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That's lame. I wanted to play as a skellington

I thought it was going to be a robot.


>not a skeleton
fuck kojima

who cares.

what a dumb design

>Skull wearing human eye glasses

Kojima's done it again.

>No spooky space skelly

This looks so badass, omg


>I'll keep cumming

What did he mean by this?

what is this?

who else's hoping for kojima's new game to fail hard so he gets exposed as the hack he is?

>protag shoots magic bees from his eyes
>can also fly because fuck you
>his mortal enemy is a fat man on rollerskates
>the twist at the end is he's his own grandfather

Kojima productions by Hideo Kojima
Art direction by Hideo Kojima
Cinematics by Hideo Kojima
Written by Hideo Kojima
Concept by Hideo Kojima
Music by Hideo Kojima
Directed by Hideo Kojima
Hideo Kojima as Himself (Hideo Kojima)
Dante - Hideo Kojima

Thanks to:
Hideo Kojima

Special thanks to:
Hideo Kojima

Very Special Thanks:
Hideo Kojima

All rights reserved, 2017 Hideo Kojima Productions

Coming Soon from Hideo Kojima

That's totes Reedus in there.

Thought it would be some dark magic and necromancy in space and shit, what a shame.

Looks like Ghost from Modern Warfare 2.

I'm hoping for a record number of self-credits, even more than MGSV.


I'm getting an all you need is kill vibe.

ejaculate forever

PT was amazing so I don't know what you're talking about.

I'm really getting my hopes up for this. It really seems like its gonna be really wacky whether its intentional or not.

So when will this shit come out?
He doesn't even know which engine he wants to use and is still looking for people for his team
Knowing him he will probably waste half of the bduget on actors or an engine and the game will be out in 2025

>he'll self insert as god again

Kojima drew that image himself with his own hands.

>le kojima is a hack meme
spot the underage redditor who hasn't played MGS 1-3

>PT was amazing
and was also not a game

Yoji Shinkawa is still the best designer in the industry, that's for certain.

He's using a 3rd party engine
He said he can't spend 7 years making a game, so it'll be out in 9 years.

Big Boss sucks.

Solid Snake is better.

is this some new Kojima game or what

Well technically he's a skellington wearing human flesh and skin disguised as a mech skellington in a mech suit

1 - 3 are good because of Tomokazu Fukushima. Just look at what happened to the series the moment he left.

Alright, dsp -- settle down.

Isn't this what happened with mgsv?

>Implying it wasn't Motoyuki Yoshioka who made first three games.
After the left MGS became shit.

>A story inspired by Hideo Kojima

>i'll just ignore the last 10 years of his work in order to prove he makes good games

This meme will never die, will it?


Tomokazu Fukushima not Motoyuki Yoshioka.

Why would you hope something fails? Seems like a sad thing.

>something I disagree with
>it's a meme

So protag is a medically dead but kept alive in a special life-sustaining suit?

No, because it's true

I hope it blows up massively and is basically the next halo, and he is stuck making 5 of them again. Till he self sabotages enough that they boot him again.


ZOE rip off

You're crazy, there's no way Hideo and Kojima would work with each other, they despise each other.

because the shitstorm is funny?

kojima's new game being good and being PS4 exclusive would be a much better shitstorm

I'm on ebay now, looking for a PS3 with the MGS HD collection, and just wishing Konami would release it on PC instead. Feels bad, man.

Norman Reedus' eyes.

Just emulate them.

>skeleton inside a man inside a skeleton

o fuk

And this is why tortanic ruined Sup Forums. It's a sad pathetic husk of what it was now. Well it was always a bit shit but never this bad to the point that 99% of threads are 14 year olds screaming for shit to fail, screaming at women or screaming for more naked women in games. Oh and platform war shitposting. Fucking pathetic.

Another 40 million wasted on 10 lines of dialouge


Fuck off retard.

Everything he's done apart from MGS 1-3 is trash tier.

A game about space havels

Didn't Sup Forums send a birthday card to this hack?

The prequel to ZOE 1

Who's Sup Forums?

>it's just a regular guy in the armor
What a shit design, seems like he has bowed down to ubisoft style mediocrity.

>White guy

>I'll Keep Coming
Is he already making his new version of "Kept you waiting, huh?"

>Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake
>Peace Walker

the "helmet" looks pretty cool desu

So did they make this with Fox Engine before they left Konami?

t-thanks kojima

>kojima makes something
>not what some expected

You people are dumb as shit

That sounds fun.

No, it's just a simple render

Damn, I almost forgot how sexy they made her in 4. I miss those FROG troopers as well, SO much cooler than the bald and bland parasite girls in 5.

Hope this game has some sort of multiplayer because the aesthetic of the suits look pretty cool.

Suit / exoskeleton mesh hybrids is always neat.

This game better have some good gimmick bosses and not just dumb bullet sponges


Do you have any source for that? I mean, his death.

Looks to me like a dude holding a phone to his helmet. Dumb pic

Is that a cameraman? Literal moviegame?

Kojima, stop rusing again.

Or maybe just good bosses

>it's going to be another rooty tooty point and shooty

God dammit Kojima, make your horror game already.

that pic why so familiar

Just the guy who gathered the cards right

>/australia/ is 3 years old

time fucking flies


uh oh more paltform wars

>thinking anybody outside of neo-Sup Forums hates it
And it was the best selling Metal Gear Solid game ever

what happened to LE NEVER EVER?

Nothing, no one was talking about that shit until you brought it up

I like how they fucked with that faggot Raiden

>we're all just biological mechs being piloted by a brain


i guess that was the sender, but it's still funny, m8