Are ambitious games dead ?

Are ambitious games dead ?

I think so. Other then kickstarters, and we know how those go.

Most just don't want to risk gambling the money on ventures that may not yield fruit. And let's face it, the cost of making games only goes up as time goes on.

Not at all, you are just too jaded and anytime a new game with interesting ideas comes out, you pick it apart for each minor insignificant thing and also call the people wanting to talk about it a shill.

Not until Star Citizen flops

I really enjoyed Hellgate london's feel, thank god I didn't buy the founder's pack or whatever it was called though.

Indie games are all we can hope for, if graphics is your thing though then you're fucked, Unreal World & Dwarf fortress are a fair example of an indie "team" completely defeating any competition.

Every once in a while someone promising will rise, you just have to get used to really slow development, personally I'm keeping an eye on Overgrowth, Exanima/Sui Generis and Kenshi, all of those are doing things that haven't been done before and active in development, you could say they are even accelerating as they go and to anyone following their work it's they seem pretty promising.


>DOOM tries to return to classic FPS form despite some stumblings
>Interesting indie game that tries new things in creative ways
>OW is a bland, by the numbers shooter with the same depth as a puddle but it has waifus
>15 threads, infects entire board

It's sad how right you are.

>diablo with guns

it was a piece of shit, every time some tard goes m-muh Blizzard North, you just need to point this travesty out to shut them up

Thanks to graphics whore they are.

Now everygame is a safe rehash of lowest common denominator or a broken "artistic" walking simulator by some nu-male hack in his fucking mid life crisis

>but it has waifus
this is why they talk about it, virgins populate 90% of this board.

Name one ambitious game in development right now apart from Dwarf Fortress which is a meme anyway.

Where does one find Indie games in dev keep track of?

>Indie games are all we can hope for,


Japanese corporations are only ones making good games, as always. Just hope they don't cater to mass market too much.

>Dwarf fortress is a meme
Bruh what

\Unreal World, Overgrowth, Exanima/Sui Generis and Kensh

It's a crafting simulator with endless procedural generation, nothing special. It even relies on third party programs to work without much hassle.

>Exanima/Sui Generis


It's a shitty physics simulator, there's not even dismemberment there. It's like Severance for the homeless.

Overgrowth has a weekly or monthly video blog, Kenshi and exanima also have blogs you could follow, for general indies you need to keep your ears and eyes open.

It's fun as hell once you get used to it, they did an amazing work and :
>We do want to add dismemberment at some point but as parco said this is mostly a cosmetic concern that will likely only affect killing blows and not a priority.

>Visible wounds and other effects from blows is however something we plan on introducing before long. We've already done preliminary work on this and all characters already use unique procedural texturing.

DOOM is so fucking good, its how a shooter should be, most of Sup Forumss opinions belong in the trash
you just need to put tits and ass in a game and it will trigger Sup Forumss teen hormones and they will praise it

Blizzard just released Team Fortress 3. After they released Azeroth: the Gathering AND League of Blizzard.

Yeah, gaming in general is dead.


>+100 multiplayers games are dead
we live

Big AAA titles for vast majority of time are. As costs of creating big games rises, big publishers are less willing to naturally take risks and go with safe options instead of something new and daring.

give example then

I'd say Shadow of Mordor was pretty ambitious with it's Nemesis system and they delivered pretty well on it.

Star citizen

>using third party programs with dorf fort

spot the scrub

What is it with all the Hellgate love lately?