Volition's new game just got announced

Volition's new game just got announced


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>ANOTHER hero fps

It's the next logical step after Dota clones.

The only details I got for it were that it's open world single player and third person where you control all 3 characters in the trailer

fuck this hobby. it's just complete shit now. nothing of worth left.

>We want the Crackdown audience

So its future saints row?

>quippy girl with one liners with an accent that uses two guns

Where have I seen that before?

It's LITERALLY future saints row

There is nothing likable in this.

ok, using a suicide stunt double as an ability sounds nice on paper but they even made that flat and uninteresting.

fuck OFF

I loved Battlefield Hardline (probably my favorite on in the series gameplaywise).

I hope to be pleasantly surprised by this, but at the same time I know this is destined to be dead on arrival. Bummer.

So this is what came of The saint's Row gang after johnny picked the rebirth option?

Wasn't Red Faction Saint's Row's future?

Not really, Saints Row just makes references to it

That literally just gave me cancer.

Haha Cocky Movie Guy who doesn't really care about anything other than geting roles!

Foul Mouthed guy who uses melee weapons and is black and sassy!

Captain Yesteryear who uses old technology when better things exist because muh nostalgia or some shit!


Weird cartoony graphics!

We wish we were Boarderlands!

Grimdark shadows!

Secret shadow gubmint!

We're outside the law!

It's every fucking bad cliche wrapped into one.


>Haha Cocky Movie Guy who doesn't really care about anything other than geting roles!

Where have I seen that before...

I like the gameplay

>Twin Badass Pistols

Might be 3rd person. But it is going to be a hero shooter. At least they were smart enough to tie it in with Saint's Row unlike Gearbox not tying Battleborn with Borderlands.

It's singleplayer

>make assumptions
>get mad about them

This is why Sup Forums is shit


No shit all the vets at volition left the company if this is what they worked on.

RIP volition
We will remember you for Freespace 2, Red Faction and Saints Row.

>there will never be another game with destruction like Red Faction Guerilla

you take that back right now

he does his own stunts you idiot

I won't even touch this after what they did to Saints Row

>no freespace


>no sr5 where they are cops

do they hate my money

I didn't say it wasn't going to be single player.

>make assumptions
>get mad about them

This is why internet posters are retards and need to learn reading comprehension.

It could have been, but THQ's fall and Red Factions' cancellation made sure that wasn't a possibility.

>mfw I am an internet poster
>mfw they are an internet poster
>mfw you are also an internet poster

That's Visceral, not Volition, dinkus.

>lets make a class shooter
>but single player

I think Volition doesn't remember what happened to its previous owner

That's all Volition is good for is making Crackdown clones while MS sits on their hands

>no undercover buddy cop neo 80s saints row five-o


>all those embarrassing attempts at being funny and cool

>That fucking lame music playing when the first hero enters.

I really hope this is a sandbox game and not a PvP shooter.
Volition can make good sandbox titles and I don't want to see them run themselves into another Battleborn

I cringed like 4-5 times.

The tone and pacing of this trailer is a fucking joke. Someone was paid to make this. The musical cues are all terrible, the one-liners fall flat, the action is stiff as hell.

What is this? How did this get made? Is this some kind of super late april fools joke?

>dude look at our cuhraazy multiplayer mode
>singleplayer whats that

I want to like it

but they aren't giving me anything to go on

>announcing game week before E3 because you know nobody gives a fuck

I must be getting really old... Mobas getting popular at all was the first hint, now those hero shooters. ugh..

How about Freespace 3 or Red Faction V instead?

Looks like shit, if it's not coop.
If it's coop it may be at least somewhat fun shit

>No Freespace 3

Oh Saints Row has become shit over the years. This can burn in a tire fire then.

You're gonna take that Cloud dick and you're gonna like it.

>mysterious femme fatale with a French accent working against her.


I was expecting a new Red Faction

Fuck this

They forgot to show some gameplay

They said new IP

The Red Faction IP is owned by Nordic Games, Volition is owned by Deep Silver. The franchise wasn't "cancelled"

>mfw this is a side game to cash in on the hero fps craze and they announce Freespace 3, Saints Row Five-O or a new Red Faction at E3


it's the new meme genre

>Osman Timur
Sounds Turkish

I think it's closer to a Borderlands kind of gameplay than an hero shooter. Unless that's what you call an hero shooter?

I guess white guys are only allowed to be comic reliefs or bad guys in 2016

I guess actually presenting them as cool or competent would be sexist and racists nowadays



We haven't seen any gameplay, but I's say it's more likely to be an over-shoulder shooter.


looks like trash

deep silver has never published one good game

What the FUCK was that ugly art style all about? That animation was fucking atrocious. Holy shit, the worst part is that some of you are probably going to argue that it's a good game when it comes out. FUCK.

>instead of seeing just my gun I can see my toon shooting at things and saying one liners

Have you people lost any sense of fun? At least wait for the gameplay trailer to complain.

