Tomorrow the final Splatoon DLC comes out

Tomorrow the final Splatoon DLC comes out.
Wanna play?

>"final" Splatoon DLC

I really missed out the fun this game provides by having a shitty internet connection. Every time I join a match, they leave automatically. Appearantly if someone with awful internet the server drops the match. I haven't played a single match.

>still playing Splatoon

Why? It has no content or depth, even if they add maps and weapons literally everything in that game can be experienced in 3 - 4 matches.

>babies first shooter dies in just under a year
are you really surprised? it sold like shit on a console no one has

They keep saying this, but it's like the third time we've gotten content after they said they were going to stop.

>it sold like shit
>sold like shit

So they finally released the whole game now?
Lost interest waiting for a full release but its really scummy to hold back on disc content for so long

You mean like Overwatch?

Nah, Splatoon doesn't have microtransactions.

it also doesn't have voicechat

Probably not the last DLC.

A year from now, we'll have Splatoon: Season 2. mark my words....

Yeah except Overwatch lets you switch weapons mid game, as well as letting you play every map in the game without waiting 4 hours.

Don't forget that you aren't getting paired up with laggy Japanese players every fucking game.

With how quickly the game died in the west, I wouldn't want it.

>Get on the tower you retards, stop painting spawn
>ching chong ping pong

but the NX comes out this year, and splatoon doesn't require real development time, did you forget that the prerelease demos were made when the game was 10% done?

but it's a dead ip on a mobile device so it would be just as dead as splatoon is

Yeah just like the last """"final"""" DLC right? They'd be stupid to drop support for something popular on the home turf.

At least Splatoon got ranked play in under a week, while it got delayed in Overwatch.

>With how quickly the game died in the west

I get westerners all the time.

>we never got playable Octolings
Such is life. Gotta save something for Spla2n.
Actual Cuttlefish faction when?

You couldn't even squad up with your friends for 3 months.

But hey, if we're going to compare launches, let's talk about how Splatoon launched with 5 maps and that's all you got to play until a month later when they introduced one more.

i heard they did get octolings playable, but it crashed and corrupted saves

Doubt it'll be the final one. Its the only game keeping the Wii U alive.

Is anyone actually down to play or is this going to turn into another pointless fact check argument?

> Splatoon still triggers shitposters like this
lmfao, more than a year and y'all niggas still salty that the Wii U got one of the most unique and fun shooters of this generation. Grow the fuck up, manchildren.

With all the hackers ruining the game, the nips with 3 second lag and the content locked on disc, this game is dead to me

Well, that was a hacker who went into the game files. If I remember correctly, the guy used an Octoling player model (which had been getting updates through the actual game updates, oddly enough) with a Hydra Splatling back before either were released. When he went online, it worked fine, but when people went back to their plazas, the game didn't know what to do with the Octoling because normally the people you last played with show up right outside your tower. So the game pretty much bricked itself.

I can't be a shitposter if I was one of the ones that actually fell for buying the game.

Glad to see you ran out of arguments though. Wii U can keep Splatoon while it slowly dies, gets replaced by the NX and PC/X1/PS4 will continue to get games that Nintendo won't make a console for.

How is being fine with the lack of voice chat shitposting?

I want to play as Bobtail Squid

>summer heat have started on my city
>already free of assignatures so no more school until agust
>suddenly incredible urge to play splatoon again after drooping it 6 months ago.

what is? some kind of station miracle?

.....I'm sorry to hear that, I thought all of that was fixed. I haven't encountered anything like that personally so I figured it was gone.

Children please calm down.

I'd main bigfin, depending on what their special was

Me all of these.

Wasn't the """final""" DLC supposed to be in January? They're gonna keep supporting for as long as it remains popular in Japan until the next Splatoon for NX.

It was supposed to stop at the end of August.
Then there was the patch that added the new music and everything.
Then another that added a handful of other weapons.
Then we had 2 updates planned, with tomorrow night's being the second.

Bigfin and Giant are the best! BEST!

inb4 that spike/inkling vomit doujin

dead game

Is it worth getting a Wii U to play Splatoon?

that doesn't seems like a bad thing though, as long as its free I dont see why Nintendo shouldn't keep supporting their last year more successful IP

only if you want to play with japs

Not at this point. The only way to get consistent matches with western players is online tournaments.

no, of course not, you can play splatoon right now on the PC for free at a higher resolution and better frame rate, all that money you are wasting could be better used on a new card, don't be a retard

No bro, wait a little untill they anounce if the NX is compatible with wii u games, then get a NX, there are quite good games for Wii u, but since its not getting any suport anymore theres no need to throw your money to the trash.

can you play online with CEMU yet

So instead of wasting your time stating your opinion on the internet to people who ultimately don't care cause their opinion is different and unchanging, how about we actually play the game!?

