>Out tomorrow
>No one on planet Earth gives a single fucking shit
>7/10 on Gamespot
How do you fuck up this hard?
>Out tomorrow
>No one on planet Earth gives a single fucking shit
>7/10 on Gamespot
How do you fuck up this hard?
SJWs, but more specifically spineless idiots catering to them thinking they can influence sales.
>out tomorrow
I was looking forward to this and I had no idea. Shit.
magilla gorrilla has a game?
Because downgrades.
It looks like fucking shit. And even if you aren't being a graphics whore, the game boils down to nothing but "follow the shiny red line".
What a fucking disappointment.
Open world trash with mandatory upgrade trees. It's been done.
>Couple years ago or whenever
>Elder Scrolls Online coming out
>Couple of my buddies planning on playing it
>Try it out in the beta/demo. just terrible
>After like 3 days even Sup Forums who are obsessed with every game failing aren't even talking about it
>Week later
>Hanging out with my friend
>Ask him if he's still planning on playing Elder Scrolls when it comes out
>He says yeah
>Make direct eye contact and say "It came out a week ago."
Moral of the story is if you go past Tortanic levels of failure you just fall into the void.
What? Who influenced the design here?
They let people play a beta and see how awful the game was, complete hype killer.
pretty much for me. hype before beta, absolutely unhype afterward
What was bad about the beta?
For me, the fact that it was Ubisoft style open world. The linear aspect of the original was what made it most enjoyable, focused level design with great flow as you learned how to best use the mechanics (that weren't locked off by a stupid progression system nobody asked for).
Why are you bringing up SJWs out of nowhere? That one unsourced Sup Forums post from years ago?
They fucked it up VERY hard. It doesn't even deserve the Mirror's Edge name.
Just stick to the original. EA did it again.
DICE literally had a conference hosted by Anita about how to make games more accessible, and she used Mirror's Edge as an example of an inaccessible game. Not that SJWs are to blame for this tragedy however, if anyone thought that this game would even come close to capturing the magic of the original they were sorely deluded.
Cause most people heard the rumor and never heard it discredited, and it genuinely seems like something that a big name developer would do.
The story is about how Faith is an oppressed wimmin in a mans world and she must fight to survive the patriachy or some shit like that
Can you give me a single source?
You're literally worse than the retards on Sup Forums for blindly believing the bullshit Sup Forums users post.
>Out tomorrow
>No one on planet Earth gives a single fucking shit
Wait, it's seriously coming out tomorrow? Jesus christ.
Christ most of you are legitimately autistic, this game is fucking awful but not because of your SJW boogeyman shit. Just pick up the game for 5 minutes and you'll see this game is completely fucked at a fundamental level, this game never tried to be good and it shows.
If you liked the first game for going fast and improving on times, then the beta gave the impression that Catalyst is just as good as the first (once you unlock the things you need to go fast). If you liked the first game for any other part of it, then the beta was trash.
The focused level design in Catalyst (at least what we saw in the beta) is still great, though. It's all connected by an awful open world, but once you unlock a mission or a DASH you can teleport right to it.
If the open world and skill tree are that much of a deal breaker for you, you could always download a completed save and play through the game with a full skill tree+all locations unlocked. It probably won't take long for one to be out.
Movement felt like it took a step back from the original and you have to unlock shit like this
The open world stuff just means there's a bunch of collectibles all over the map for you to pick up really. The game not only runs worse than the original it also in my opinion looks worse too. The combat (I know that's not a reason to play Mirror's Edge) wasn't all that great either. Also some areas couldn't be accessed until you unlocked the grappling hook which annoyed me.
mostly agree with although i'll say that an open world in and of itself isn't incompatible with a game like this.
it's this particular open world that's a problem.
the way the roofs are arranged means there's fairly limited traversal options when moving from one area to another.
the uniform look of the world also creates another issue:
i turned off the new runner's vision when i got in but since the world is so same-y, the classic runner vision objects are spaced so badly, and there are only certain points in the map where you can traverse really large gaps between buildings, i found myself getting lost.
rooftop-only was a terrible decision. if they were going to 'reboot' the franchise they should have gone all the way and given us city streets, enterable buildings, narrow alleys as well as the roofs
Your fellow shills weren't doing their jobs so Sup Forums didn't even remember it existed. Probably a little late now.
>(once you unlock the things you need to go fast)
>tfw no qt old Faith
I assume he's talking about this twitter.com
It's DOOM all over again.
The line was in the original, you can disable it right?
By this logic Super Metroid is a shitty game because you need to unlock everything
Closed beta on PS4 wasn't very much fun and it looked like shit. The original Mirror's Edge on PC is more pleasing visually. Sure it doesn't have the fancy global illumination system but who gives a shit if the game has to be compromised visually to run with it.
>maybe there's more
There isn't. DICE never said what the talk entailed, just that is existed.
they're gonna blame the bad sales on the fact that the game is singleplayer only
>i liked thing about original
>they changed thing
>super metroid was amazing!
Good chat. You really contributed.
Just like the first game.
Wasn't D44M surprisingly okay in its SP?
Isn't the plot the government is trying to give her a job but her and her crew want to remain unemployed NEETs who want to destroy the oppressive system of having to work for a living?
super metroid is a game about collecting things, mirrors edge is a game about being fast and doing parkour
it makes sense for one of these games to lock off most of your abilities, it doesn't for the other one
either way if you wanna use metroid as an example everyone got really mad at other M for being linear as fuck and not having any cool collectables but instead the game just gives you them at the beginning of a cutscene because they changed the game, same shit with mirrors edge 2
first of pics related
second. they showed of several cutscenes which can be summed up with "men stupid and useless. women smart and strong"
you see a guy dressed in full combat gear and a knife being taken down by a girl half his size in less then 2 seconds and hear people men compliment faith on how much smarter and stronger she is then them.
not even kidding
The line was not in the original.
