PC wins again.
PC wins again
oh boy another paradox """""strategy""""" shovelware
I dont like it
Neck yourself then.
Can you gass the jews in this game or are you only able to play historically correct?
Looks like a shitty generic rts from 2003.
When does it unlock anyway?
5pm UK time
Less than an hour.
Ah, thank you.
have you never played a paradox game ?
I'm surprised nobody made a fuss over the fact that you can't enable succession to female only in CK2, or complained that there is a special mechanic involving borrowing money from jews and then either giving it back with interest or just booting these bitches out of your country
enjoy less than 10fps if you're playing on anything less than overclocked i7 4790k
Paradox games do not depict the holocaust
How's sweeden Johan?
Sure, I'm excited for a game that's near broke upon release and only playable after the release of several DLC.
>involving borrowing money from jews and then either giving it back with interest or just booting these bitches out of your country
Holy shit that's great
>It's another paradox game that is shit till the DLC hits
Just like CK2
Just like Stellaris
etc etc
There actually wasn't a penalty for kicking them out for a long time. I think it gives an opinion hit now.
A utopia of modern democracy as per usual
don't give neofags any ideas
It's been a couple DLC's since I last played Europa 4 but that one seemed pretty feature complete at launch.
Sure. Like all the other paradox games.
Feature complete and content complete are 2 different things nignog
>Stellaris came out same year
>People complaining about how empty the game is
>HoI4 comes out
Nah bro, me wait and see what happens first
It's paradox interactive so you can expect only the barebones. If you want the full experience you'll have to pay 300 buckeroos on the upcoming 22 dlc's
it's actually a research speed hit but not a very big one and in CK2 research barely does anything
Will Paradox ban Nazi workshop mods for a game with Nazis?
neo-Sup Forums hates real strategy games because they're too hard
>It's yet another Paradox strategy game reskin that they sell as a seperate game
Can I gas the jews in this game?
Holy shit, it installed fast.
Seek help.