World of Warcraft: Legion

Is it worth getting into tanking?

It's certainly a game that's tanking if that's your thing.


>being nostcuck

If any other game did this they'd be praised

>purchase this DLC and receive a character at the appropriate level so you can get straight into it.

Oh wait, like Witcher 3.

f2p when

>appropriate level
What's the point of even having levels then?

You might as well remove it at this point if everyone seems to be going to such pains to bypass it.

not in the next 5 years at least

dont worry retards praised Blizzard too


I tried, I made it to Wailing Caverns and I couldn't get people to follow me around, they just kept jumping in the water and fighting the crocodiles, while I wanted to do the boss around the corner.

Did you try talking to them?

I mained Tanks in 3 MMO's and WoW was the worst and most boring of the 3.

Tanking was very fun in TBC when you had to micromanage every pull and control every skill and CD during bosses, now it's just "PRESS ALL THE BUTTONS!!!! \o/" I loved my War Tank, the most similar class is the Jedi Guardian in SWTOR, deflecting blasters and clashing lightsabers was so cool.


You must be mistaking WoW's class system with FFXIV's class system.

I can't imagine not being a tank. That said in beta most of the tanks are a bit iffy. They'll fix it up eventually.

>being a cuck spouting mem parrot.
>" *SQUAWK* meme! *SQUAWK* buzzword! *WHISTLE* "

Nobody is forcing you to use the boost.

>Boosts character to Lvl. 100
>Still has crappy level 50 gear


>Can't skip all the content from lvl1 to 60 with your first job but can level up the others withouth doing fetch quests.


>Playing WoW when it's proven literally inferior to XIV

Of course, kids need 4 buttons classes.

>being this delusional
Active mitigation (current wow) > old tanking shit

>You might as well remove it at this point if everyone seems to be going to such pains to bypass it.
This is absolutely true.
The MMO idea that leveling is an obstacle to overcome before you're allowed to play the game is fucking stupid and should die forever.
The problem is however that WoW was made with levels in mind, half their playerbase would bitch if leveling was removed, and level boosts earn them too many shekels to miss out on. So even if Blizzard could get away with removing levels, they wouldn't want to.

>smashing your head on the keyboard vs micromanaging your skills and buffs

>micromanaging your skills and buffs
So, active mitigation.

You like fast AoE mob leveling? You like fast dungeon queues? You like being hard to kill? Do you know how aggro works and can multitask? Tanking is for you.

What class were you? In my experience most tanks can basically solo low level dungeons, and their party exists to speed it up to a bearable pace.
I remember when I was leveling my paladin and I ended up clearing Dire Maul with just a rogue in my party because everyone kept leaving instantly. Neither of us had heirlooms either.
I also remember when I equipped a warrior with heirlooms and he entered deadmines at the minimum level and one-shot all the bosses because low level shield slam was balanced in MoP.

Tanking isn't worthwhile since they removed crushing blows.

It gets better in laterdungeons when packs can slap a party's shit. Roles aren't cleanly defined until midway through BC

When will you all realize that Square is paying shills to build up FFXIV and shit talk it's rival WoW?

But in a whole diferent level. Today in WoW you can pick a pull of 10 mobs and tank them smashing your head on the keyboard. Years ago you had to CC mobs, pull 2 of them, pray for the 3rd not break its CC and using your tank skills with some logic.

Alright, check this.

See that mount and pet? It has it's hair done. Nice gold bands hold the hair in braids.

Is it a safe bet that WILD versions of these beast also have their hair braided simply because Blizzard is lazy?

>There are at least 10 blizzard employees posting in this thread right now

Trash mobs become faceroll, but who fucking cares people bitched about trash mobs continuously. There's still trash mobs that can wipe your group anyway, like the magisters in magister's terrace, or pretty much everything in Warlords of Positioning Simulator's dungeons
Bosses still require effort and thought to tank properly. Some of them are more challenging than anything in vanilla or BC.

Well for one, there's no such thing as a wild felstalker, and two, that isn't hair and those aren't gold bands.


I wish. They're too busy sucking each other off instead of listening to feedback.

Is it true that Demon Hunters in the beta currently make Rogue's obsolete in every single way?