What a waste of development time. This is somehow worse than Crysis 2 and it's 2016
Not too bright are ya?
Well, if you really try your hardest, Sup Forums, maybe you can get them to blame it on sexism instead.
I was referring to the Doom shitpost
I guess we shouldn't be surprised at this turn of events.
DICE is Swedish after all.
>first of pics related
First of unsourced bullshit, then.
It's literally a screencap of a Sup Forums screencap reposted on Sup Forums that you are now reposting on Sup Forums.
Making it open world made me lose all interest for it. You just cannot make an open world game and make it not feel like bland shit.
It just got a 6.8 on IGN too.
i'm not sure they can be considered NEETs when they spend a lot of time doing delivery runs for really, really fussy clients
>delivery timer of 40 seconds
>timer runs out and you're a foot away from the client
>mission failed
I just can't keep up with your hot classic nintendo non sequiturs.
They should have stuck with Unreal
Oy vey, a 7/10? Anita better score than this!
- t. EA investor
I'm not saying it's shitty, I'm saying it's lame and stupid to have basic mechanics hidden behind XP walls.
nah the plot is to show the stupid sexist white men how superior women are compared to them with the help of a black tranny
Who are you even talking to?
He lists the links inside the posts you blubbering retard. I just checked the first one.
Yeah, the skill tree is shit, but if the skill point gain is as fast as the beta, you'll max the parkour tree super quick. It's still stupid that you have to unlock things, but if you're interested in running or routing, most of your playtime is coming long after you have everything you need.
Aside from double wall run, you could get every skill you needed in an hour of the beta
Your buttrage is palpable.
Face it. DICE is pozzed to hell and back. The old DICE we knew is long dead.
If you click on the red numbers, it shows you the previous comment in the conversation.
Nice fabricated links, buddy.
Back to with you.
>if they stuck with Unreal
>whaa they didn't even change the game engine boo-hoo
One of the beauties of the original ME was that the gameplay was simple - easy to learn yet enjoyable and things like shooting were basically optional and not required to enjoy the game, since the core gameplay was solid.
Locking parts of that core gameplay behind progression absolutely ruins the game and will prevent good map design if player's progression has to be taken into account when considering how you can reach nooks and crannies.
I'm actually pretty upset about this
Mirrror's Edge was a great game and all they had to do was continue the same gameplay, artstyle, music and improve the combat a little.
>full game 2 hours
You think there's only two people in this conversation, that's the problem
The only thing you unlock in DOOM SP that affects your movement is the double jump, and that's something you unlock at around the second level. Really not comparable.
>fabricated links
>unlikable characters & story
They DID change the game engine dumbass, Mirror's Edge 1 used Unreal 3, Mirror's Edge Catalyst uses Frostbyte and looks worse than Mirror's Edge 1 did on the PC.
>it's exactly the same game whaaaa, they didn't change anything
>out tomorrow
Are you serious? Why haven't I heard literally anything?
She literally works for a white man and her partner's a white man that's better than her in every aspect. The last thing this game does is try to shatter any social norms or push any ultra-Liberal agenda.
user, he means people would have complained if they didn't change the engine. He already knows its changed.
>if they stuck with Unreal
Read first, reply second.
>Moves locked behind upgrades aka these skills aren't actually needed in the game.
It's shit Jim.
>Unlikable characters
Man I was hoping they'd get better later on in the game, I didn't really like them in the beta.
No, they made it worse
More combat, open world, unlocking simple skills that should be availalbe from the start
DICE can be objectively the biggest SJW cucks in the world, that doesn't change the fact that you're fabricating bullshit with regards to this particular narrative.
>first game was universally loved
>one of the most begged for sequels in years
>comes out tomorrow
>no one gives a shit
>will probably be outsold by a ps2 game
It's finally happened. EA's name is poison
>people would complain
a few autists that literally don't matter. Even normies will go "why does this look so blurry on my PS4?"
it sucks and the change is inexcusable. Arkham Knight used Unreal 3 and it looks better than most current-gen games.
>great flow
You should replay the game because that's wrong as fuck.
by hiring leftists who think "appealing to a wide audience" is a viable business strategy just because their jewish gender studies professor said so
Dude, the point is that even if they did keep the same engine and improved the visuals, Sup Forums would have bitched about not changing it with a different one.
Why the fuck is eminem in a video game?
Faith is completely unlikeable in Catalyst, it's a damn shame. The original wasn't exactly a masterclass in storytelling, but you could at least empathise with Faith a little.
Nice false flag, friend.
Links are real but don't say what they're alleged to say.
>universally loved
>one of the most begged for sequels in years
It's more like hardly anyone gave a shit about it, then the Mirror's Edge 2 reveal got people hyped for it.
>Open world
>Skills you had in the original now needs to be unlocked
>Grappling hook
Who the fuck came up with these ridiculously retarded ideas
I wonder if they even did research on the segment they tried to reach, aka vocal SJWs. One of the jobs for market research is to fucking confirm the existence and usability of a segment in terms of being profitable.
But you gotta look progressive for PR purposes haha...
Isn't that basically what they did?
>Sup Forums would have bitched
Literally no one cares what Sup Forums thinks about anything
>a bunch of people that don't buy games would be mad that a game they can't even pirate uses a different game engine
They made combat worse
They built in an Ass Creed open world
They shat on any hope for a good story
They completely destroyed the art style
Yeah it's not worse at all
he was kinda cute even if a pretty stereotypical nerdy white guy that can´t do anything on his own and is totally in love with the female protagonist
the game literally goes out of it´s way to point out how much better the female characters are compared to the male once.
literally has the line
Not an argument.