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PC gamers don't have anything else to play.
Its quite simple, people play it because their friends are playing it, get suckered in to buying skins, and then refuse to put the game down lest the $1000 spent on skins be a waste.
>awesome power
toppokeki da
this, league is like WoW after vanilla/BC, where you just log in to stand in stormwid or ironforge doing absolutely NOTHING, because there was no games to play and nothing to do
your ebin cropping isnt even funny and you're literally complaining about nothing
It's a time killer. Literally nothing else. The reason the newest character has less Lore is Riot thinks (THINKS) No one wants to read when they could just hop into a 30 to 40 minute match and click around. I've played since Beta, and always enjoyed the work they put into lore, no matter how bad it was. I know people who play now who don't even know that lore exists on the characters. Riot is just putting their resources where there is more interest.
Almost like it's a business or something.
League has lore?
This happens because people are too noob and casual for dota
Because it's free. Nothing more, nothing less.
It had when journal of justice n champion judgements were around
It does, and some people actually care about it too. I remember seeing streams with people playing while roleplaying as the characters.
Cringe to some, awesome to others i guess.
Game itself isn't bad,just full of toxic gamefags
I sunk way too much time and money into that game
>One of the first characters
>has a little short story length of lore
>one fucking paragraph
Mad cuz I'm right?
teemo is also stronger and more useful
>Now, he is forced to wield his awesome power
>His awesome power
>Awesome power
I have no words.
why are doturds always so angry?
What sort of business constantly fucks with their current userbase in hopes of attracting new users?
>LoL becomes so bad even it's biggest dicksucker Dunkey leaves.
I never understood why people would play this over Dota 2.
Most video game lore is cringy in general.
>Thinking it's always only Dota players who think League of Legends is a fucking shit game with shit developers.
Why? Aren't people who don't play Dota allowed to know and discuss how fucking awful League is?
Being able to forge stars would be awe inspiring, hence awesome.
If anything, the biggest whiners about League are League players themselves.
Not enough waifu
well they are remaking the lore and they have a allot of written lore for aurelion sol its not shown on the launcher but on the website
I never understood why people play Dota 2.
>this damage control
Why do you kids have such shit taste? All mobafaggotry should be banned.
Aurelion Sol actually DOES have long-form lore, it's just tied in with the Targon event and kept on their website instead of the client, like they've been doing with most new characters now, which is retarded.
If you're gonna criticize a game at least do it right.
Yeah it's because the game is completely unbalanced trash. The matchmaking is all fucked up now. Not because of this dynamic queue everyone complains about, but because no matter what every ranked game consists of you winning a bunch of games in a row, then riot pairs you with people haven't won in a year and you lose.
I mean the real question is, how the fuck do we kill this game?
>I never understood why people play Dota 2.
Because Riot nerfed my waifu into uselessness.
I also stopped playing dota for the same reason
>he can create stars
>this inspires awe from those beneath him
>therefore its awesome
Are you retarded?
Just like WoW, Riot's doing a good enough job killing their game themselves.
Yeah line Azir has two pages of lore but in client it's another paragraph.
Well I play smite. The lore is gud.
1920:1080 is also dominant.
That was actually proper use of "awesome"
>Introduce sweeping changes to change the meta
>One champion becomes horrendously OP to the point he must be instantbanned
>60% winrate
>Same champion becomes nerfed to the ground next patch
>40% winrate
>Wash and repeat
This is why I laugh at people who have "mains"
But the lore is already established by religious folklore.
Casualize the game to normalfags who won't spend a penny on the game instead of the whales with 1000+ games and hundreds of dollars invested.
This desu.
Smite lore is literally mythology. Of course its good.
The lore is good because it already exists from hundreds of years ago, and hasn't been made-up by the developers.
Look at that joke, so far up in the sky
Do you suffer from severe brain damage?
>slow clap
I have been playing Gangplank since he was a Q spam trash.
He was nerfed 5 consecutive times after his rework, and I still have 100% winrate on ranked games with him.
>I have no words
I don't doubt it.
>kickstarter indie game
>kickstarter indie game
>kickstarter indie game
>shitty RTS
>shitty RTS
>""realistic"" FPS
>shitty RTS
>kickstarter indie game
>shitty grinding MMO
>kickstarter indie game
>shitty grinding MMO
>kickstarter indie game
>""realistic"" FPS
>vaporware MMO
>shitty grinding MMO
>shitty grinding MMO
>kickstarter indie game
>shitty walking simulator DLC
>kickstarter indie game
>kickstarter indie game
>kickstarter indie game
>kickstarter indie game
>kickstarter indie game
>kickstarter indie game
>F2P racing shovelware
>F2P racing shovelware
>kickstarter indie game
>kickstarter indie game
>shitty RTS
etc etc etc
I think you get the picture.
No,do you?
It should have been fairly obvious that it had a hint of sarcasm.
>playing mobas for the lore
Do you? Because the joke is apparently so far above your head its obtained orbit.
Under normal circumstances I would say a bad one, but League is the most played Moba in the world, and one of the single most played online games, so while I don't agree with it it's apparently working for them. I guess to answer your question, the only business that would do that is one that is so successful it doesn't matter to them what happens to their fans.
Or the classic riot double mixup.
>champ has 40% win rate for 3 years
>rework champion
>within a month said champion has a 60 percent win rate in 2 roles and is hyper cancer tier
the deepest
Better than no games
So "indie game" is a genre? What kind of game play do "indie games" have?
ya i dont get it either ? ? ?
