GOTY 2017
>February 28 2017
Damn, I wanted to play it this year. Hopefully it's worth the wait
is this coming to Steam?
Playstation 4 exclusive
It's not FFXV
can't wait to see how downgraded it is at e3
It's a PS4 exclusive. If anything it'll get an upgrade.
So it's coming to Steam.
DOES HE ONLY HAVE ONE VOICE? I swear that was the Lumen Sage dangling Alloy over the cliff.
I'm so hyped for this game... i'm glad i didnt waste my money on Overwatch.
This game best be worth the wait in febr. 2017
>This video has been removed by the user.
>this lighting
>those volumetric clouds
>those particles effect.
This shit is going to be downgraded so heavily.
Greatness Awaits
No, it's a first party game developed by Sony owned Guerrilla Games who made Killzone, Published by Sony Interactive/Computer Entertainment or whatever the fuck they call themselves now
>PCucks already begging
Video has been removed :/
Well, it's probably going to 'leak' on SteamDB and Mongolian Amazon or someshit and PC fanboys will act all shitty about it. It won't actually ever be on steam though.
>It's a PS4 exclusive. If anything it'll get an upgrade.
If anything you're retarded for thinking the opposite of what happens every time will happen
>Skyrim ui
>GOTY 2017
>from a studio that has literally never made a good game
It'll probably end up Steam at some point.
I'll wait for the summer sale, my lads.
>wears pelts and uses ramshackle bows
where did she get the materials for these?
just like when uncharted 4 got upgraded from 60fps to 30 awesome
I think they uploaded the same trailer twice
Here's the other one
That delusion holy shit
Every single PS4 exclusive in recent memory has gotten downgraded hard, dont even try to lie. This game will be no different. Your console simply cant handle games at above 2010 graphical quality and its only going to get worse as the cycle drags on.
Literally monster hunter with good graphics
Kill yourself.
That's Crispin Freeman you faggot. He is instantly recognizable though.
Post a console game, really it can be either PS4 or Xbone, that got an upgrade in graphics compared to its trailers etc.
Tip: no such games exist.
Is that the actual box art?
Looks nice
Who CE here?
So in other words, we'll be getting it on PC.
You can't sweat 40 bucks for the next 12 months? Lmao this game has a promising trailer and cool aesthetics but I feel like any lore or story is gonna be so forced; I can't wait for them to try and explain why there are feral robot dinosaurs walking around like they can even eat the grass or other robots for that matter like come on
>the game is not out yet
what are you stupid
Who the fuck gives a shit about story
as long as the gameplay is good, everything else is unnecessary
Looks nice, can't wait to play it on the new PC I'll be building in a few months.
How much?
These things are usually way too fucking expensive
>strong independent woman who don't need no man
>no gameplay in the trailer
Oh boy so excited
Yeah but it's made by the killzone devs and those games were beyond terrible.. gameplay wise, I should add. Anyway who knows maybe I'm full of shit but I've got a bad feeling
how can the gameplay be good if its running at 25fps tho ?
Yeah I love how it's literally an Adam and Eve "don't do that thing" and the fuckin girl has to go do that thing
>as long as the gameplay is good
Agreed. So feel free to tell me when they actually show some
Looks awesome, delay was expected.
Why are you doing this?
It's another pcuck talks shit about games he will never ever play episode
I really wish this girl with bow meme would fucking end. Give her some other weapon jesus christ
After last e3 gameplay i have 0 hype for this
I haven't been watching for new trailers, but the early videos somehow managed to make me not excited about fighting robot dinosaurs. If this is their killer exclusive, good luck I guess.
>game not even out
literally cancer
Well the trailer already has me thinking she's some baby from vaults people built up before the world went to shit. God fucking dammit why do I watch trailers
Its official. There isnt a single ps4 game that hasnt been delayed.
When they said greatness waits i didnt think sony would take it literally.
