>What do you mean you haven't preordered my game yet? There's only 18 days left!

Do you want to make Tsubasa sad Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


I can't believe they're fucking localizing this game

Like the Jpop idol scene is big in America

Im usually not one to be uoset with censors, but this one really killed any interest in the game. Its about idols, the most fanservicey crap in the world and they remove the fanservice. Forget that.


It's because they dug their own grave back when SMTxFE first got announced they pushed that shit so hard. Then it ends up being Persona with Fire Emblem characters doing Idol shit and hahahaha get fucked.

I did because it's a niche game + on a dying console so it's probably gonna be rare in a few years.
At worst I'm stuck with a middling SMT spin-off, which is fine.

Daily reminder that waifushit is a cancer that has ruined more game series than feminists ever have, and should be resisted. Autistic beta waifufags will kick and scream and defend ALL waifushit no matter how bad things get, no matter how terrible the games. If it gets their dick hard: it's great. It doesn't matter to them how fucking awful the game is. They're exactly like furries who will hand over $100 for some piece of shit drawing just because it tickles their fantasies.

Remember, the future these NEETS want is a world full of Senran Kaguras. Dogshit games that get their dicks hard. These people need to go back to their hentai games and leave mainstream vidya alone.
People only interested in a videogame for a waifu, and willing to drop it because of a threat to the waifu content? Why the fuck should these people be catered to when they don't give a shit about the actual GAME? How is this any different to some idiot SJW who will only consider buying a game if it features a gay romance, and will then abandon it the moment it doesn't fall completely in line with what they needed to get their approval? Both waifufags and feminists don't give a shit about anything beyond being pandered to and they both need to fuck off.

>Showed off Hector, Ike and Demifiend
>Whoops, Marth only

Someone is really butthurt after losing their waifu.

>tfw I didn't get the Fortissimo Edition

i'd be pretty sad if someone stole my vagina bones

Actually, if you want to be technical it's Archanea only as Awakening characters show up too. From what I remember Illyana from 9/10 makes a cameo, if that couple possibly make you feel better.


honestly i haven't even looked at the gameplay, preordered collectors edition anyway

Buying it for weeb Gumshoe

I want to make NoA sad by helping ths game bomb.

I would have bought it without their fuckery, alas.

There's nothing wrong with cute anime girls.

Censored cute anime girls are a problem.

A shit stain on the SMT and FE franchises.
>Idol shit

Also stop making these threads holy fuck.

It's all Nintendo's fault. They announced SMT x FE when it was just an idea being thrown around, then told Atlus to make anything as long as they included FE elements, and finally gave the suggestion it should be about the Japanese entertainment industry. Atlus saw the opportunity to go wild with the Fire Emblem property, and took it.

>still shitposting about censorship memes
this is why devs don't take you seriously

Atlus should've told NoA to fuck off. But after they censored DT2, it's clear Atlus is a shit company too. They probably want this to fail so they can throw it in their fans faces when they ask for original audio again.

Yeah Awakening and SMT IV were such brilliant entries in their respective series and not completely casualized incredibly easy joke games.

Buy it for Tsubasa you faggot.

You'd fit in well on NeoFag.

Indeed they weren't. SMT 1 and 2 are far easier than IV.

>buy it for a censored waifu


>Wanna legit talk about this game
>OP constantly makes threads that bait censorshitposters and console war faggots
I hate Sup Forums.

Awaking sure, but SMT IV was great.
Wait dont tell me, you're a Nocturne purist?

go to gamefaqs

Go to gaf, they're more your flavor.


ironically they thought the censorship was needless too.

>Do you want to make Tsubasa sad Sup Forums?

NoA already took the light from her eyes when they took the bones from her hips.

>Wanna legit talk about this game
>i-i think tsubasa is c-cute how about u g-guys :3 also post uncensored butts and vaginabones
yeah I can see this game fostering so much discussion


>Idol game
>genre based almost purely on fanservice
>censored as fuck

It's just the first 2 chapters that were shown censored
who knows about the rest

Nigga u dumb

Well show me chapter 3 then

It's actually Marth's descendant's game.


so this is the target audience of these games

That happens all the time, dude.
Just try to incite gameplay-related discussion and maybe bump a dead thread once in a while I know that feel

This game looks like shit

okay then

But I have a Wii U and I don't want it.

I don't even feel like pirating it tbqh, not worth the time.

Do you really think they're only going to censor the first 2 chapters?
You can't be this fucking stupid.

okay then


I think this is the thing that baffles me the most.
It shows how disconnected as a company Nintendo is; what one division does another shits over.

Fuckin Fnac just cancelled my limited edition. Holy shit I'm mad

I won't buy a fanservice game if they cut out all of the fanservice.


I will pirate her game when I can pirate a fan translated Japanese version!


Of course

murican is retarded

My Tsubasa suddenly turned Super Saiyan and has guns, help!

Really worried about there being no substitles in battle.

Now and then, there are regular in-engine sequences that have no subtitles too.
The most notable one I encountered recently was at the end of chapter 4, quite a long one actually. I found it here on youtube (slight spoilers):
youtube.com/watch?v=MyJMnBRUo1c#t=2h32m32s (2h32m32s)

So either they rewrote code to add subtitles to these lines but didn't do the same for battle, or both of those are left untouched, which would be really bad.



No, I wanna make Nintendo of America sad. No buy.

>tfw this will bomb in the most poetic way due to all of the circumstances regarding it

>mfw it turns out weebs buy everything no matter how bad

Not even Japan fell for the #FE meme
It's going to bomb super-hard because
>Wii U exclusive
>idolfags have numerous other vices
>SMTfags are turned off by the massively contrasting tone, even moreso than Persona 4
>FEfags are mostly turned off because it's a departure from pretty much everything FE stands for
>people who were in for the fanservice and shit are going to get a censored game
What'll happen is that 90% of the sales will be from people snagging the Limited Edition, most of which will be doing so to try and scalp the game. However, the LE won't sell out for a while a la Mugen Souls and normal copies will sell even less than Devil's Third.

Enough with the waifu's
Who's your #FE husbando?