Hearts of Iron 4

HOI4 soon™ lads.

>How much do you think it will be shit
>What is gunna be your first nation
>First ideology

I got my fingers crossed that it wont be a steaming pile of faeces like Stellaris.

Other urls found in this thread:

itorrents.org/torrent/C5B2A2F1A16150F52D5098ABC15233C76094DF87.torrent?title=hearts of iron 42016gamepcrepack

Reminder that germans get the cucked version and Hitler has his face obscured and is called Armmand Hiller.

If any of you nigs are also intrested in doing a MP game about 1+ from launch then hit this discord up:


Playing the USSR friend. We shall liberate mother Europa from fascist filth.

I always play Canada.

For no reason other than they are pretty damn easy to play.


First nation will probably be France or UK. Nothing more satisfying than building a fuckton of shit as France untill it provokes a response from Germany so they attack The Rhein Land. Then with the full force and might of Baguettes I drive them back to the shithole they came from.

Can't wait to go around your shitty little line and make you faggots cry in your streets.


probably soviet union or romania

but there probably wont be any torrents today, so i'll play tomorrow

Germany is gud aswell but quite boring after the N:th playthrough of steamrolling the entire world.

Fascist US




>implying everyone won't play as the German Reich

>9/10 from IGN

hath paradox redeemed themselves?





Who is this guy?

If you're not baiting you're a moron

It's Montgomery



This one is legit

Better question is who the russian guy is. Probably obvious too, but I don't know.

what? I know they get cucked in ww2 games, but is this actually true?

>How much do you think it will be shit
it's a release of a paradox game, it's going to be pretty buggy shit. Doesn't mean I won't play it just so I can shit on it
>What is gunna be your first nation
Arsenal of Democracy
>First ideology
See above

Covered face, yes. Changed name, probably not. What's ridiculous is that there isn't even a law in Germany against portraying Hitler.

German here.
Just buying an EU key and using a VPN to redeem it.
It's pretty easy to get past censorship. Never actually had to play a game censored specifically for germany.

>it's a release of a paradox game, it's going to be pretty buggy shit.
They really took their time with this one.


18,2 kB ?

Maybe, I didn't really follow the release news. I just know they're jews from previous releases and there will be missing features and dlc up to ass.
My expectations are really low.

Subtle. Thanks for this

they're not allowing Holocaust or Swastika mods. How historically accurate is this game going to be without holohoax or Swastikas?

you'll need more than graphics mods, just don't host the mods anywhere near paradox. Could do with the complete removal of all the shitty images of generals and leaders too.


Look good on Arumbas video
>fascist Spain

>no boxed version

Ign gave spore a good score

>Hearts of Iron IV
>Liru will be out this month too

Also the Greek generals seem as worthless as standard Greeks. What gives?

They announced the game in January 2014 and kept delaying it. Make of that what you will

I saw early release footage and American Strat bombers were OP as fuck. It seemed they had way too many inconsistencies that made it hard to play.

Does it work?
I can't download the torrent from 3DM site.

>implying I'm not just role playing to make (Great) Britain Great (Britain) again

cucks out

>I saw early release footage and American Strat bombers were OP as fuck.
like irl

Don't worry when the muslims gain power this nazi censorship will stop

They love hitler

That`s the torrent not the file

The only """"similar"""" games I've played to this are Civ and Total War. How fucked will I be if I decide to pick this one up?

I've never played any HoI. I tried Crusader Kings and liked it, but ultimately the complexity got to me. I love grand strategy games.

Will I like this game? Isnt it too complicated?

I'm going to play with my 3rd world country and conquer my neighbors while you white people kill each other in Europe.

Imagine a petite asian girl into gang bang bbc rape porn

Hearts of Iron 3 is extremely complex, i cannot say about Hearts of Iron 4.

I didnt learn more than 70% of hearts of iron 3

Sorry Ramesh but we already own all your shit in 1939

You'll be fine, HoI4 was literally made for you

This is better than the game

In south america? Won't the burgers fuck your shit up?


>HoI4 was literally made for you


see /h/
I'm not even memeing

You'll be ok if you're willing to be fucking lost for ~6-8 hours while you figure out what's going on. After that it gets fun.

First Nation Yugoslavia, going neutral

>How shit
Expecting a step above Stellaris, so still buggy as shit with some "what the fuck were you thinking" design decisions. But overall fun.

>First nation
Going to jump into Germany, get intimidated and then probably play Canada or some smaller nation to get a hang of things

Oh, shit, I forgot about them. I guess I'll end editing my country files again

Easier than other PDOX games from what I've seen. Still needs a bit of micromanagement. Look through a couple of playthrus, like quill18, with his video, it took me about 3 hours to learn ck2

Oh jesus.

From what I've seen, normal difficulty needs to be tweaked as it's too easy.
Then again it may be different for me as I was not one of the beta testers who've put in hundreds of hours into the game.

>First Nation.
UK or Canada.

>First Idealogy.
Anything that helps me mass produce bombers for those little German shits.

Gonna wait for a WW1 mod and play as Sweden before they became bitches

Or the Ottomans cause fuck you

Who fucking cares, seriously

Jihad Europe my nigga



>not uniting the rest of the steppefags first

September 1st 1939.
Time to kick Hitler's and Stalin's shit in.

Hitler? You mean Armmand?

just watched a stream
It's Hitler.

Only to then replace it with kike filth. Kill yourself, faggot.

It's Armmand Hiller


>german versions
be cucked somewhere else

most holocaust deniers also deny the holodomor though




Is it at least dolphin porn?

Whoa whoa whoa what


Paradox is SJW, they said

That's literally me


>Expansion Pass #1

Paradox need to be put in the fucking ovens already. Nothing but filthy kikes re-releasing the same games with fewer features and more bugs.

So, is a torrent up already? Not going to pay for another shitfest

>updating and supporting games for years after release is a bad thing
when will this meme end?


How do i swastika thanks

Releasing a broken, unfinished game and then selling customers the rest in multiple $15 chunks is a bad thing, yes.

Get out of German-stan.

itorrents.org/torrent/C5B2A2F1A16150F52D5098ABC15233C76094DF87.torrent?title=hearts of iron 42016gamepcrepack

I'm not there but I cant get the flag to switch

They censored the swastika in all versions.

Define finished.

I'm aware, I'm attempting to switch the TGA flag files around but it's not working. Just shows up as black

Come on, this one has all tanks cut out and sold as dlc right from launch, you get generic "Heavy tank 3" instead of tigers and shit without it. German Tank pack, French tank pack, etc

those are literally just cosmetic models

>not playing with counters