Is there any reason why you don't like roguelikes?
Is there any reason why you don't like roguelikes?
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But I do, user.
who's this fly Oppai?
They tend to be massively unbalanced and flat on appealing traits outside of an interesting artstyle that is more often than not just high contrast pixelart.
>inb4 Barneyfag
Too repetitive and sometimes too hard
Got a source if it's legit pone related?
boring boring into the trash
I love Roguelikes. I even enjoy some Rogue-Lites. I just hate it when people call lites likes.
Permadeath ruins any sense of progression and achievement. Even games from the SNES era didn't have this kinda shit.
>Oh you died after making this much progress for days? Cool
>Now start over
It just gets grating after doing it once or twice.
That's the point though, I suppose it just takes a certain kind of autism to keep playing dozens of times for the perfect run you survive.
That sounds like studying for a fucking test or something. How is this entertainment?
This, I don't like the loss of progression.
I somewhat like Rogue Legacy cuz you can spend money on stats and armor, as well as upgrades. Sure you lose your character but at least there's a sense of progression.
Sense of progression is derived from personal improvement and clawing your way further into the game.
>Permadeath ruins any sense of achievement
Never go full retard.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but if the cloth of her bikini is all on the side boob wouldn't her areolas only be covered by a thin string?
I think it would be blunted a bit if the world was kept persistent like some of the older roguelikes did. Like, if you had the same world where you built a town and even if you died, that town would still be there, it at least isn't the same as starting exactly on square 1.
Even though Rogue Legacy isn't really a roguelike, it has the right idea on how permadeath should be handled; your character is dead, but it is not the end of the world. Levels being saved in the major games like Nethack, or being able to pick up with a new character like in Dwarf Fortress make it feel like that at least your efforts weren't for naught, as someone else can pick up on where your last character failed once they became strong enough.
>I like having my sandcastle kicked into dust by bullies at the beach just so I can do it again: The post
There isn't a roguelike that takes days to complete. 15 rune run of DCSS takes about 10 hours
I find the dungeon-crawling tedious in rougelikes. Games like SMT, EO, and others never really hook me, because any interesting world-building or mechanics are squandered by their overuse over the course of 40 hours.
That being said, there are a few that I enjoyed, like Shiren the Wanderer.
Rogue"lite" platformers are lame though; they totally abrogate the need to have good level design by just throwing endlessly-generated fluff at you with "lol hardcore" elements. It all comes off as pure quantity over quality.
roguelikes usually use ascii characters
What did I tell you about going full retard?
DCSS has been casualized repeatedly. You better believe that Nethack and Angband can extend for weeks or even a month.
It's hard :(
Because most have a fucking terrible interface
I can handle ASCII but having to look down to your keyboard to be able to drop an item is terribly slow
DCSS is harder than NetHack, assuming you're spoiled for both.
Enjoy doing the same shit over and over like an autist everytime you die, faggot.
>He doesn't like tests.
Maybe they are pulled to the sides or the nipples are very small
Then don't die, faggot
Stop generalizing. Either way if someone doesn't like a type of game, or a game mechanic, who fucking cares? Adventure mode in Dwarf Fortress is a really interesting experience, and you have a lot of control over how difficult it will be without there even being a difficulty slider. I personally encourage others to try it, but I absolutely understand if someone can't get into a certain game for any reason.
Enjoy slowly filling out checklists without improving or being challenged, like a happy little lab rat you are.
I think it's one of the kancolle lolis drawn as an oppai loli
Having a hard, randomized game is one thing.
But most of them have RPG elements. What's the point if your skill doesn't even matter? You're just constantly restarting until luck is in your favor.
post more oppai loli
>You're just constantly restarting until luck is in your favor.
Don't project.
>What is PCB
do you actually let Sup Forums decide what you like? what kind of horse shit newfag are you?
Because it's a video game and not studying, you literal autist
how many of you have actually played Rogue and is it a good game?
