WoW is now LITERALLY a Facebook game

WoW is now LITERALLY a Facebook game.

What's even the point.

This probably cost us our Ruby Sanctum bonus raid tier.

oh boy just what i always wanted

just let it end

Just don't use it if you don't like it.

So which one is this, Blizzard desperate for more personal info on their players or facebook paying blizzard in an desperate attempt to get their streaming thing popular?

WoW was always casual as fuck, who cares

Time and money went into developing a feature that most would consider objectively bad.

I bet it's both.

>we are now heading into a time when ordinary normalfags are streaming instead of watching TV (netflix etc)
>we are now heading into an age where nearly every big game has a button you can click to share gameplay footage, and lots of integration with streaming services
>mfw we are literally heading into a time where normalfags are going to be sitting at home watching average, everyday non-professional and completely unknown autists and children playing their afternoon videogames that are being autostreamed to some service

both probably

>blizzdrones will defend this either way

I don't have a memebook account, am I safe?

This is actually quite good, it'll take two clicks for someone to impulse play WoW. This will influx many new players. As much as I want to Ponochet the shit out of facebook, this is good for the game.

Don't forget everyone is getting WoW for free when they see the Warcraft movie.

>blizzdrones are already defending this

WoW has always been for the normies, this is nothing new

>copying posts from MMO-C
Shameful display user

>doesn't add content for over a year, instead elects to charge people for a new expansion and add facebook shit in game

Why do people give them money for this crap again?

The problem with the warcraft movie is that A LOT of those people won't give a shit about the free WoW and sell it for pennies or give it away and fucking gold farmers will flood the game again. Such a bad idea.

Big deal. At least it isn't a feature in a content patch like in WoD and they are just getting it out of the way now.

Legion looks fine either way, so far nothing has been cut and the crap they announced at Blizzcon is still there. Just another dumb feature I won't use.

But what if I don't want my fucking friends to know I play WoW or goddamn RuneScape

I understand hating content drought, it happens nearly every expansion, But don't try to hide your jew by slipping in that they should give an expansion for free.

>kike ran liberal social media outlet joins forces with kike ran liberal video game company

So glad I left WoW a long time ago and got a refund on Overwatch.

Blizzard customers are the cancer of gaming.

>so far nothing has been cut

oh, user. they have cut so much, but they didn't tell us what they added and cut like in WOD

Sup Forums is just full of hilarity.

Then it's no big deal. WotLK cut stuff too.

wotlk wasn't preceded by an expansion with one major patch and two raid tiers


I'm pretty sure it won't lessen their impression of you any.

People that play Blizzard shit don't like video games anyway, this is perfect for them.

God, remember when they tried to add in game voice chat in TBC? That was a fucking waste of dev time, holy shit.

It might as well have been considering how garbage TotC was.

Last Expansion felt like one of FFXIV's free content patches. If that's indicative of the support WoW's going to receive from now on then it should be free.

as someone who only ever cared about warcraft 2, i am just so fucking disappointed in every new piece of info i hear about the series

the movie is supposed to be based on WC2 and it just shows how far blizzard has strayed from the original games

>But don't try to hide your jew by slipping in that they should give an expansion for free.
Blizzard only makes a billion fucking dollars and still charges sub-fees for a game people stopped caring about like 5 years ago

They have no good will with their consumers to exploit in convincing people to buy Legion

literally only retards will buy Legion; it is being made solely to keep WoW viable at Actiblizz as a source of income.

Fun fact, the in-game voice chat does not work very well with girls' voices. It makes them sound like young boys, but once you get on Vent you learn that they were women all along.


>I don't have a memebook account
now you do

XIV's content patches have gotten worse since Heavensward.

movie is based on wc1 you sperg
>as someone who only ever cared about warcraft 2
then why are you posting?

wasn't WC1 completely retconned? Or at least so heavily modified, that it barely resembles the game any longer?

oh, i'm sorry, i didn't know you were only allowed to have warcraft related opinions if you like the new ones

>i have no intrerest in X
>heres my opinion on X
is this reddit?

did you also not know that WC1 came before WC2?


if it were based on WC1 they did a fucking terrible job of it, since WC1 is the least complex shit ever and people still came out of it scratching their heads and thinking "well i guess you need to know the 'lore' to get it!"