>putting back stories on MOBA characters when there isn't even a fucking story mode. All you do is kill creeps, shit on towers, and destroy bases
MOBA players are fucking retarded. The epitome of the worst of the worst gaming communities. None of it makes any sense. Not even Blizzard is bothering putting too much backstory on anything in Overwatch because how would it even make any sense or have any relevancy to the game's structure?
Did they actually simplify Cassiopeia's lore? Fucking why?
Awesome is used properly there. Just because people say awesome all the time doesn't make the word instantly cringe worthy. It's like how kids sue the word 'epic' for eevrything, so suddenly that means nothing can actually be epic? Clearly you're retarded. Forging stars inspires awe, so it's awesome. Pick up a book, faggot.
Pixel art \ Late 90s graphics, made in Unity, gimmicky, incomplete, buggy, alternates between platforming \ CRPG \ RTS.
I think it's pretty obvious that he was saying that the lore is good with a slightly joking tinge.
That being said, hi rez did take the lazy route lore and champion-wise.
I hate mobas now but
>mfw remembering playing teemo
>mfw playing singed
>mfw insta-gibbing people with veigar
>mfw dual lane pushing with sivir
>N-No t-those don't count
yes and at this point it would be easier to make her a character from shurima
>Jhin is a meticulous criminal psychopath who believes murder is art.
Who writes this shi.
Not him.
>pixel art is gameplay
>A game being made in Unity is gameplay
>The state of being incomplete is gameplay
>Being buggy is gameplay
>That last bit actually is gameplay, but skewed in a way to suggest ALL Indie games are hybrid platformers, Computer RPGs, and Real Time Strategy
That last bit is the only thing that pertains to his post, but is also an outright lie AND sounds pretty fucking awesome.
Jhin is actually one of the better written characters in the game.
I don't see what's wrong with it.
>World of Darkness
>Cube World
>Star Citize
Couldn't be bothered to check all the other shovelware on this list, but all the above games either don't exist or are unplayable.
Hate how people generalize MOBA as dota and league.
Dota doesn't suffer a lot of the problems league has when you call it an ARTS
Starbound is out brah.
Jhin is actually exceedingly well written. A lot of how he behaves is how psychopaths actually behave in real life.
>Don't exist or are unplayable
You mean aren't/will never be released or are unfinished as hell.
Cause all of those technically exist.
Aurelion does have a lot of lore but it's not in the client for reasons unknown
It was nice when there was ward wars, but since they took it out I no longer have any interest in it.
He's shaco without crazy.
>Not wanting to achieve perfection and slaughter enemy teams with his calm voice
I guess it's sorta edgy family but goddamn that dude is fuckin awesome
>Supports are the only people that ward
>this is their job
>w-w-w-well everyone should ward! its a team effort
>take away the one thing that made support fun
>no one plays support now
If supports could do more now than be the bottom bitch for their adc, I would play again.
Dude. A genre name is a genre name. It's a MOBA. It does not mean shit, but it classify a game. ARTS does not work because it limit the genre to Top down games like LoL and DoTA but does not include Smite, Awesomenauts, Monday Night Combat or Battleborn or Paragon.
If retards think jhin is good you haven't seen dotas hero designs
Bitch if I wanted to read up on LoL lore I'd go to their fucking site and do it. Make your point and fuck off. This game is popular because a bunch of no life retards dedicated what little of an existence they had to mastering it like second nature so they could compete and win stupidly large amounts of money.
If you think anyone who actually plays the game has read 10% of the lore in this game you're fucking autistic.
>main Vladimir
>he's been nerfed to hell and beyond
>still find him OP as fuck
>always wreck everyone's asses with him
How fucking retarded are you? Yes graphics don't affect gameplay but no matter how much you deny it they do signify a quality of product all 90% of the games on that list looks like burnt piece of shit.
Unity fucking does affect gameplay you moron, it affects performance, it affects what features your game can have, it affects quality of product, it affects player interaction, it affects more or less everything.
Oh sorry, what was I thinking, of course even if promised and necessary features aren't added in the "final" product it doesn't affect gameplay, after all who needs all the features when you are a PC player and have superior imagination? You can just add those physically with mods anyway, right?
Great point again, I don't really mind not being able to play the game continuously or coherently, I mean, 5 minutes of janky not-acting-as-intended gameplay vs 10 minutes without crashing to desktop, who really minds right? All that matters to me, the superior PC player, is the gameplay.
If you think trackmania nations forever is f2p shovelware, you've obviously obviously never (Obviously Never)played it.
Trackmania 2 stadium and canyon are BOTH fucking fantastic and they're only $20 games that are often on sale and have good demos. Just fucking play them. They're FN and challenging.
You are also wrong about basically everything else on your list but I'm too lazy to correct you about about the RTS games right now.
Right, forgot I was talking about PC exclusives.
>Not him
You are him.
LeEbin no mechanic spam to win hero
Nice shit Invoker ;^)
>mental gymnastics
how are you enjoying your $400 meme brick?
Jhin is actually pretty well written and has some nice little touches in his design. When you play as Jhin you can hear an echo in his voice lines as if he is standing on a stage making a performance and an audience is watching him but when you play against him you can hear him say the same voice lines without the echo, seeing that it's all just his imagination and he is indeed deranged
>spam to win
It's a dotard alright
Yes, they signify a product quality, but that wasn't even related to the question you "answered", you mongoloid.
Yes, Unity engine affect performance, but how well a game runs is performance, not gameplay, you can say it runs like ass but not that is plays like ass based on frame rate and the like.
Now you're just trying to stab people for (You)s with the third line, you're skewing your words because you didn't answer the Question.
See above with line 4.