>Both releasing early 2017
>Both exclusive to each platform
Which will be better though?
>Both releasing early 2017
>Both exclusive to each platform
Which will be better though?
Both will be uninspired trash that will be forgotten about the same way Kameo and Heavenly Sword were.
The main character from Scalebound looks like a hipster faggot.
Scalebound is coming to Windows 10.
And the girl in Horizon doesn't?
shes not a DMC character ripoff
Guerilla Games has been around over 15 years and hasn't made a single good game in their entire existence. What do you think?
Well we know for certain Horizon is getting downgraded that's for sure.
>Shadow of Mordor with robots
>Dragon's Dogma but shit
Take your pick.
She looks like some fucking progressive tumblr type with those stupid dreadlocks.
I dunno
Scalebound probably. Guerilla Games puts out mediocre but pretty garbage all the time (Killzone series). Why would this be any different?
scalebound because it is a combination of:
>open world
>dragon flying
>skyscraper sized monsters
>hideki kamiya
>combat that looks to mix a more subdued stylish action with some level of scaling
>probably a retarded but fun story like all platinums games
>will probably come to pc, which means 60 fps
>4 player multiplayer
>good graphics
>interesting enemy designs
>combat that looks to be generic tps shit
>probably an over focus on story
>made by guerilla games
I think both games could be shit and excellent, both have long term development, horizon seems to have been in the works for like 5 years, and scalebound will be 3-4 by it's release
But I place more faith in platinum and even more faith in Hideki Kamiya, a man who has not directed a single bad game.
Platinum has been a meme company for a long time now. Scalebound will probably be 4 hours long.
Can you fucktards stop posting images of people throwing up? Take that shit to Sup Forums.
God, wish this shit was bannable.
They will both be underwhelming.
Scalebound. Horizon's gameplay looks like an incredibly shallow TPS and the story looks bland as well. At the end of the day I trust Kamiya significantly more than an lackluster studio like Guerilla Games.
Gee I don't know, maybe the one from the guy that directed RE2, DMC, Viewtiful Joe, and Bayonetta
>Hating on based guerilla after killzone 2
Best FPS of last generation desu
Both will be great.
Scalebound E3 demo lastyear was terrible, but it wasn't ready and they knew that going in. Idiots.
Horizon looked like bullshots in that trailer.
I think Scalebound will go up in quality from the trailer and Horizon will go down some, both leveling out to solid 8.9/10s
Show us a picture of a tumblr user with dreadlocks then
horizon because ps4 exclusive
you ever noticed how good bloodborne is by the way?
both look like shit
Scalebound. But I ain't buying a fucking Xbone for it.
is this even a question
both look like shovelware
I actually achieved platinum in Killzone 2. It was not that great of an FPS. Incredibly flawed but still enjoyable enough to keep a group of us entertained for a couple months. Then they released an update to make it more like Call of Duty. Then they released Killzone 3 which was complete trash. And that's when I stopped caring about anything GG does.
Horizon, because Scalebound looks like some wacky DMC rip-off made by an incompetent studio
You knew what I meant, faggot. I'll take Dante with headphones over rwtarded cave woman any day of the week.
>latest game from the mind behind Devil May Cry, one of the most influential games ever made
>latest game from the guys who made Killzone, a series of pretty but otherwise average FPS's
I don't give a shit about Scalebound but the answer's pretty obvious
What about that new TMNT game that was shit?
I don't think you know what shovelware is
One is by Platinum, the other is a new IP. I think they're both on the same level.
You just set yourself up for failure senpai
Should've picked Nier Automata for the PS4 option, really.
As much as I hate Kamiya, Platinum makes good games. Guerilla on the other hand, can't design a fun game to save their lives. I played Killzone Mercenary before playing the main trilogy and holy shit, all three games were trash. I played Shellshock 1 as well and that was trash too. STOP GIVING THESE NIGGERS MONEY!
I believe that title goes to Resistance: Fall of Man 3, user.
Scalebound is a new IP
Not really, tumblr "types" have short coloured hair. And are you gay since you'd rather stare at that generic Dante guy?
But it's Platinum
it was made by platinum's z-team
you have several teams at platinum, several "directors" they mix around,
I think the activision games were effectively given to lesser staff to deal with
Your point?
Shovelware, with those visuals? You're just a big meme spouter, aren't you?
Scalebound looked incredibly mediocre, the entire aspect of the dragon is nice but the dragon literally does everything for you so what is the point. When it got to melee combat, it looked bad because the Platinum style works better in enclosed areas. Even Okami initiated a small arena to fight in rather than do it on the open map.
Horizon is probably going to be a TPS with mediocre stealth things, but I like the robot designs.
Oh. Okay.
Platinum now has one shit game on record, but Kamiya has 0. Makes sense.
Why? Its being made by Platinum's b-team and the first game was shit. Not sure why anybody even cares about Nier: Automata.
I don't think you know what IP means
platinium game or sjw strung womyn the game
Oh and I forgot to add, Killzone Mercenary was fucking great.