>and people still came out of it scratching their heads and thinking "well i guess you need to know the 'lore' to get it!"
what? No, gamers weren't that retarded back then. They just brushed it off as "lol, random fantasy" and moved on. The whole lore thing is a new obsession

>AAA game content

>Batteries not included

>back then

i'm talking about the movie

well, the movie has little to do with WC1. WoW just went insane to justify its expansions, and the result is the clusterfuck shown in the movie

>World of Warcraft players now get the honor of paying monthly for Facebook privileges
Thank you very much Blizzard I will never forget this

Facebook has streaming service?

even better, it's an inverted streaming service. They're streaming all your data to them

watch this be added in patch 7.1 along with glove and belt heirlooms and that's all the content we get until 7.2

more and more that south park about the television being obsolete is becoming a reality
>parents used to hate technology
>now they have every new piece of tech out there
>iphones that basically serve to look at facebook at really bad memes that are usually about politics
>everything they watch is on DVR and 90% of the time they're on their phones while it plays in the background
>brother sits in his room and watches random people on twitch play games or watches lets plays of games he already has or has played
>all the systems in his room are coated in a thick layer of dust along with the games

Oh man so that's why back in BC everyone thought I was a little boy, huh

cus people are retards?
they'd rather see the next super hero movie with some bottom scraping hero nobody's ever heard of

We were already headed there with reality tv, this is just a step in the same direction

>well, the movie has little to do with WC1
Then Blizzard is lying to people cuz that's what the movie is supposed to be.

The original plot of WC1 was

>humans are peaceful
>portal opens
>orcs go in
>humans are slaughtered defenselessly
>orcs come back and say "hey they are all weak and they have cool stuff"
>orcs invade local castle en masse
>humans push them back with trained knights and proper army
>orcs realize they need to be more organized to kill the humans
>orcs copy humans and rally their scattered tribes into a coordinated army

>Then Blizzard is lying to people

There is no escape.

that looks retarded beyond words

the only thing different from the "canon" is mainly garonas story, she isnt controlled by Gul'dan, she doesnt fall in love with medihv, instead of gul dan activating her to kill the king, she kills the king during the battle in swamp of sorrow/blasted lands to win favor with the orcs in hopes of stopping them going to war with the humans.

This is actually kinda unnerving.

There's also some smaller stuff, like Dalaran already being a floating city, that being which I assume was a Naaru, and orcs being brown now.

This is actually a good idea, we will never have the VR MMO experience if we still need external software to talk to people.

People still play wow?

>twitter integration was a massive flop
>lets try facebook integration now

who the fuck is in charge of this?


what about the fact that orcs are portrayed as slightly angrier native americans? that shit wasn't in the games until fucking WC3, all this "orcs are just protecting der families, dindu nuffin, dey was all brainwashed!!"

but orcs were brown before they drank the blood of mannoroth
thats why durotan and the frostwolves still are brown, cus they chose not to drink it

also do you remember the name of the old lady inside the cube? are you saying that was a naru?

See guys we told you it would be different this time

me on the left

>but orcs were brown before they drank the blood of mannoroth
Yes, but that wasn't a thing before Warcraft 3. I was comparing it with WC1; I can't keep up with all these retcons, man

>are you saying that was a naru?
I have no ideia. I assumed it was a naaru because it looked like one on the outside. Also, the whole "light and darkness" thing.

you make me want to replay WC1. If only scrolling would work right on DOSBox

>new ways to socially connect with your fellow players

they spew shitty buzzwords like this when it comes to collaborating with huge data-hungry social media conglomerates, yet they refuse to even give players a basic fucking text chat in hearthstone, instead limiting communication with your opponent to inane pre-defined emotes.

says a lot about the direction 'multiplayer' gaming is headed actually, and i dont like it at all.

>says a lot about the direction 'multiplayer' gaming is headed
what does it say?

so will i be able to play the garrison in facebook without paying a fee?

yea, and the fact that you cant choose more than 6 units at a time

Legacy Servers when?

never ever

4, and that's fine. I can handle convoluted controls. The scrolling is a bug in DOSBox though, eternally unfixed

>go watch movie because reasons
>now i have a account and a month
can always level up dks and use it to grind gold
too bad i'm not into botting for gold/ah (and i don't know) , only know how to bot for fishing

>a game for normies is now implementing normiebook.
Thats not even worth a reee

abnormal and proud of it, heh?

I still play retail. This change means nothing is what i was implying. The game is for normies. it has been for years.

the majority of the player base doesnt understand the concept that difficult content is good for the game. They would rather things handed to them and continuously get their way. Most recently with lfr awarding tier sets for "participating"

the garrison would actually be pretty decent as a fallout shelter type independent game, and I'd play it for a while

It looked nothing like a Naaru, it was a big black cube thing, not a glowing crystal chimey thing.