I only read about it on some forums and well the accuracy of forum posts on balance issues are hit or miss at best.

Yeah but i am talking about raid encounters.

Damage wise maybe. Tuning is far from done. The problem with rogues is too much RNG for specs like outlaw.

>DH make Rogue's obsolete in every single way?
Yes. Rogues and hunters are shit rigth now

>leveling=all the content
top kek

The boost is weird but I understand why it exists. It's so people buying Legion don't need to slog through the previous content as WoW is pretty fucking dead when it comes to anything that isn't bleeding edge content and even then the servers are ghost towns until a new expac comes out and everyone eats into it. This is their way of saying "Buy the expansion and you can play it as soon as it comes out!"
This isn't like FFXIV where the highest level is 60 and the content is plot important, Heavensward was a sequel while WoW expacs tend to be within their own contained plotlines

Nope, it's creepy spike appendage things. They twitch like insect limbs on the older models.

If you enjoyed playing SWTOR then your opinion is not useful because you have objectively shit tastes.

Well rogues were already obsolete since feral druids exist. Demon hunters just make sure they're not allowed to have fun in random battlegrounds either.

>doing 1.5k dps with a warrior at level 30 just spamming Revenge all day
>being literally unkillable while passively healing the entire party as a paladin
I'm glad Blizz is pushing their no fun allowed policy now, I almost enjoyed myself and hated every second of it.

Actually Legion's tanking is far worse than current tanking. Active mitigation was nerfed into the ground to the point where it's almost completely unnecessary.

>using your tank skills with some logic
spamming tab and sunder sure was hard.

>le shilling meme

Think he's talking about threat generation. On single targets it generally wasn't a problem so spamming sunder is correct.

When it came to picking up multiple mobs that was a complete fucking nightmare and DPS generally got one shotted if you screwed it up


I enjoy pissing you off

>stop liking games I don't like, the post

SWTOR is objectively the best MMO out there right now, even after going F2P. that's how bad the MMO genre is at the moment

It literally doesn't matter how good you are, if the healer is shit you're fucking done. It's utter bullshit and I seriously hope they'll change it.

I miss just being able to drop consecrate and walk past the trash mobs. Consecrate did just enough damage to keep aggro while my party obliterated them with AoE. Then when they were all grouped up and you had the boss on your ass, drop holy wrath and kill EVERYTHING and then bash the boss in the face with your shield and he went down.

>Free character boost

Is it just me or is the fun of WoW just exploring the different areas and ever so slowly making your way to the level cap, starting out wearing shit armor and ending up fully decked out in awesome shit?

Granted I never did play long enough to ever even hit level 80, so maybe raids and whatnot are super fun. Can someone give me some insight on this?

I think I might just be the type of person who doesn't really have a problem forming a party of friends, and can still have fun running around the world alone.

You're going to have to try a little harder than that mate.

>Active mitigation was nerfed
>it's almost completely unnecessary.
Its a joke, RIGHT

No, alot of active mitigation was nerfed so its become pretty pointless. Long cooldowns still exist and play an important role but Blizzard is striving to make most of them flat damage reductions

In my opinion, that was the most fun thing in WoW. Unfortunately Blizzard wants to keep people in the long run and so they focused on end-game content. Over the years they have really let the leveling experience go to shit, you one shot everything, health and mana regen is a joke, no more group quests, you outlevel zones way before you finish the main storylines through them. Heirlooms and exp boosts make the whole process a trivial, 1-2 day affair.
What the didn't realize though is that you are never going to get new people to play your game if the leveling experience is shit. Instead they thought maybe they should just let players skip the process all together with level boosting. I don't think that appeals to new players though. Recently Blizzard said they want to try and fix the leveling experience so that's good news though.

>Is it just me or is the fun of WoW just exploring the different areas and ever so slowly making your way to the level cap, starting out wearing shit armor and ending up fully decked out in awesome shit?

I thought so too but apparently this kind of mindset triggers the blizzdrones to call you a nostcuck these days. I guess I'm getting too old for this shit.

You are a Beta player?