>They shill every fucking game they have because there is so fucking few of them
>Even if there is literally nothing to show at E3 they still suck their system off.
>Its a sonigger thread.
Nothing like a good Sonigger thread to soothe the soul and refresh the mind.
>You will never have dirty cavewoman snu snu with her
Just make her a clone of the game of thrones chick.
>Texture pop-in plaguing a fucking bullshot trailer
LOL, This game will be fucking awful. They will downgrade it to shit and it will end up being another 15 fps shitheap that lasts maybe 3 hours in total.
I couldn't give less fucks. These devs haven't made a single good game.
Can't wait to see how fucking awful that figure will be.
>my fetish
what I wouldn't give for me to be underneath her.
You dont even know what dreadlocks are. Looks way more like some viking hairstyle.
Can someone make a webm of the croc?
>Cinematic render
Where is the actual gameplay?
Gran Turismo Sport?
>They petition for every fucking game consoles get because all they get are indies
>Even if they know they will literally never ever get the games they still petition and whine for it
>It's another salty Pcuck crying in a sony thread for a sony game.
Nothing like a good Pcuck poster to make me laugh this early in the morning.
See: Bloodborne
They showed it last year m8
I donĀ“t play games where female characters to masculine stuff
I actually want my female characters to act feminine
>Sony E3 2015.
>A bunch of shit coming out in 2016.
>Sony E3 2016.
>The same shit being pushed back to 2017.
Then why'd you buy a PS4
Another salt already starts
at e3
Why PC can't have this game?
>some games vs no games
3 is bigger then 0.
>wise womyn elder
>strong womyn progatonist
>mysterious womyn mother
>also this girls is ugly as sin
and I can get past all that actually, the thing I can't get past is its fucking robots. How retarded is this shit? oh sweet I get to fight a t.rex with a bow and arrow! except its a robot
the fact it's robots is just another sign of the feminization of games, they went the samurai jack route where you are killing robots instead of living things because that is decidedly less violent.
well said, Sup Forumsrother
Looks nice desu.
I wish they'd stop using the fucking bow in every game now. I'm really getting sick of seeing it.
He could build gaming PC and play Star Citizen announced years ago. Oh wait.
You mean that script ball here? Nothing here is indicative of the final product's actual gameplay, and none of it looks organic. ESPECIALLY the tethers, her lines, and the visuals. Not to mention if your average enemy will take this much effort to defeat, nobody is going to enjoy extended periods of gameplay. Then there's the cutscene following a simple enemy kill and the five cutscenes leading up to the fight. I'm sure Bioshock Infinite's "Genuine Gameplay" is the same as every E3 before it as well.
Reminder it has Witcher 2 and Fallout NV people on dev team :)
>a garbage farcry game made by killzone devs
why do sonyfriends think this will be good?
It would have Denuvo protection
Looks great and the salty tears of PCucks and Nintenbabbies prove it will be awesome.
Dinosaur robots are cooler than just robots or dinosaurs.
>identity confirmed
the main character is totally going to turn out as someone coming from the destroyed civilization.
either that or she's a robot if they are going to copy BD.
>no gameplay shown
>strong womyn epic hunter hero
>every open world fps is farcry
Because they want to pretend it's good so as to anger PC fans and Nintendo fans. See:
Truly, PC gamers are the cancer killing Sup Forums.
They aren't fully robots ya dingus. Androids, they used to be plain animals, but had modifications so much that they are part of the reason why man fell.
no they aren't. cyborg dinosaurs maybe, but once you go full robot you might as well be fighting a toaster
is sony even going to bother to announce a new ip with male protagoinst or is this considered sexist nowadays?
>gravity rush
>gravity rush 2
>uncharted 4
>odin sphere
>persona 5
>star ocean 5
all 2016
>the game is good because only I can play it
>it's totally not a Far Cry/shadow of mordor hybrid I swear.
absolutely disgusting