>white girl with dreadlocks
what is this spicy new dreadlocks vomit meme?
Scalebound will have better gameplay but Automata will have Taro shenanigans to make up for it. Tough call.
They're braids you fucking mong
>Scalebound is for XBONE
>made by the studio which gave us pic related
>boring DMC rip off
Horizon wins, there's not even any contest.
Scalebound seems more likely to be fun compared to Horizon. Besides those are their only similarities. They play differently, if you ask me.
>Muh sjw Bogeyman
>liking black girls with dreadlocks
off yourself and stop spamming the thread degenerate
Redditors first ebin meme on da 4chinzz XD
you sound upset
>Its being made by Platinum's b-team
[citation needed]
And it's still a better option than Killzone of Mordor's inevitable mediocrity.
Yeah m8 I'm gay because I'd rather play as a dude. I actually the like the Scalebound protags design and look, not sure why people are shitting on it so hard. Eh tames dragons and doesn't afraid of anything.
Sjw tumbler game > platinum....
You ok user?...
Come on, it's not SJW.
It just has a girl protagonist. It's been done well before.
A talented man who has proven himself plenty and poured many years into a game. Compared to studio who constantly tries to hype its games up, claims they're going to kill Halo and never delivers on the hype.
Doing simple homework, one should easily be able to come to a conclusion.
>liking women in general
Kill yourself my man
Killzone Mercenary was made by some random team which ended up getting rebranded as a Guerrilla team which might explain why it ended up being decent
>both will be shit
>[citation needed]
I think it's fairly obvious everybody important at Platinum is working on Scalebound with Kamiya.
>mongrels can't tell the different between braids and dreadlocks
LOL go outside fatties
Nice one kiddo
I donno, I won't be playing either of them.
it's very probably that scalebound is the "a-team" game, it's likely that microsoft are betting big with it, as their only real open world rpgish game, I wouldn't be surprised if it had very high development costs.
This combined with Kamiya being the director makes me think it's the studios main focus
or Guerilla Games
or the fucking Killzone guys
Hmm I wonder
>implying the b-team is working on Scalebound
Probably Scalebound
Guerrilla have never made a good game.
I prefer the girl over the hipster.
Are you retarded? Horizon is developed by a 1/10 cancer studio and just another "WEW, SEE THIS MOUNTAIN?" game with an awful feiminism propaganda protagonist with disgusting hair and generic robot enemies.
The other game is a fucking Kamiya action adventure. Even if Scalebound will be utter shit, there will be one little thing in it that will be absolutely amazing and make many people love it, see God Hand, or any Kamiya game.
You can only hope it will get ported to PC sooner or later. It's the only good PS4/Xbox exclusive there is.
Both main characters look like complete shit.
I guess Horizon have the advantage here because platinum haven't released a good game in a while.
Have you seen the new trailer
Her father figure tells her to not leave because it's dangerous as shit out there and she looks into the camera and says "Join me or get out of my way old man"
It's not social justice but it's pretentious as fuck
Come on now, Nier's combat was slightly above average thanks to a somewhat unique magic system. And Platinum's B-team is perfectly capable of making good games, see Transformers: Devastation.
*Also on Windows10
>actually painting wojaks face onto a hdd
For what purpose?
>DMC rip off
>open world with colorful places and dragon friendos
Yeah, no. Fast action combat doesn't mean rip off.
And your game was developed by the E team.
>game by kamiya
>game by guerilla games
willing to bet on kamiya since it will probably have good gameplay at the very least. both seem pretty meh right now.
>rebel angst is now sjw
You people seriously grasp
>constantly tries to hype up its games
Don't forget, it's also being hyped because it's a playstation exclusive. Solely for that reason. Regardless of the developer's constantly failures.
what do you think do people look like without anything like a shampo? even in european tribes having dreadlocks was common shit.
>I guess Horizon have the advantage here because platinum haven't released a good game in a while.
And Guerrilla have never made a good game
As a PS4 owner I can honestly admit Scale bound looks way more compelling.
Horizon looks interesting, but Hideki Kamiya has made some of my all time favorite games.
Also it better fucking have a FLOCK OFF comment or else
>Both Microsoft platforms
>It's not social justice
I wish the development teams were reversed.
How to Hipster My Dragon seems like such a fucking boring setting compared to techno-caveman shenanigans.
You're right I should have said
>rebel against
>let me grasp at any reason to bitch about a female protag
Kamiya's talent runs laps around anyone at fucking Guerilla
I guess that makes Xbox PC ports exclusive to Xbox systems then?
Neither seem all that great to be honest, but Scalebound has at least given us actual gameplay. Horizon gave us a scripted psuedo-gameplay trailer, much the same as Bioshock Infinite, every Assassin's Creed, and innumerable other E3 "In-Engine" trailers, none of which have ever lived up to what was promised. I'm leaning more towards Scalebound being the superior title here.
I don't own an XBone, I never intend to, and I hate Halo. I'm more mad at Horizon shills supporting legitimately nothing, if anything.