I'm thinking of getting the division but im not sure whether it's worth it give me your opinions please

Bog standard cover based shooter.


If you want playable ubishit get the rainbow six siege starter pack instead.

what'd you say is a decent price for it then?

Dead and full of hackers.

Move along.

I got siege on my PS4


I have about 150-200 hours in it.
15 is a good price for it

are they doing anything to remove hackers at all?

i only played the beta, which was fun for like 30 minutes, then it gets boring as fuck.

don't pay more than 10 bucks for it.

If you like watching TV while you kill 8 billion guys in hoodies it's great.

If you want an engaging game play fucking anything else.

They took a boring cover shooter gameplay and added boring leveled loot aka progressively stronger machine guns and nothing else, and boring bullet sponge enemies to it

It's pretty boring, clear 8/10

TY for the help guys, I'll see if i can nab it cheap somewhere or in the sale

Not really.

Trust me, hombre, you're going to want to move along.
It's boring, anyway, unleas if you have friends who will actually play it with you; however, its current price still doesn't justify the product.

It's a standard loot shooter. I use it as a painless way to pass the time between the release date of other games. It's not a blockbuster in any way shape or form. It does have a fairly solid campaign but the end game is brainless.

What would you guys say I should get instead that has a similar feel?

Short answer: Get it if you have friends to play with. Buy cheaper though.

It's a good time sink. The end-game is pretty lack luster. DZ has its a great risk/reward but quickly gets annoying especially with rogue players fucking your shit up. Decent cover based shooting. Insta-reward as opposed to Destiny. I'd give the game a B-

got ~100 hours of enjoyment out of it wich was worth the price.

You want to spend 60 dollars to shoot bulletsponge in a endless grind feast filled with hackers and noob killers? go for it.

If you still want to grind it out MMO style, get The Handsome Collection if you haven't played Borderlands 2 or TPS. It's pretty fuckin' cheap now.

I can get it for roughly £20 off some trust-worthy websites worth it?

They are exactly the same game, but Destiny has that sweet, sweet Bungie gunplay.


Used to have it, but got burned out from grinding VoG and don't wanna have to pay like £60 to get the rest've the dlcs

Did you like Destiny? A friend of mine loves Destiny's loot grind and strike and anything else in it really.
He was hyped for The Division.
He loved it for a week, but has since told me the game is terrible and they keep making it worse and went back to Destiny. Do with that information what you will.

Your story is pretty consistent with what I hear when people compare the two. Not many people like both games, it's either one or the other,

Tom Clancy's The Division single-handedly cured me of my tired gamer status. Since release I have sunk about 350 hours into it.
What's weird is I know it's a bad game. The DZ is full of hackers, the incursions are no-fun grinds and there are bugs and glitches everywhere. Yet I cannot stop playing.