What are you Sup Forums? A Gamer or a person who plays games?
What are you Sup Forums? A Gamer or a person who plays games?
Fuck OP's topic, the people in his pic are retarded.
I don't skip cutscenes but let's get real here cuz story in vidya doesn't fucking matter. People buy games for the mechanics/gameplay.
Vidya does have exclusive narratives from other medias but cutscenes aren't one of them.
Half-life does it right with it's narrative.
Cutscenes in video games needs to be expunged, it's the equivalent to a character in a movie shoving an open book in front of the camera expecting the audience to read a full two fucking pages.
>Referring to yourself as a Gamer
When did this weird hatred against narrative games start?
a playee
When they started to get pushed hard and used as a defense for shit games.
Roleplaying and diving in to massive, immersive worlds with their own story/history/etc is just too complex for the average consumer. And guess who plays video games? Well, fucking everybody and their grandma plays some sort of video game now (with exceptions obviously)
Picture the average person. Imagine what the average person who plays video games today would look like. You didn't picture an intelligent person, did you?
there's alot of people who play shallow multiplayer games and nothing else. My little brother is like this, pretty much plays nothing but CoD, Destiny, GTA Online (he's barely touched the single player) and whatever flavour of the month game all the youtubers are playing.
A gaming enthusiast.
Cringe, pure Cringe
Real gamers are rare what a load of bullshit
I bet this guy probably refernces to People plaxingsouls games
> g...guys my friends dont read the cryptic shut that doesnt make Sense
Fucking soulsfags
I would punch someone in the face if they said they were a "gaming enthusiast" like some snobby uptight cunt.
Nobody talks like that.
You're retarded if you think some people don't buy games for story.
I'm a gamer but I disagree with that definition. Hell it's analogous to racism to try to classify one as the original and the other as the cheap copycat.
Both narrative gamers and gameplay gamers have always existed. The only issue is the lack of a label dividing the two sides of the same coin.
It's always been there you cancerous dick hole. Immature, ADD ridden fuck heads have always existed.
Who cares as long as he's having fun?
This guy gets it, it's like taking a 3-dimensional environment and using it to project a 2-dimensional element. And I don't just mean a game turning into a movie, I also mean every aspect of the game loses dimensions.
fucking christ the ego stroking and generalization
I also watch movies for the special effects
It's so annoying when people watch movies for the story or dialogue I mean what the fuck?
And they're retarded for not watching films, reading books, or even watching TV (which are narrative media, not ludic)
Are you a gamer girl or a girl gamer Sup Forums?
No you wouldn't, you fucking pussy.
*tips fedora*
>I don't skip cutscenes
Do you think The Witcher, Fallout 2, Silent Hill 2, Resident Evil 2 or Portal 2 would have been as great of games without the narrative devices that those games have?
Story and atmosphere, as well as an interconnected world that makes sense with the setting are only slightly less important than gameplay.
>skipping cutscenes
>Do you think The Witcher, Fallout 2, Silent Hill 2, Resident Evil 2 or Portal 2 would have been as great of games without the narrative devices that those games have?
If the GAMEPLAY quality suffers because of a lack of story, then you need to redo your game.
Oh, I'm sorry. I meant "cinematic experience".
pure cancer
>A Gamer or a person who plays games?
Neither. Video games are for nerds.
>V for reddit avatar
Why is it that "le epin gaymers" always have either V for Vendetta or Fight Club as their favorite movies? They're not bad movies by any means, just wondering what's so incredibly compelling about them.
I'm a punani slayer you fucking nerd. Don't ever speak to me again.
>Elitism in a hobby for losers
People that base their identity in being gamers want to feel superior to casuals
Any time I see someone say "git gud" I can just imagine the tiny, shriveled penis hidden in a jungle of matted pubic hair.
Its not a hobby anymore, its an identity.
Don't be so privileged.
You sure love to spend your day thinking about tiny penises, eh?
>people literally looking for narrative in a fucking video game of all places
>not books, television, movies, comics, visual novels.....
there is litterally no difference
I honestly don't care but you can classify me however you want if that gets you off.
You're a faggot.
Yeah, that's it baby. Keep going.
>Us gamurs, rite?? xD
I hate the term "gamer." Its stupid and demeaning. People who watch films regularly aren't called "filmers" or some shit.
For once, I agree with a random comment posted on Sup Forums. If a game has cutscenes and dialogue, why would you skip them? You're missing an important part of the game by doing so. Of course, I don't symphathize with this faggot when he says:
>I wish more gamers would embrace the narrative potential of our medium
>narrative potential
But skipping part of the game because of your "STORY =/= GAMEPLAY" narrative is just retarded.
Yes it is. Especially when you're supposed to be playing a game.
they don't you fucking retard. no one guys games for the stories. They buy a game because of popularity or scores. Then if it comes along with a good story, they get giddy as shit and start acting retarded as if the reason they bought the game was because they knew how good the story would come out in the end.
It's even more retarded but still used because shortening it to "moviers" I'd awkward and sounds like saying "movers" in a pretentious French accent.
Gamers is actually an abbreviation of game-players. The correct use of the medium is in its name.
Sometimes when I'm playing mind-numbing open-world/shooter clone #xxxx & get so sick of the garbage story scenes that do nothing for gameplay at all, I skip, yeah.
Well then, here's a neat trick: don't play that game if you don't like it.
I'm a watcher
I'm a listener
I'm a reader
I'm a taster
I'm a smeller
I'm a feeler
Whenever the games that had shitty narrative showed up, and it only served to ruin the time between the game play segments.
Sometimes it's worth it for a shot of gameplay, even if the story is shit.
>Playing games for the story
Don't people buy Persona games because of the dialogue stuff instead of the gameplay?
They buy them for the waifus.
It's the same shit. People buying it and praising it just for the narrative and not for the gameplay