Cataclysm DDA
They rarely focus on good art direction and fun characters, with a good gradual learning curve.
Idk man but I have 200 hours in DF probably.
got any more user?
I didn't mean at the beginning of the game. I mean if the game decides to shit on you with bad luck at some point in your run, that's it your game is over back to square one with a completely new setup. And a game with more RPG elements takes even more things out of the player's hands, like how often you'll miss.
I don't see the point of getting invested in a run or character if they can be deleted at the drop of a hat. And if you're not invested, what's the point of playing it more than a few times?
>RJ with melon tits.
Why would you ruin perfection like that?
Atago wants her tits back RJ
Just kill yourself then my famalan
They grew on me after i realized my entire gaming life was essentially comprised on their elements.
Diablo 1 straight up being a graphical is one of those.
please don't shitpost with my daughteru
Elona is one of my favorite games.
With spoilers DCSS is only harder because you can't break the game as hard. Without spoilers Nethack is harder.
Basically all she's good for.
apologize right now!
RJ is shit
I don't know who this is, but she's cute.
The greatest rouguelike is Life itself.
why can't you faggots get good at it?
I do. I don't like
that don't play like rogue in any way shape or form, and are shitty dungeon crawlers, or platformers.
Even worse when they have things that carry over from past lives/chars. not very permanent death now is it faggot?
this is a japanese boat
I like roguelikes.
That i suck at them is entirely another matter.
You're describing roguelites
RNG mostly.
No game should ever put you in a situation where its literally impossible to win
I am a Platinum fan myself but Zettai Hero Project is the only roguelike I finished.
Baroque's an acquired taste, but I love it.
Technically plays like an action RPG, but the pacing and dungeon design are very rogue-like. There's even a first person option. Only issue is you can't take all the time you want because you're on the clock.
autism .
>What is life
It's like you hate realism user
Oh yeah I heard of those. Some of them are alright.
That is a very limited pool of games you play then.
Never played multiplayer games I see.
I love Baroque but holy shit is it cryptic as fuck on what you need to do.
procedurally generated content is just a lazy way of trying to milk more play hours out of a game, and it's not a proper substitute for well designed content.
> Even games from the SNES era didn't have this kinda shit.
>snes 1991
>rogue 1980
I play video games to escape life, not embrace it.
I prefer single player games. Multiplayer games are always about abusing broken mechanics.
Its really only an occurence I find in games that call themselves a roguelike. At no point in Morrowind or Shovel Knight or Megaman or frankly anything else did I ever feel like I was in a position where I had no choice but t start a new game
Best porn sisters
>Spend too long on a floor
>Skeleton in a robe with a scythe comes
>not able to touch type
you must be 18+ to be on this site
But you don't end up in a situation where it's impossible to win in roguelikes very often. Good players get win streaks in DCSS and NetHack easily. If you're playing well you have to be extremely unlucky to end up in a situation where you will die, and that usually happens in the early game so you can just start over quickly.
Only on hard mode and it's a ghost that shoots homing bullets.
I see what you did there. Clever.
What do you think of my sprite, Sup Forums?
So who's the literal autist for making the leisurely activity into a chore?
Study a noose, you people are fucking stupid.
Not this shit again.
I don't remember that one being posted in the thread.
Give her a pink bracelet.
>spend too long on a floor
>a wind has started blowing...
>pussy shadow
"be careful user, I sense death approaching!"
>spend too long on a floor
>starve to death
Cutest persona girl shame her personality was kinda bland.
>It's getting closer
Usually don't have much customization, it's always about finding the most OP combination and never having any fun. I also need the roguelike to have an unlock system/some type of progression so that I feel like I'm accomplishing something if I die in a long run. I usually don't play the "hardcore" mode in games, so yeah. TOME4 had a casual mode and that was tons of fun for me.
>I also need the roguelike to have an unlock system/some type of progression
Sup Forums complains about casuals loving this in openworld games yet you faggots love spouting this anytime we have roguelike threads
>Sup Forums is one person