No wait that's not very funny.
No wait that's not very funny.
I've thought that about a lot of recent Whomp strips. Sup Forums will just call me a shitposter though.
Ha I get it. Self-deprecating humor. I get it.
Save for the past two Ronnie's been killin' it lately senpai, the fuck you on about
I have your comedy right here.
Is that TES 6 new dungeon design?
Wait, WHAT.
What is this
Did it actually end that way
April Fools nigga
April's fools, it's still going
Oh thank Christ, I haven't even read a GWTBW comic in years but I was very worried
>sailor Mercury
at least Ronnie has good taste
I guess its your loss for not getting it
he uploaded that on april first, but its been years and he hasn't continued it
so yes, that's how it ends
I can relate to this as an artist with a fraction of Ronnie's fans. No matter what you ask, they always give an affirmative.
>Being a princess of a crappy mass that can't even be called a planet
That's the normal update schedule for GWTBW though.
He'll probably upload like 2 strips a few years from now when he thinks of a good joke and then go on hiatus for another decade.
No, a lot of people agree, actually. Started around the time Otaku Dad, his start of streaming video games a lot, and his Patreon (where he made promises of updating on certain days) came about. Ronnie is having some issues with multitasking.
The schedule is part of why I stopped actively reading it.
I don't think I've read one in like, 3+ years or something, and I'm sure I only missed a couple pages
Someone tell me how this ends again. I read it before, but I forgot.
I'm not sure what this is about but it seems like a cool plot twist.
She gets asked if she wants to play video games.
Not nearly linear enough
Holy shit this hurts my eyes just looking at it
It's a gag comic called Gone With The Blast Wave starring a bunch of armies who neither remember why the hell they're fighting and going insane from living in a nuclear wasteland.
It's worth a read. It never updates but because of that it maintains a pretty high quality.
The whole website is like that. The same eye burning yellow but I love the comics so much.