Why won't companies make the games everyone is asking for?

Why won't companies make the games everyone is asking for?

Valve knows everyone wants Half Life 3. Capcom knows everyone wants a proper Mega Man. If they know this, why won't they just make them?

Valve make a fuckton more money from cosmetics in dota and CS and steam to ever bother making HL3. It just takes too much effort to produce a good singleplayer game when everything else is more profitable

Don't be so entitled.

I think Valve will make 3 when they can truly bring something new to the table. VR is a possibility, but more than likely they are in no rush at all and have no specific plans.

>Why won't companies make the games everyone is asking for?
Because that is equivalent to design by focus group committee.

Why make something everyone else is shitting out every year when you can set the standard once again.

Putting out Half Life 3 is no longer about finishing the series, its about making a game that lives up to the most ridiculous expectations a game has ever had. If Valve even makes their final installment to the series, it had better be after a long and hard look at what's been absolutely awful in the gaming industry lately and what needs to change. We can only hope if they ever deliver that it actually sets a new standard, begins a new era and flushes out all the bullshit.

I see someone hasnt heard about the valve RPG leak

It's gonna be Duke Nukem Forever all over again.

Half Life 3 has been hyped into infinity, meaning Valve will never meet the expectations of the meme hype and will turn out disappointing, even if it is better than half life 1 or 2.

Yeah no, most people don't give a shit about half-life and mega man.



Because if they don't think it'll be a gaurunteed 10mil sales they don't want to bother.

Niche target audiences are no longer audiences at all for AAA publishers.

Great fucking question OP. I ask myself this, and another variation of this question almost every single day.

Like: fans scream at the top of their lungs in unison what they want. It literally doesn't get any easier than this from a developer standpoint. It takes the imagination and luck aspect out of creating something you hope people will enjoy. You know what they'll enjoy. Fucking make it happen. How hard can that be.

In Valve's case, its' because they've struck gold with Steam and realized they don't need to actually work hard to make something to get rich. They are just being fat lazy fucks. But for companies like Nintendo, Capcom etc? No fucking excuse. At least Capcom is supposedly working on Resident Evil 2 Remake. Hopefully that turns out decent and not scrapped/garbage.

They should make HL3 a VR only game.

Because they know they wouldn't do it right and would loose more money than just not making the game

yeah I bet the company that spend the last 10 years literally shitting out cosmetics and trying to make paid mods the norm will make a good good game ever again.

Are you fucking retarded?

Because it would be one of single most anticipated games of all time. There's no point making it right now. People aren't going to forget about it, so Valve are waiting for it to pull them out of a big slump or downturn or something. The longer they wait the more money it'll make. And also they're probably afraid to make it.

That's no reason not to make the game.

If Capcom were to shit out a new Megaman game and revise it in order to sell in today's market, it'd be despised by older fans and ignored by the potential ones.

>ninty will never ever make a pokemon mmo that's decent

Valve don't because they don't have the talent to live up to the hype, and they don't need to to be lucrative. Capcom did, didn't they? MM9?

>Valve has already completed HL3/HL2:EP3
>They're just waiting for the time between the release of EP2 until the release to be 1 day longer than that of duke forever's.

Because Half-Life 2 sold less than half of what CSGO sold. That doesn't include crates, skins and all that other nonsense.


valve has always been lazy as fuck and the success they've had with steam amplified that even more. developing a game is just unnecessary work for them

>cash shops in their multiplayer games print money
>the mountain of cash they get from steam

It's the sequel to a game that revolutionized gameplay but not storytelling.

Half life 2 is pretty boring by today's standards. Not in a "wow explosions" COD type of way but the game seems lacking in the fps aspect.

Go back and play HL2 and lie to yourself when you say it's an exciting game or that any guns besides the gravity gun feel like they have weight to them. They don't and if they were to make HL3 exactly like HL2 then you guys would see just how bland this series is.

HL3 is their flagship title for when they come up with something new and revolutionary

Because they know people would want a GOOD game.

Meaning time and money would need to go into it.
It's an investment on their part and what they get out of it is POTENTIAL sales.
Imagine they put all that effort and money into a game that "everyone" wants and then it doesn't sell?

It's not worth the risk for the sake of a few thousand nerds sperging out after a new game in their favourite series.

Because it is impossible to live up to the hype. The new Doom only managed to get away with it because the multiplayer beta sank the hype everyone had for it, meaning people were in a better mindset for it and were surprised when the single player was kinda decent.

>Still thinks HL3 is a possibility


Oh, sweet summer child, you bring me amusement

There are lots of reasons for HL3

>The overhype from memes
>Duke Nukem Effect
>HL in it's genre of "single player focused FPS" is not popular anymore and would get extremely lower sales than before
>They make more money doing other projects
>Their entire corporate & development structure of "work on what you want"
>The fact that if they did release and was met with less than favorable reviews it could impact negatively the overall brand and sales of Valve & Steam themselves
>No ending would ever be conclusive or enjoyable enough for everybody

"The only winning move (for Valve with HL3), is not to play"

Only way they could wriggle out of it is to pass HL3 to another dev and then put out the excuse "but it wasn't us" when it inevitably fails to meet the hype. They would still get shat on for passing it on though, but not as bad if it was made in house.
Still probably be better if they just leave it as a never ever game.