>Is it just me or is the fun of WoW just exploring the different areas and ever so slowly making your way to the level cap, starting out wearing shit armor and ending up fully decked out in awesome shit?
That's fun the first 2-3 times.
But then you get to the point where you hit level 55 and think "oh boy silithus. kill me now" and then you hit level 60 and have to drag yourself through the game with pins holding your eyes open until you hit level 80, where you think "Vashj'ir was so great I can't wait to do it again!" except instead of enjoying Vashj'ir you just get frustrated at all the bugs in cata quests and you know there's no light at the end of the tunnel because Jade Forest is waiting for you with Draenor as backup.

>it's almost completely unnecessary
Better, they removed most of it completely. You have maybe 1 skill that reduces damage and 1 self-heal and that's it. Tanks are just glorified DPS with bigger health pools.

That's always been what they were really. Having active mitigation doesn't change that since they still focus primarily on deeps anyway. It's the primary flaw with threat and the holy trinity as game mechanics.


Who /Guardian Druid/ here? Is any good in legion?

best with Blood DK

Guardians are amazing

Why is two tanks in a 5 man good now?

I'll go back for the first month and just level up my priest and heal.

>$50 expansion
>to a game with a monthly fee
>not even enough decency to bundle a month for free
Never understood how people let themselves be milked like this. Blizz was shitting on customers long before modern EA or DLC were a thing

That thing looks disgusting why not just make a regular Felhound mount?


You or that other user just said Guardian druids are good with Blood DK.

Who cares, they are both shit like all mmos

Apparently they are looking at or redoing this now. They want the entire leveling system to matter. They want to increase TTK and have the challenge be roughly the same the whole way through the game. The days of powering through dungeons in 5 minutes is coming to an end. So in the end it will take longer to level giving people an actual incentive to buy a boost.

>playing WoW
>current year

why do people do this? serious question


>XIV's shit grind

>be new to WoW
>Go in as a tank because I hear they have short dungeon cue times
>Everyone is mad as hell that I don't know the dungeons on my first time there. Whatever, thats understandable
>Go in as DPS, people start yelling at me because my DPS isn't high on some chart I don't even know how to turn on
>Try healer. Literally whack a mole the most boring gameplay I've ever seen in my life why do people enjoy this

I'll resub for Legion. Maybe if I'm messing up when everything is still new, people wont bully me so hard.

Play Rift instead of WoW. It's F2P so you won't feel like you are working a job playing it.


>all these shitters bad mouthing tanking when they are event talked about the actual problems with them

Spot the non-beta baby is so easy

Fags will complain no matter what you do, save yourself the trouble and money and don't resub. Game is shit anyway

>that pic
Source please

a serious question implies serious answers. as WoW is objectively not fun anymore, can you give me a REAL reason?

>nostcuck talking out of his ass

In what world is feral better than rogues. A rogue in mythic is needed for some mechanics

Tanking became such a joke
By the time of MoP a tank in level 89 greens would out-threat a DPS in BiS on single target
Not even exaggerating

It's the only MMO worth playing.

Already is.*

*Heavily limited restrictions may apply

If a DD got aggro from a mob it was his fault and not from the tank. As dd you were always supposed to attack the main target of the tank.

>worth playing

It's about the same, which ironically makes it one of the best because everyone else got fucked down to retard levels (which the bear was already at).

Get FUCKED. Active mitigation is eons ahead of the shitty aggro management from pre cata

>t. shit tank casual fuckboy who cant handle complex mechanics

If you want to enjoy playing online multiplayer games you will need to develop thicker skin, don't bother resubbing if you think people are going to be nicer in Legion. People are fucking assholes, it doesn't matter what game you play. You could try to find a nice guild to play with I guess, that's your only other alternative.

retard detected
vanilla was the only time rogues were better than feral, and only because feral didn't actually exist back then. it was one of those specs that technically had a talent tree, but didn't exist because it sucked so much that nobody who knew anything at all used it

Lets be honest, rogues are assholes and deserve to do worse than everyone else.

>old wow

That's because threat was essentially removed as a mechanic in in the firelands patch of cata. Partially as casualisation, partially because it was so fucked up after years of scaling high burst specs were tearing threat off tanks.
I remember on majordomo I straight up could not dps for the first 20 seconds or I would rip threat off our MT.