Ubisoft announces Watch Dogs 2 staring homosexual black man as the main character and it takes place in San Francisco.
Watch Dogs 2
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ITT OP fantasizes about gay black men
I would link the article but it's posted on Kotaku.
main character is black now
>Watch Dogs 2
why would anyone want this
>Giving a fuck about anything Watch Dogs 2 related
>How to kill your brand
Ah yes more "diversity" aka pushing white womyn and niggers
>normies will fall for the hype AGAIN
Because the first one wasn't shit enough
Can't wait to see how they will graphically downgrade this one.
Teaser is out
Oops I mean
Aidan Pierce was such a bad character though they could've made him an HIV positive transsexual prostitute set in Jerusalem still would be an improved.
Of course even if the next game star a QT nudist taxidermist in Amsterdam Unbisoft would still fuck it up.
Aren't you tired to see the same thirty something year old white guy in every big multi-platform game? And it's not like you'll be playing a black guy in eastern europe or asia. They're quite common in the us of a.
the worst part is actually the stupid glasses that they gave him
also I have zero interest in playing a game set in San Francisco
not that I´m looking forward of playing another watchdog or open world ubisoft game in gernal
Another nignog with a white girlfriend. How diverse
>Ah yes more "diversity" aka pushing white womyn and niggers
I don't see how blacks and women create some kind of diversity.
Wha about spics, asians, etc?
>Giving a fuck about anything Ubi related
nice to see a game set in my home
Why does such a good concept have to be made by the fucks at Ubisoft? there was a good game hidden in there with Watch Dogs but it was fucked royally by being a Ubisoft developed game.
This nigger thing put the knife in it.
>protag is a faggot now
Like pottery
>thirty something
they are mostly twenty something, ching-chong.
>Implying SJW's caring about spics and chinks
Spics are too white and Asians obey the law and generally don't act like chimps and as such are too "privileged". SJW's obsess over niggers and sand niggers.
Watch Dogs is amazing, too bad everyone hopped on the hate bandwagon for it. I'm still playing even just yesterday.
The teaser site has a trollface in the source code.
only diversity I care about is game play and setting diversity.
there are way to many games that take place in a modern or slightly futuristic western city
just doesn´t interest me at this point
Big dif.
That's the joke, don't take the bait.
>Aren't you tired to see the same thirty something year old white guy in every big multi-platform game
no why should I ever get tried of seeing somebody that I can relate too and fits the kind of story usually the best?
This. What hope the game had died.
The sequel to a game nobody wanted, nice
>shill thinks saying there's a trollface in the source code of a teaser site will get people to like it
>literally trying to bait people to like it by using trollface
I think you'd be better suited to shilling on Reddit
[spolier] does anyone else think it would be cool if the big bad in this turned out to be Aidan?[/spoiler]
Basically like in assassins Creed Rouge where the final boss is your dad in unity.
white guys in vidya are only around because they're the least offensive type of character m8, no one actually likes them.
Those sound like great character concepts.
And people say arbitrary diversity doesn't improve things. Fuck, just hook up a random character generator with a couple of labels like that and have AAA devs press the button a couple times.
Uh I was just saying there was one.
Why would that make people on Sup Forums like it? I mean I know Sup Forums loves memes but that doesn't make sense.
I'm not shilling by having an unpopular opinion, everyone blatantly shits on the game for no reason but it's really fun.
It came out a year after GTA V and the driving controls were still absolute trash. Its a bad game.
It's watered down GTA with a gimmick and the usual Ubisoft open world trapping layered on top.
It looked cool as a concept in the reveal trailer but building a full game around it you get this.
they are around because jewrican culture export the idea of white males to be the default protag in any action scenario. They are liked or not depend on the writing.
That would be cool. I mean he was kind of a bad guy.
>somebody that I can relate too
My bet is you're closer to a black nerd than a Marcus Phoenix or John Marston. Sometimes, the protag isn't even human, never played those games?
vidya writing is always bad so that explains why no one wants them anymore
no I don't get tired of the RACE of a playable character because I'm not a racist you piece of shit. You're telling me that characters like Nathan Drake and Big Boss are the same old boring thing because they are both white men? Get the fuck out of here faggot.
>Spics are too white
>Chinks are too behaved to be in games
You're kidding right? A nigger doesn't fit a hacker background anyways. This isn't gta
You can compare tons of games to GTA V and then say they are bad. GTA V is one of the best games ever made.
I love both games and GTA V is definitely better but there's enough difference in Watch Dogs for me to still enjoy it as it's own game.
But will it have the Iconic Aiden Pierce?
I'm saying that "diversity" actually means "more niggers and sand niggers"
Im not comparing it to the overall quality of GTA V. Just saying there is absolutely no excuse for the driving to be as garbage as it was in WD. Its a fundamental aspect of the game and it plays like trash.
>It looked cool as a concept in the reveal trailer but building a full Ubisoft game around it you get this.
>still enjoy it as it's own game.
