Conversation with a Denuvo Employee

>Long & complicated

I think is legit

Sorry for the le Reddit link.

Other urls found in this thread:

post it here you lazy faggot

>believing this

they're not that stupid

i am lazy as fuck right now.

>Only 100k for an AAA game

Damn, that's fucking cheap.

Yup. Like 2k sales is all you need to make that up for an AAA dev

That's why I don't believe it

>pretending to be some unknown game dev on steam

...not even reading that garbage, fuck off

>EA & Sony is funding denuvo


One more reason to hate EA.

mad because you can't pirate?
no pay no play it's simple and fair

No surprise that Sony are being kikes.

Denuvo is made by the leftovers of Sony DADC, which created Securom, Sony will always be kikes.

>mad because you can't pirate?

Duh, of course.

i am a poorfag.

You smell that? Smells like bullshit.

Who the hell has a time to write those fakes ?

>hey guys, i just went to the site, lied about being a dev and they gave me all the answers, totally real guys

Yeah, i'm sure no one ever thought about just asking them shit, ever.

Daily reminder:
Pirates buy far more games than non-pirates
Anti-piracy systems don't benefit the customer
Piracy is essential for a healthy gaming industry: without piracy developers aren't motivated to create games good enough that people feels compelled to pay for them
Piracy generates word-of-mouth and sales in a way not possible when the game is protected
Only bad / mediocre games use Denuvo.


Good. People feel so damn entitled to entertainment.

>t. underaged poorfag piratefaggot

This is somewhat true, any time a game comes out that isn't denuvo I see lots of shit about it for a while without even trying to look for it, but when doom came out I only saw like 2 threads here and 3 youtube videos. Just cause 3 I have seen the first gameplay footage and nothing else.

t. denuvo shill on suicide watch

Why would he give you a source? It's pulled straight from his ass

Sony BTFO PCFags once again xD

You spend time on Sup Forums and you wonder this?

>my unprovable statistics support piracy

I would actually love for sony to use it and to put games on pc, hard to crack and you wouldn't have to buy 3 systems to play everything

I don't like denuvo but for that reason id give it a pass

>remove piracy
>remove gameplay videos
>Sup Forums can't shit on game, because they don't even know what's inside

I will stay away from that mallware cancer even if it means i don't buy any games at all.

It amuses me how some people shit on Denuvo, yet accept Steam.

As someone that hasn't given a cent to Valve since it made it authentication scheme a thing: welcome to being disappointed in people not caring and letting companies shit in the well water.

>What is a GoG

So anyone shits on Denuvo automatically accepted steam ? i don't like steam's DRM either, but at least it didn't made by the same people who fucked PC Gamers a decade ago.

An overall well meaning - though sometimes misguided - company that doesn't have enough public support to have the same catalog Steam has.

And probably never will given ow Steam's success is due in no small part to how it can hold customers captive.

>So anyone shits on Denuvo automatically accepted steam ?

Gotta like how you took the jump from "some people" to "all people" for some reason.

>>my unprovable statistics prove that unprovable statistics support piracy
Cool. Tell us more.
If you don't understand why people hate Denuvo but not Steam, then you're a fucking newfag to this topic that should lurk more.

Or maybe I've been for a while and find the reasons given at best perfectly hypocritical, and at worse completely irrational.

For one Denuvo wouldn't - couldn't even -be a thing right now had people not allowed Steam and its copycats to take control of games from them.

when did i do that ? they fucked PC Gamers by infecting their PCs and it's a fact.

i bought only one game with denuvo (Lords of the Fallen) and i will never buy any other game that will ever use it.

>when did i do that ?

me: >It amuses me how *some people* shit on Denuvo, yet accept Steam.

You, quoting me: >So *anyone* shits on Denuvo automatically accepted steam ?

Oops i got it now, sorry my mistake

yfw denuvo is the flag for mediocre games nowadays and if you see it on any game cover you should avoid it.

is Sup Forums that poor? games are cheap as fuck now.

I have a job, but that's a moot point.
Games are more expensive to make AND to purchase.

And this has anything to do with denuvo how ?

Kind of a surprise actually; what do they have to gain? Sony doesn't have a presence on Denuvo's target, PC.

No problem. We all get tired and misread things.

>games are cheap as fuck now
>New releases are 60+ dollarydoos
>DLC is an extra 10 - 20
I used to be able to buy games from Target or Walmart for a third of that price.

>games are more expensive

not really. some used to be 70-80 bucks. we have more standard pricing now. people are just being whiny cunts.

They still get paid from licensing the tech.

