Tell me what do you want Sup Forums

Tell me what do you want Sup Forums.

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Big dick and balls, plus the ability to stay hard as long as I want and to make as much cum as I want.

Super powers.

For you to be a good person.

>tfw Dimm gives you a dick of stone




I'll try my best

Sure but with a catch or two.

Staying hard as long as I want would really counteract that one.

I want to be always happy.

Iiiiiiintroducing your new heroine addiction!

how would you know the difference without pain?

>tfw when your dick crumbles to dust when you stop wanting

Just kill me and make everybody forget I ever existed.

In order the wish to work I would actually have to have a dick.

>there are people on Sup Forums who thought hearts of snore was good

A billion dollars.

do heroin and kill yourself before the effects wear off

Yeah, it wasn't good it was great.

Is it worth reinstalling and playing the DLC? I only played the game on release.

Both expansions are fucking great. Do it, faggot.

I want the whole world shrouded in frost.

You get a premade character for each expansion, so yeah, it's worth it because you don't have to play through the entire game again.

>slow ass "walking around looking at shit" quests
>stupid story that offers no conclusion
>embarrassing final "boss"
>new area so samey you wouldn't know it was new unless told

Shani and that David Beckham lookalike were okay though.


I said "always". Not "until I die".

That's not mu buisness, it's the wish granter to figure that out.

Yes mock me more

I get that he's some sort of elder immortal deity or whatever but if he has all these fucking powers and shit why does he look like a typical middle aged Polish drunkard? I mean come on, he can at least TRY to make himself look a little bit more handsome even if he doesn't give a shit.

Complete arsenal


>I mean come on, he can at least TRY to make himself look a little bit more handsome even if he doesn't give a shit
I bet it sounded better in your head.

He's supposed to fit in, be invisible. And he does that almost perfectly.

What is that song even?

Sounds like something I would like to listen while I gas myself to death.

Worked for me, I didn't recognize who he was when he popped on the ship in Hearts of Stone. inb4 people call me a retard

That IS always for you, since you didn't ask for immortality.

>mfw I want to know what I want

I want to be immortal

A bf.

>there are people who don't know crawling in my skin
wew lad

OP here


>depressed beta weeb
>a fucking newfag

wow just stop

Gimme the money and let me worry about that.


What's he doing with Olgert if you don't stop him?

Did a quick search and it seems to be a linkin park song.

I fucking hate those fucks.

epic projecting

>he sold mirrors

takes his soul per their contract. he's a demon afterall

Yeah, but what's going on with Olgert after that?

>La Cage Au Fou
Reading the note about her turning away a man who sells mirrors, delicious. I love that they worked him into the new expansion.

enough Wit to outwit a witty diety :^)

OP here, I'm a huge fan and I wish they included him a bit more.

I actually met him in real life and asked for a Banjo Threeie to be made.


Olgierd dies after O'Dimm takes his soul. If you let Master Mirror take his souls he does give you something though(stuff of your choosing, not worth imo since you miss a great boss fight and ending)
Makes you wonder what other terrible events in the game he had his hands in, he was clearly involved all over the place and throughout time.

The cursed lady on Blood and Wine is one

I want mydaily dose

In Blood and Wine when Regis talks about a terrible powerful being to summon Dettlaff, I thought about O'Dimm immediately.

I just wished to see more of his character, faustian bargains always leads to interesting things.

Fuck me the OST in TW3 is too damn good, I get chills every time.

I want you to give food to the starving build more churches cure disease aaaaand say you love humanity

Oh and dim, you have to mean it from the bottom of your heart.

I think Regis is talking about one of the more powerful vampire lords, that's the way it sounded to me since Regis was talking about vampire involvement in the world and such.

Nice tune..
[complete silence in the background]

>I think its time I finally took a rest.
>smiles and slowly turns to look directly at the camera

>le random demon man

Reddit the villain. No wonder so many of you fucks liked this boring villain.

He's clearly not just a random demon if you read the lore about him or even bothered to play through the DLC you lazy cunt. Fuck off to your bioware relationship simulator

>I think its time i finally took a rest from the Blood and Wine
>smiles and winks at the camera while clapping

It pisses me off that from all the things they broke is the music. I don't have any other bugs/glitches in BaW but the music one. Fuck. And I don't have the patiece to wait for 2-3 weeks for a patch.

I did play the dlc you fuckwit.

So he's some elven god or some shit? Giving blind men nightmares of killing daugters they didn't have. Wooooooo. Big whoop. Yet he dies to some water? Hmmmmmm? Nice fucking design.

The thing that dissapointed me the most on this dlc was the music, skellige still has the best music in the game

>tfw started a fresh character for the main game and expansions
Just got to Skellige now, should I complete the base game first though or do the expansions when I reach 30?

I think the music is awesome in BaW, when it works properly. The new combat songs are really good and the main menu theme is probably my favorite out of the three.

Here's your (you) that you worked so hard for.
Broken music and if anyone else was running the Griffon set you'll have noticed it takes a silver feline sword to make the Grandmaster Griffon Steel sword. Now that's a really fucking annoying bug, music can be fixed with a restart though.

Jesus fucking christ, lad, are you alright in there?

I didnt save Olgierd because he was a terrible person and I didnt feel like fucking with O'Dimm. When asked what I wanted, I just said nothing because that seemed to be the lesson of HoS

What the fuck are those guys even talking about? I've heard it so many times but never actually stopped to listen to the conversation.

Point of O'Dimm is that he is Master Mirror, he sells mirrors, so that as the player you can see your own faults and limitations.

If you are wicked and lost to O'Dimm the problem isn't because he is evil or the world is unfair, the problem is you.

>le everyone has to like the games I like

Just sharing what I thought. O'Dimm was weak. I preferred Von Everec. Should have made him the main villain.

You missed the chance to literally outsmart the devil.

I said "always" not "always for me".

>you didn't ask for immortality
Doesn't fucking matter. I said what I want and you are supposed to grant me exactly what I wished for with any means necessary.

Wasnt gonna take the risk. He can stop time and damn well kill anyone he pleases. Why would I fuck with that?

>I didnt save Olgierd because he was a terrible person

You know that he was only a terrible person because he didn't have a heart right? Due to O'Dimm giving him a heart of stone right?

When he got his heart back he talk about what a horrible person it made him.

He gives you gold if you ask for nothing, if you help Olgierd you remove the curse on him though so he no longer has a heart of stone. Olgierd was a decent guy until he got fucked by Evil Incarnate toying with the realm of men for his entertainment, or it's implied anyways.
Not all boss fights need to be twirling around fighting an evil guy. The point is to figure out the riddle, you could never defeat O'Dimm in a fight anyways he can control fucking time and who knows what else.

>>le random demon man
What a share, such thoughtful and compulsive arguments.

>There are people who didn't save based Olgierd

And on top of that they wished for something from the devil.

These people are browsing this thread right now.

I believe their talking about how Geralt fucked up some of the Barons men.


He was, it's one of the "bad" endings to go and visit him.

>Baron hangs himself
>me punching some guys is bigger news

Knew it. I haven't finished the game yet though, at the party with the duchess. Someone posted a Screenshot early of the exact place i'm at, made me wanna go play more.

Because you are genre savy and know mephistophiles is a classy kind of demon who likes to outwit you with wordplay than use brute strength.

You morons, O' Dimm is the Witcher's version of the Devil/Satan.

Thanks cap obvious.

posting best battle track in the game

The party was cool.
It's about to get a lot cooler.

A good combat system

>1:15 kicks in

Hello, how are you today

Oy vey!