Watchdogs just got more shit
>Nathan Drake
No charisma, not the blandest of them all but he's up there with Alex Mercer, Cole Whatever, Aiden Pearce, etc. And I didn't mention only race, but age too. They want to sell, so they go for the least risky, the least controversial. That's lazy. At least Big Boss has a presence.
Driving is a hard thing to get right. There's games just for driving that fail to get it right. I don't really like how the cars handle but riding the motorcycles is fun.
So iconic people forget his name is Pearce not Pierce.
Call me a racist all you like but i would never play a game with a black protagonist because every fucking clique comes with it an i CAN'T stomach that shite.
White guys are so commonly used in media because white guys are safe.
You can do literally anything with them and NOBODY will give a fuck, not a single bit of offense will so much as brush a single tweet, or provoke a half-assed blogpost.
I don't blame people for not wanting to do the equivalent of tip-toeing through a minefield.
>everything related to blacks is about crime, kfc and watermelons
>everything related to whites is about science, mass shootings and genocides
I prefere the second one
there is no point in making white male characters anymore, not in games not in movies and not in tv shows
white males have already shown that they will buy anything with a popular brand, so what's the point in catering to people that will buy your shit anyway? so you have to bring in new audiences, that's means a female or black protagonist
over 3/4 of the new games announced at E3 will have a black or female main protagonist, the rest will be "create your own"
It doesn't bother me. SJW types have claimed for years that we need more diversity in video games because they believe if you aren't exactly the same as the protagonist then you can't identify with that character. Well the door swings both ways. I'm a straight white male so I guess I can't Identify with a black homosexual.
Come on it's like like the difference between Laura and Lara Croft. She probably has both name on her birth certificate just to be safe
as expected of progressive ubisoft
The thing is the Diversity Brigade doesn't care about Asians or Hispanics because they don't get as many goodboy/goodgirl points for "standing up for them" as they do black people.
To them a group of 12 black guys and girls is a hundred times more diverse than a group of 12 white, hispanic, black, and asian men and women.
No it's not, Pearce and Pierce are pronounced the same, Laura and Lara aren't.
She's LAH-RAH not LAW-RAH.
Also she's actually iconic.
>Black protag
Doesn't really bother me.
As long as he isn't a stereotypical black and is just a normal character then whatever.
The moment he mentions Basketball or Street Fighter or chucks a spear is when my immersion breaks.
>Gay protag
Literally adds nothing to a game what so ever unless we are talking about a AIDs epidemic.
Off hand remarks like 'My BF would love that' are dumb and unneeded, and not just because they are faggy, straight relationships in games are dumb and forced.
I think that is why a lot of people like those Animu Waifu games, because it lets you choose your own relationship and progress it how you want instead of it being rammed down your throat.
Overall Watch_Dogs 2 is going to be shit, but people are going to think it's AC2 of the series and it will sell well.
Ubisoft literally can't lose while you idiots keep buying their shit.
He's not gay, OP is just a falseflagging nigger.
>main character is black now
Yes and?
Guess the leak was real then.
I like it being set in SF, car chases on those hills should be fun, but playing as a barista bike messenger doesn't appeal to me.
Why is it always Lancelot?
because he has a lot of lance
because he cucked arthur and fucked off after getting a bitch pregnant with galahad
Why does Sup Forums always get triggered by blacks? Don't you like CJ? We can't have any discussions about games that feature a black man anymore. If literally everything else is fine and it's not SJW: the game, why all the complaining?
>San Fransisco
who cares
don't believe you, but still don't care
>obnoxious hipster attire
now I'm pissed
Giving a fuck about anything vidya related
But I don't see anything like that here with WD2. Atleast, not yet. Literally just a fucking teaser.
I am glad he is black, the stealing of money and other thing will feel more natural now.
Call me a racist all you like but i would never play a game with a human protagonist because every fucking clique comes with it an i CAN'T stomach that shite.
But the mass shooting wont
This happened to the prototype series and look where that franchise ended up
I see the shills have arrived
For a second, I thought this was Sleeping Dogs 2.
Who gives a shit about fucking watchdogs
Apparently if you go to the official Watch Dogs 2 site this is what you'll see in the website's source code.
This immediatelly reminded me of the awful LE MEMES of the first game. You know, stuff like le doge on some screen on the highway.
The difficultylevel will be high. Getting shot on sight by the police.
People that enjoyed Watch Dogs.
What other point is there of a teaser other than """"""""""LOOK AT THIS !!!!!!!""""""""""""
wheres that youtube video where its just 15 mins of the devs getting absolutely everything wrong? Like train stopping if youre near it, or peds dying to 1 shot anywhere
Yet memes are fine when they are posted on Sup Forums all day long.
I'll never get this, Sup Forums says they hate memes but all people on Sup Forums do is spout memes.
Ubi Montreal is the worst dev studio.
They even had my little pony key chains inside the cars.
And what brings you here Stormfront?
No, people that don't join hate bandwagons.
This argument is so fucking stupid
Memes should stay in shitty image boards where they belong
Read the rules first before posting.