Methinks that the dev team has grown attached to the project and doesn't want to abandon it.

Yes! there is a more active online community for the superior PC version than there is for the buggy and laggy nintendo based garbage

The director bawled at a special event because he was so proud of how well the game did.

To say their hearts aren't in it is a huge understatement

I'm glad there's at least one team at Nintendo that still puts heart into something. They could have easily gone paid DLC after a year of updates.

stop shitposting flaseflagger-kun

trash belongs in a trashcan, fuck off to the splatoon general

This is a splatoon thread asking for people who want to play! The hell is wrong with you!?

>superior 18fps version with no internet play
PC cucks everybody

At the end of the wiiu's life when you can get it for cheap, the Splatoon scene in Japan might still be that healthy. It's crazy how well it latched on over there.

Its great to hear that theres at least some AAA devs who are still passionate.

Octolings are for ____ .

I feel bad for any japs who want to get in on the game, the fucking BUNDLE sells more than a PS4 in Japan, Nintendo is trying to gouge as much money out of Japan they can.

>Jet Set Radio team said that they want to do a crossover with Splatoon
>Still no Jet Set Radio outfits.

>two dead games want to join forces to desperately cling to relevancy
seems like a match made in heaven

how many crossovers besides ika musume did splatoon get

On disc content finished late 2015, in November I think (which is arguably pretty long)

Everything since has been patched in. There were nonfunctional reference files for weapons like splatling and slosher on the disk.

If you want to count the Corocoro clothes and the Zapper, then those.

sad thing is that nintendo can announce dlc with new gamemodes and maps for E3 and it'll actually be better than whatever garbage they'll show with puzzelda

>Hating on Jet Set Radio.

>puzzles as an insult to zelda

I mean you're right about dlc being more interesting but you're a retard if you have a problem with zelda having puzzles.

So whens the next Splatfest?

>shit game dies and is forgotten
>Nostalgia blind user refuses to acknowledge shit game for being shit

>Gum outfit for the girls
>Beat outfit for the guys
Yes please.

>People call Splatoon original
>They don't know its a ripoff of an unreleased Xbox 360 game called Color Wars.

A very good rip off.

>game that never came out
>game with no mechanics in common with splatoon except for painting
I miss those days of shitposting.
Still waiting for that 200 000th sale.

if it weren't for shitposters digging around for the most obscure shit they could no one would've heard of that game

>Still waiting for that 200 000th sale.
Dicks and crows.

Still waiting for that user to eat a bag of dicks for splatoon selling more than 300k

it was dicks AND crows


eating crow is just an idiom, eating dicks I'm taking as literal

pretty sure it sold more than 2mil in japan alone by now

Some people play for fun.
Not everyone plays games to fill progress bars for years.

3+ mil in japan alone

Its a shame Nintendo didn't go all out with the Splatoon crossovers. We could've got some neat stuff, like Lin's Minigun for Xenoblade X or something.

Or a Master inkbrush.

I'm glad they didn't. Splatoon standing on its own was great.

Not only that, but other games are piggybacking on Splatoon, like how Miitomo had a Splatoon promotion within a month of its launch

I wonder if the WiiU would be in a better position had Splatoon been a launch title.

that and SMM would've sold people on that stupid pad in beginning

>Elite Beat Agents successor starring the Squid Sisters
Yes or No?

im surprised nintendo hasn't already put out a rhythm game staring those two on the 3ds

They are probably working on it.

i just hope it wont be in the style of RHF, doesn't fit the squid sisters

That and they shouldn't have relied so much on the extremely fickle third parties to pad out their launch.

unprecedented partnership

Do I look 4 years old?

>nzap with KRAKEN
>splatterscope with WALLS
>rollers with WALLS & inksooka
>range blasters with BURST BOMB

Holy fuck, who thought this was balance?

Why yes

Splatoon is the only purchase on the wii u I regret. I just get so fucking mad at this game. It seems like every time I play everyone on my team is either retarded or literal children. I try my damn hardest but it's in essence one, maybe two against four. Meanwhile the other team is the most coordinated bunch of motherfuckers alive.

>inb4 getting mad at a kids game
You're damn right I'm mad. I get so mad it's the only game where I actually have to stop and take a walk or else I will break something.

>in November I think (which is arguably pretty long)
Try August.

The final dlc will be the octolings.