I like the Actor guy, it would be need if his "power" would be to come with an infinite supply of stunt doubles.

>we want the one guy who plays battleborn

>my toon

Get the fuck out newfag.


Those sceenshots are useless. They aren't indicative of anything besides it looks average as fuck in stills.

Calm down you toons


>this is the taste of a liar Giorno Giovanna

> block out the sun


it looks like it's for babies but the harpoon man said a bad word

>The Red Faction IP is owned by Nordic Games
Did they plan to do anything with it?
I want to have fun blowing shit up on something that isn't Meme Cause 3

It's just going to be a slightly slow 3rd person shooter with wacky animations.

It's probably going to be average as fuck and try really hard, except tolerated less than usual because it's a "new" franchise and not just Saints Row.

If you do not get to customize your character, there won't be threads about it past the first week of release.

I see another pair of badass twins if you catch my drift.

Saint's Row spiritual successor confirmed.



What a mess.

Depend of the gameplay. Graphics don't have to look good, their primary function is to carry information and be clear enough for the player to get what is going on. beyond that, it's not important if it's ugly.

yeah she literally makes a joke about not being a street gang

Pick your squad of 3 highly skilled and iconic characters from a roster of 12 uniquely designed MAYHEM agents, brimming with personality
Play as any of the 3 Super Agents you select to take into battle, and swap between them on the fly for greater gameplay depth
The technologically advanced capital of South Korea with its Open World cityscape is your playground to take down LEGION
Discover secret research centers concealed throughout Seoul, hidden enemy lairs beneath the glossy surface of the city, and nefarious plots to unravel
Inspired by an assortment of past and present pop culture revolving around super heroes, comics and Saturday morning cartoons

>we want the Overwatch audience
>we want the waifubait crowd

Generic as fuck desu.
RIP freespace 3 btw.

guys, even Insomniac is doing a shitty hero shooter


>another open world game where you have to take back a city from an enemy organization

Why is everyone so goddamn creatively bankrupt in this fucking industry?

Seems like a fun setting.
Volition is clearly more about over the top shit these days than anything more grounded, so at least they are going with a new IP instead of using Saints Row.

This desu.

I can't tell if this is shitposting or legit and that frightens me

This was a 4 player co-op shooter

its from amazon

In a simultaneous global assault, LEGION has taken control of the nations of the world and the only force left to stop them is MAYHEM. Led by the mysterious and no-nonsense Persephone Brimstone, MAYHEM's elite Super Agents are called to the city of Seoul, South Korea. Led by LEGION Minister Doctor Babylon and his diabolical lieutenants, a nefarious plot is set in motion to build a world-altering device that will grant unrivaled power to the supervillain organization. In order to stop LEGION and take back the world, the Agents of Mayhem will traverse a sprawling urban battlefield from the ground to the rooftops and team up as a super-agent collective to stop LEGION at any cost. Success is far from guaranteed and collateral damage will be substantial, but it's all in a day's work for the Agents. The Agents of MAYHEM (Multinational Agency for Hunting Evil Masterminds) fuse together technology, weaponry and gadgets to create an all-out arsenal of futuristic warfare-and have absolutely no qualms about putting it all to use against their enemies. Featuring an original storyline, trademark over-the-top open-world gameplay, and the look-and-feel of a distinctive superhero cosmos, Agents of Mayhem is a true Volition game. This new IP is a part of the Saints Row universe, sharing certain story elements, symbolism, and design inspiration with the multi-million selling franchise. Building on the unique skill of the AAA studio to continuously surprise, endear, and engage players, Agents of Mayhem represents the culmination of over a decade of open world experience and creativity.

>that original trailer

dont do this to me user

Everything about that sounds like a copypasta used to shitpost in shillthreads

I don't know whether to be impressed or sad.

no, that was Fuse

>white guy is the bad guy
>evil looking council of white guys
>generic white guy is expendable
wheres the 3 million $ kickstarter to end these tropes?

>I guess white guys are only allowed to be comic reliefs or bad guys in 2016
>white dude is a cooler-than-you kick ass who know he is the best and gives no fuck
>still try to complain about it

It's like some people actually enjoy being pissed off.

To address your point, though, they are all comic relief, from what we can see.

>I guess actually presenting them as cool or competent would be sexist and racists nowadays
Sertiously, though, did you write your complain in advance expecting the white dude to be the Butt monkey, and decided to post it anyway, regardless of how he actually turned out?

what the actual fuck

>Deep Silver and Saint Row developer Volition have announced Agents of Mayhem, a new open-world action game that exists as part of the Saints Row universe coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in 2017.
It's not a class based shooter.


>what you call an hero shooter

Battleborn, Overwatch, Paragon, BattleCry, Gigantic, Paladins.

PvP team based shooters with quite a large selection of heroes with different preset abilities.

A mix of genre between TF2 and DOTA2 types of gameplay, if you will.