All the other characters have chatter about how they dislike the people they're killing

>all the other characters have chatter about how they dislike the people they're killing
>they sometimes talk shit after they killed someone
>all but Mercy

She is truly the purest kindest girl there is.

Other urls found in this thread:

>mercy will never bear and nurture your children

Back to your containment board

back to your containment board


I thought she was shitting gold from the preview image in the catalogue. Came in a little disappointed.


Post the dva one

"Remember, You're the one responsible for this."
~Reyes "Edgelord" Reaper

This because I have not seen it.

Swiss Miss is best.

That is beautiful.

Is this a healslut thread?

That makes me want to do things other than healing

No. Mods are being based and deleting healsluts for ERPing.

Fuck off faggot the healslut meme needs to die.

Like what faggot

>>all the other characters have chatter about how they dislike the people they're killing
>>they sometimes talk shit after they killed someone
>>all but Mercy


This. This meme needs to die.

How do you know he isn't? Do you speak beep boop?

I'll edit this when I get home to make it safe to post.

The timing's off too.

I agree.

Post healsluts.

I want Mercy to get mercilessly BLACKED.

>How do you know he isn't?
How do you know he is?


Mercy is still the only one who definitely doesn't bm


Thought she was pissing and it was a puddle at her feet

>mercy literally hates OVERWATCH ( no the game idiot the organization )
>she says something like it might have been better if kept on shutdown.

>>all the other characters have chatter about how they dislike the people they're killing
Take this back then.

Don't actually post anything


>dudebros makes fun of healers
>they turn around and moan like bitches when no one picks healer to babysit their useless asses

lol nice meme desu senpai

Mercyfag confirmed being cancer.

>reinhardt calls out torbjorn for being a manlet

I said it needs to die you flaming faggot

without that disgusting buldge please
what are you, a faggot?

She still talks shit. I killed a Roadhog that didn't expect me to fight back and she giggled and said "You probably shouldn't tell your friends about this."


Can you leave

ok moot


she's a 37 year old woman you stupid nigger

Mei is best girl

Thanks for understanding family

Yup i had the same. top tier banter

the pistol does sick dmg on headshots

I've only ever got that banter once and it was glorious

She mocks people if she kills them with her pistol. Says something along the lines of
>Better not tell your friends about that.

el oh el

>not being a faggot
It's like you don't want to mate senpai.

fixed it for you

What are you, fucking gay? You some kind of fag? What, you like dick or something? Fucking homo.


Also one of her emotes is her miming not being able to find a pulse.


Is this E A S Y M O D E?




Do a flip off a bridge.

hue hue gg

D.Va being drawn as a stupid shitter is a welcome development in all this waifu garbage.

D.Va had a hard life

I like that Tracer sometimes says "death comes" mockingly when you kill reaper.

A kind user on Reddit drew this for me. It's supposed to be Dva eating a roasted Roadhog

Can we please have more mercy porn instead of discussing this shit game?

>...for a price.

shes a jew.

when is someone gonna make a D.vagelion mix?

No fuck off

Mei says sorry after killing you, that should count.


She only says that with the devil or imp skin

Swiss Bank Accounts don't fill themselves, user

I love how edgy reaper is

It's not going off the deep end but he's so overthetop edgy that I can't be mad at him.

>mfw he gets killed during his ballerina ult

>Freeze people
>Sorry Sorry Sorry
>Headshot with icedick


He's the most bullied character. Everyone gives him shit.


Someone needs to make an "Overwatch was a mistake" image macro with Mercy.

If you haven't seen it, swapping him for Notimportant in the hatred trailer is great

>stop discussing videogames on Sup Forums

Well to be fair he's also a massive cunt who deserves to be bullied.

>hurr durr I'm gonna split this organization in half and get most of my operatives killed or maimed because I'm salty that my best friend became commander instead of me

One of his sprays is him stepping on Winston's glasses, it's crazy.

I've never seen that. That's great

i don't get this pic

Reaper isn't even THAT edgy in-game.

He's kind of sassy, if you listen to his dialogue between other characters

retard dva is the best meme

That was a from a scene in one of the animated shorts.

>that pic
now I imagine reaper being goofy and pulling stuff like that constantly while laughing to himself afterwards

Reaper can apparently pull an unlimited amount of shotgun-pistols out from jacket, but this is implying that he can do this from anywhere.

What the fuck is Reaper anyway.

Does he have like a pocket dimension he jumps into


now I kind of want one of these for dad 76


He is a ghost.

Her testimony is what got it whut down in the first place

What would it say?

Where are people finding this lore? I was relatively dark about the game until the beta.


>76 will never be your grandpa

>I get home to make it safe to post.
disgusting workfags get of my board