Sup Forums - Video Games

>tfw Sup Forums has the best taste out of any gaming-related board or site

>Failout 4 getting cucked that badly in round 1
The best part was nobody even complained. Everybody knows how shit it is

>Disgaea 5 beat Life is Strange
Sounds like a bunch of salty fags that haven't even played it but eat up the "story isn't important" meme

>Undershit and Pillars of Shittity losing

nice year

for all the rampart shitposting somehow these polls always turn out perfect

Wow, Sup Forums got good taste for once.

That's because the shit posters are a vocal minority.

Sup Forums generally doesn't actually have bad taste

was 2014 really that bad?

Disgaea 5 was a great game

2013 was worse

>Battlefield 4 is 3 years old

nintendo fags in suicide watch


>TW3 getting a high score at all
Sup Forums has shit taste.

There is nothing Ocarina of Time does that The Witcher 3 doesn't do better

>muh board culture

Fuck off.

Literally any fucktard could fake any of this shit. And none of those game deserve that much praise.

Fuck off

>Dying Light beaten by fuckin undertale
holy fucking shit i want to die

>Sup Forums having good taste
Is this real life

How about "Being fun"?

What even is Rocketleague? I doubt these results since Sup Forums never discusses it

OOT combat is insanely worse than Witcher 3's

Literally Wait to Strike: The Game

>video games
>"being fun"

>Ori berating BB
Still shit taste.


2013, 2014 and 2015 almost made me lose hope in video games.

Sup Forums loves splatoon and that got destroyed by bloodborne.

It's pretty accurate

It was unique and original :^)

>the best games are the most talked about

>Xenoblade getting destroyed by Rocket League

HAH! serves you right for being anime trash.

Newfags will never know the salt this caused

And yet fucking ORI beat bloodborne? Get the fuck out. This is faked

>Sup Forums loves Splatoon

Bloodborne is not on PC
Splatoon is not on PC

Bloodborne wins

Bloodborne is not on PC
Ori IS on PC

Ori wins

It was nothing more than pic related

>a multiplat beat an exclusive that is heavily dispised
Let me guess, you own a PS4

>VI losing

Probably the only wrong tournament.

That's pretty bad. I don't think I agree with any of the results for the previous winner list. Let alone Witcher 3 losing to Rocket League.

>the first Sup Forums bracket is almost 4 years old

Sunshine fags on suicide watch

I used to hate bracketfag for doing these things but God Damn these pics really trigger autistic fanboys.
Keep em coming I sai

>People despise Bloodborne

Are you kidding?

It's Ori. There is no hype for Ori anywhere on Sup Forums. Meanwhile Sup Forums faps to BB 24/7

Stick of Truth really should've beaten Sunset Overdrive. I'm still salty about that.

In all fairness, unlike Splatoon and Bloodborne, Ori is actually a fun game that doesn't rely on cancerous esports or online.

You know Reddit has a Sup Forums board, right?

They are constantly here. any poll we have, they ruin with their shit taste.

>relies on "esports" or online

Try playing the game, PCuck

>>People despise Bloodborne
>Are you kidding?
Are you?
>It's Ori. There is no hype for Ori anywhere on Sup Forums.
Hello newfag!
>Meanwhile Sup Forums faps to BB 24/7
The only BB threads I ever see are Sonyggers spamming about how much better it is than DS3 so they can further the meme that the PS4 is relevant.

Except combat, lockon system is even worse in The Witcher 3.

You have to be smart to act dumb. Shitposters would accidentally not be blindingly stupid once in a while if they weren't just fucking with you.

I'm proud to share a board with you faggots.

It's hard to play a movie, user.

These are the least infected polls we have.
I've seen these pop up on reddit after completion and they discuss it then.

It's not like the Sup ForumsGAs, which are constantly up for voting.



>I haven't played BB

Yes and I'm a fucking alligator

I actually like xenoblade a little more than rocket league but they're both my two favorite games of the last several years. They're my co GOTYs.

>Game of the year
Eurogamer (UK), Edge,
>The Witcher 3
Dozens of wins

Stay mad

>inb4 that user that ways asks for a specific bracket

what the hell is rocket league?

The problem with polls like these is that it's not really a "game of the year" contest, it's a "which game has the wider appeal" contest.

Rocket League would probably not rank very highly on people's personal lists, but the game that appeals the most to them personally might not appeal that way to most people.

Basically everyone has a different "game of the year" so the one that wins contests like these are things that rank within the top five or even top ten for everyone.

It's the Harry Potter effect. You hear of these books everywhere yet I doubt you'd find most readers to actually hold those books that highly. Everyone has biases but books that spreads it appeals to all biases rather than excelling at one bias will always win contests like these.

>Story isn't important
>People vote for a story-heavy RPG
I think it's just that a lot of people on Sup Forums did not play Her Story.
I liked Disgaea better personally, although it's not easy to compare the two


>based PS4 gets both games

I guess people despise it because they can't play it?

>Witcherkids still think that their goty awards mean anything

WHy would Sonyfriends be mad? They got both Witcher 3 and Bloodborne.

They also have THE BEST exclusive ever made (going by your GoTY benchmark), Last of Us

Car soccer

That's literally it

That's better though.

You need a widdling down process.
These are much better than straight up
polls where nobody wins with a majority.

Plus these offer insight into how Sup Forums thinks. It exposes bias, preference, trends, and great tears.

>inb4 that user that ways asks for a specific bracket
He's totally here.
I forget which one he wants though

>The Last of Us can't even beat a shitty Mario kart knock off
My fucking sides

>Witcher as the Runner Up

Jesus what man, where am I right now

That's because TLOU is probably the most overrated game of the decade

Not as ,long as Witcher 3 exists

>referring to yourself as a Sonyfriend
Don't you have a petition to sign?
I hear uncharted 4 gets further away from 100 on meta critic every day.

Brace for salt in 3...

No thanks, i'll leave petition signing to the professionals

>pcuck talking about fucking petition

my sides

>shitty rip off

It's better than any Mario kart game you toddler

So is rocket league real good? Haven't bothered with it yet

>Playstation 3 percent



its great

>So is rocket league real good? Haven't bothered with it yet
It's the most addicting multiplayer game I've played in over a decade

I play games for gameplay, no game story is good enough to make up for shit or nonexistent gameplay

>Battlefield 4 beating GTA V

This is the only bracket I have a serious problem with.

Granted, I love how far LA made it

>Edgeborne beating Splatoon
>Batman beating DBZ
>Rocket league beating Witcher and Xenoblade
>Undertale beating anything

This isn't the Sup Forums I used to know.

GTA V is infinitely better than BF4, what are you smoking?

I can't to see what the next tournament subject is!

>best Naughty Dog game
>Crash 2

Wow, Sup Forums got something right.

>tfw you realize Rocket League is actually your personal GOTY

>shitty ripoff
but it's the best of its genre by far

>BF4 more overrated game than GTA5
Pretty accurate.


Bioshit should've 'won'

That poll was for most overrated game, not best.

You fellas really should learn to read sometime.

I'm fine with either majora's mask or ocarina of time winning

t. Salty Nintencuck

Splatoon and Xenoblade were complete bottom tier shit

I did, idiot.

>I can't to see what the next tournament subject is!
Bracketfag said he would do something along the lines of "best soundtrack" but that it would take a long time to set up due to how vague the concept is.

I've heard a few anons in another thread say they heard the next tournament was going to be "Best Dead or Alive Girl"

>tfw my personal GOTY of 2015 isn't even on the list