Game release is announced

>game release is announced
>it gets delayed

Why does this keep happening?

Why even give a release date/window anymore if it's expected for games to get delayed these days?

>Pushed back to 2017

Fucking hilarious. Remember the shitposting about Scalebound being pushed back to 2017? Bet we won't see that with this PlayStation™ 4 exclusive title.

I bet all those bullshots they released of "in game footage from a PS4" was really of a PC and they couldn't live up to their lies

What happens when you have inept people running a project

Because Sony actually cares about gamers and will ensure a fully polished product is delivered instead of the half assed rushed bullshit third part devs deliver. Just take a look at all the Sony exclusives. They're leagues better than anything in the competition including high-end PC games, the supposed master race of gaming.


Well, it's hard to fuck it up when you only have two games.

Yeah - just look at Nintendo
oh wait they even fucked up Star Fox

Maybe because we don't have any games on XBONE


>being surprised about this
Fucking ANYTHING that is not out that was announced E3 2015 is coming out Q1/Q2 2017.

Literally the same shit as 2014 - 2016 releases

This gen really is shit. Christ.

I love how the PS4 side has a bunch of literally who Japanese games to make it look more impressive than it is.

> Fallout 4
> announced and release in the same year
> had a really cool mobile app launched on announcement to fill the gap

More companies should just do this rather than trying to build the hype train up for the whole development

( yeah I know it's sucked but let's be honest, it wasn't because of time constraints)

Uh oh

you get dreadlocks by not showering
she's a caveman


Bethesda's last game prior was Skyrim in Q4 2011, DLC in 2012
GG's last game prior was Shadow Fall in Q4 2013

>all these salty PCucks

Jealousy is quite ugly user

>it wasn't because of time constraints
You kidding me?

Fallout 4, just like Skyrim suffered from that so fucking much. Like Skyrim could have been great if it wasn't for the fact that it had so little content you could experience most of it in a few hours. Fallout 4 has straight up broken systems that Beth just shipped as is.

Well obviously they must of started production years ago, the thing they wait to when it was close to completion before they announced it.

I swear most companies have the teaser trailer out before they start the coding.

I'd rather have TLG this fall than horizon t bh