
>Hey everyone, buy this game again!

Why do people fall for this?

Other urls found in this thread:

They really like the game I guess?
Never played it myself, is it any good?

I never played it, I want to and I am on the Ps4

The US never got the expanded version of FF12, so getting that plus visual and further gameplay improvements means a lot to people.

And yes, you could play it on an emulator, but not everyone can set it up (despite being so easy).

Are they actually asking you to buy the game again or is this just an underage who has never heard of expansion packs before?

>Expansion pack for a PS2 game

Finally getting FFXII's great voice acting with decent audio quality is worth it.

I might check it out now that I'm old enough to properly engage the systems

>expecting anyone to want to play FFXII ever again

It's my favorite FF, it's fun as fuck

I liked it desu.

>People that never played the IZJS version of the game and people that never played the game at all don't exist.

>expecting that everyone already played a 10 year old game

it's a week before E3 what do you want SE to announce Final Fantasy XVIII due out in 2028

it's just a quick cash grab to fill a gap in the release schedule between FFXIV's next expansion and FFVIIRpart1 so we don't go a calendar year without a "major" FF release

But I haven't even bought the game once, user. My brother bought the PS2 version for me 10 years ago, and I've emulated it several times over the last 5 years.
Will probably pirate it again once it releases on PC, or just wait for it to drop to $20.

I never played it for the Ps2 so its a new game for me.

I also bought it to my brother when it came out.

pc when?

>Will probably pirate it again once it releases on PC
Fuck off.

10 years from now.

Nostalgia sells, user.

I marathon'd the FF games back to back, and I would say it's one of the best.

>Actually replaying JRPGs
>Wasting 50 hours on something you already experienced.

It's one of the best. Incidentally X is one of the worst.

X is great too, at least for the combat alone.

Final Fantasy XII cast are all mudslims.

Prove me wrong.

It is an improvement of a version we didn't get that was already an improvement

in theory you could just emulate it and get roughly the same results though, not the newly recorded music, interface improvements and etc though

They're not rerecording the voices, m8. It's getting new BGM. The voice quality will be as bad as ever.

Because in 12's case, the game was highly compressed on the PS2. Blurry cutscenes and distorted audio.

This will be the definitive version for people who've never played.

>Getting upset at people not wanting to give more than $20 for updated sound and a prettier interface

More than two of them are blue eyed blondes

KH1.5 and 2.5 were really good not just for the visual improvements but also for the formerly japan-exclusive final mix content

same thing with this

really hope they don't charge $60 for it though.

No I want him to fuck off because he's a PCuck

>Living in a desert.
>Brown skin
>Bazaar Shops
>Black/Brown hair

Wait is it June?

An even more pathetic excuse for getting booty bothered.
>Implying the PS4 version won't be in the bargain bin before the Steam release is announced anyway

>being so poor that 20 dollars is a big deal

Cause new games are shit.

>Spending more money on things than they're worth
This is how you get poor, user.

I got this game when it came out because my brother got it as a gift for his birthday and I barely got through half of it. I'll gladly by an improved version now. Why do you think people who buy it have already played it OR have bought it multiple times already? Honestly fucking retarded. There's literally nothing wrong with remastering games.

That FFX "remaster" looks like garbage. For how much more advanced FF12 was, it will probably be much worse.

FF12 was one of the worst games in the genre, bro.

>That FFX "remaster" looks like garbage
Shhh, don't tell him that. He probably bought the game three times.

I don't get the hate towards HD versions of PS2 games.

It doesn't look like garbage just some faces look weird and wrong. It's hardly a problem, it plays good and doesn't have issues which is all that matters. Still the same damn game.

People hate that others are excited for games.

I didn't like xii, but I'll play through it again just cause the stuff I liked were really well done, such as all the neutral/evil characters and balthier, some cool weapon design, and the zodiac summons were mostly cool.

>Why do people buy the car, every year they release a new model of the same damn car.

>been waiting for a HD version
feelin gud

>have a good enough job I could literally burn hundreds of dollars a month if I wanted
Not everyone else flips burgers pleb

Are we gonna be forced to use the fucking job system or can we make a choice?

>graphics are the only thing that matters
Found the pcuck

The game is ten years old, by that time a whole new generation of kids have grown up and are likely playing most of these games for the first time. They may as well make them more readily available with better graphics, audio and trophy support.

Not everyone has played it. I rented it from Blockbuster and some asshole wrecked the disc.
Also, consumers control the market, not demand. If it won't sell, they will stop.

>decent former exclusive game is now multiplat
why not buy it if you haven't played it before?

oh yeah but Uncharted 4 is a master piece

So could I, but I don't because I'm not a child who hasn't learned how to be responsible with his finances.
Do you burn hundreds of dollars a week? Because by your own logic, if you don't you must be a poor burger flipper. Go on, user, go withdraw every last bit of your savings and burn it. You'll just make it back with your awesome job, right? What's the harm? You're not poor, are you?

It's gunna be on the Xbone?

wouldn't be surprised.
do this:
>go to playstation's youtube channel
>pic a trailer of a game that you know is multiplat
>magically only playstation platform logos are present at the end of the trailer

FF XII IZJS wasn't released in the West. Has there even been another release of this game?

