get 4K as an option) but you won't be able to render it at whatever resolution you want(not without some blurry upscaling anyways)
It's a small team too
Go back to your cave leddit
>le old meme disney art.
It's Fleischer
I almost want to shell some bucks on it tbf
My moral code won't allow me ton ot pirate of course, but still, this seems to be a remarkable game so far.
Makes me want to replay the megadrive mickey mouse game, too.
everything is a meme
hating things for being memes is a meme
saying everything old is hipster even though every social fad is just a copy of old fads is a meme.
You are a meme elemental.
This is the perfect example of how hype for games that won't come out in a long while works for me.
At first I was super hyped be its presentation.
After months I forgot about it.
Then I saw it again people talking about it, checking it out again I started seeing all the flaws the game seems to have, on top of that there game still hasn't released yet.
Not looking at it again I don't even care anymore and probably won't even pirate it.
E3 fucking sucks.
Looking forward to it, but the wait is rotting my soul.
So hype.
Op here, i love how these threads turn into hateful flamewars in no time
Delicious salt.
What a faggot
Exposed his dumbass, fuck that fag
Remember when memes were memes, but we didn't say it? All of a sudden, that word exploded in usage and everyone is about memes.
Anyways, I'm excited for Cuphead mostly for the art and the idea of a boss run type game seems fun, provided it has varied content which this game seems to have.
An elememental, if you want
>le old meme disney art
Opinion discarded.
Im happy with a boss rush as long as there's a lot of bosses.
If it's only a dozen or something that'd fucking suck but I'm pretty sure we've already seen 20+ from the first two or three worlds alone in the demos.