I seem to recall an interview where they talked about the vocal quality being intentional (or at least semi intentional) because it was fed through a telephone-like line before it was recorded. Can't seem to find the interview so there's that though.

Withdraw what and why, it still stands that I can burn money while still covering my rent bills and food and still save
Why do you think disposable income is called disposable income
And if a price tag of 20 dollars immediately makes you think you have to pirate something then yes you are a poor fag

Not really, it's solid but not amazing

But will it include the best handheld FF?

The game is the worst final fantasy since FF 13 anyways. Smug pepe contrarians will claim it's the best, when throughout the years you can read the general consensus on Sup Forums: ff12 sucks dick

I rather liked it. I was hoping to play it again at some point, but I couldn't be arsed to go out and get it (and the updated versions weren't available my end).

I'm assuming that an updated version is on its way? For PC, perhaps?

whay about the ds spinoff?

>I can burn money while still covering my rent bills and food and still save
So can I, but I'm not going to buy things for more than I feel they're worth, you fucking moron.
If someone offered you a sandwich for $20 that was only worth $3, would you buy it just because you had disposable income and could?

>V being right about quality
Did you see all the overwatch cocksucking the past few weeks

>concept of worth
However you need to justify it to yourself

So does Zodiac Job System do anything to fix FFXII's mess of a story?

I never played it, it's a good chance for me to do so.

>FFXII's story
>a mess

>new BGM
that is great. one of the many problems it has besides story, gameplay and everything else.

pls remove effect capacity

>The 10/10 version of an amazing game gets released with better graphics

not seeing the problem here t bh


No, it's more like
>this shit is stupid it'll get ported to pc i'll wait for the steam sale thanks for beta testing pscucks it's not like i really wanted it anyway

>Not PC

TBF, the main character of the game didn't exist until a certain point in its development, because devs thought that people (read: young Japanese girls) would not take to an older bloke as readily as a young bishie.

I pirated all the final fantasy games on pc, you mad?

if it's the international version then atleast it's different to the original release but honestly it's worse.

>12 jobs
>6 characters
>locked to each job
>6 jobs you'll never experience for the entire game

>Not PC


It's a version of the game the west never got before (Unless you emulated it)

Also, I've never played it so checkm8 Opie.

The game has New Game Plus for that. Haha ;^)

You bet sweet Vaan ass I'm ready.

>The Death of Lord Rasler Heios Nabradia was but one of many Tragedies to befall the Kingdom of Dalmasca.

>The Air of Hope that had surrounded H.R.H. Princess Ashe's Wedding was now quite lost: Dalmasca had been set adrift at the Mercy of History's restless Tides.

>At this Time, two Great Empires struggled for Dominion over Ivalice: Archadia in the East, Rozarria the West.

>The Invasion of the Kingdom of Nabradia was Archadia's first Step in its westward March.

>With Lord Rasler's beloved Homeland consumed by the Hell-Fires of War, it seemed clear that Archadia would soon mete out a like Fate to Dalmasca.

>The Fall of the Fortress at Nalbina tolled the Destruction of the greater part of Dalmasca's Forces.

>A Counter-Attack was mounted by the Order of the Knights of Dalmasca, ever Brave and Faithful, but against the martial Might of the Archadian Armies, they stood little Chance of Victory.

>Indeed, their defeat was to be absolute.

>Soon thereafter, Archadia came forward offering Terms of Peace. Or, as one might rather put it, Terms of Dalmasca's Surrender.

>Lord Raminas, King of Dalmasca-and my Dear Friend - had no Choice but to accept these Terms. It was, thus, only with Reluctance that He set out for Nalbina Fortress - now under Archadian Occupation to affix His Seal to the Emperor's Treaty of Peace.

>The King had scarce departed His Royal City of Rabanastre when the Remnants of the Order made their Return. And not a Moment too soon, for a terrible Revelation awaited them.

>The Treaty would be signed with Steel and Writ in royal Blood.


If it does, I'd expect the story transplanted into the regular XII gameplay, instead of an isometric Line Defense game.

I don't pay for torrents though.

>all the forced contrarianism ever since it was announced

It's sad at this point, really.

>mfw I read it in his voice

Of the Genre or the Generation? Because you are absolutely wrong in both accounts.

What? XII's always had a very mixed reception.

Genre. It's an absolute abomination of a JRPG, and a complete waste of a game.

But to say that it's one of the worst on the PS2 when shit like DMC2 or Orphan exists is just ignorant.

>that is great. one of the many problems it has besides story, gameplay and everything else.



It wasn't that bad..

Just kidding I haven't played that shit since release. So I don't remember fuck all about it anymore.

FF12 is the peak of modern final fantasy

They actually set out to update the JRPG formula to something modern and that would actually compete in the marketplace.

Too bad all the autistic aspies who play final fantasy got upset there weren't pop concerts or little mermaid songs to sing along with and got upset.

>one of the worst on the PS2

Holy fuck that game was atrocious.

Post your most anticipated remastered track

I really enjoyed it.