Thats' one thing some tend to forget that makes the whole situation even more unbearable: publishers *pay* to make things worse for customers in the long run when they use a DRM solution.

Steam is non-intrusive, doesn't install uninstallable files to your computer, and generally doesn't give a shit about you or what you do as long as you're not cheating in a VAC secured MP game.


That was actually an interesting read. And I fucking love how they just spew out all the information they can, in the hopes they might sell some more, despite all their supposed research.

It also made your licenses untransferable - basically renegotiating possession at a loss for all users - and made you dependent on the use of the client for access to your games.

It made Denuvo possible also, if what we've heard about how it works holds truth.

Because they are convinced that DENUVO IS LITERALLY UNCRACKABLE


Oy vey. Now be a good goyim and buy this game with out knowing anything about it.

Also how is Steam non-intrusive when its made *mandatory* for game access?

Give me one good reason to hate denuvo given that I buy my games.

the vast amount of money invested into the service would be better spent on the development of the games. denuvo is practically extortion, its like paying protection money to a mob.

The way it limits modding and long term survival of/access to games?

For an example of what Denuvo will be in a few years, just take a look at what happened when Microsoft removed in a security update old components from Windows that were used by a past DRM, and made legitimate copies of the game unplayable in the process.

We've managed to get some games back - Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines come to mind - which only happened for games that already had a good community standing behind them, which only eve could happen because the DRM was cracked. Whether it will be an option in the future for Denuvo games is still un-answered.

Give me one benefit that Denuvo has for you.
Reasons to hate:
1.Unwanted (unknown) files which remains on your system even after uninstall.
2.Restriction, specially for mods that requaires access to game's EXE file.
3.Forcing to check your games after some time not being online.
4.Made by cancers who fucked lots of people in the past with thier mallware.
5.Gives publishers more control over consumers more than before.
6.They don't use it because of piracy, but for hidding some shitty practice or negative reactions of pirates over their shitty games.

You are making EA richer by buying denuvo games since EA is funding denuvo.

What? if the interview is true, they're outright saying that nothing in uncrackeable, Denuvo included.

Thats is marketing talk


if steam or some other equivalent online distribution platform didn't exist pc gaming would be basically dead

they don't give away any sensitive information at all. basically how much it costs and who's using it. That doesn't help crackers in any way

Sup Forums told me that all games past 2005 are shit.
By that logic, then it doesn't matters if all games onwards use Denuvo given how there is no reason to preserve them.

As far as I get it, the question with Denuvo isn't whether it can be cracked or not, but under which circumstances/costs.


I want the digital only kike to die. Physical releases fucking when?

Not him, but there you go

list of of research that shows sales benefit from piracy:

Jesus. You sound like a butthurt pirate.

>release game with drm that requires online access
>after a few years, realize your business can't hold itself above water anymore
>take servers offline
>games with drm are l4d2
>innocent consumers who paid lots of cash are screwed out of a product that was rightfully theirs but not really lol it's just a license goy
No one can defend this shit.

>Blogs, dead links and studios with no sources
Yeah, you sure told us.

How about you fucking prove him wrong instead of going for the ad hominem.
Jesus, you sound like a fucking blind consumer.

no beta test via torrent?
no buy.

live it, learn it. the shit they are pushing these days just isn't worth it.

if i have to buy it, it'll be when it's in the $5USD bargain bin. I can wait.

I've installed steam a few months ago and won some monies from betting stupid shit, but won't buy Denuvo stuff because i don't want my HD fried and my computer infected with potential spyware that persists even after you uninstall the games

Really hoping they release Unravel and Doom on GoG someday or something, those are the first good games that got hit by denuvo

He's the one who needs to prove all of those points with evidence, not us. And half of those are subjective
>muh feelings

I keep hearing that and I call bullshit every time.

If anything Steam works as a parasite that lives off the vitality of the PC market. The "crisis" the PC market suffered came from conflicts between publishers and fed up customers on the one hand, and publishers and retailers on the other.
Steam allowing publisher to ignore the later while for some reason becoming an accepted DRM scheme "saved" PC gaming as much Microsoft saved console gaming with paid online and DLCs.

It amuses me to no end that Valve made all that money by artificially enclosing what was once an opened platform, yet dares to pose themselves has champions of open platforms when Microsoft threatens to do the very same thing to them.

An you sound like a Denuvo whore. butthurt of what ? unlike you, i'm not a 4 years old child who can't control himself and pirate anything or can't wait some year for price to go down. at least i have standards and won't eat shit.

"We think there is a fundamental misconception about piracy. Piracy is almost always a service problem and not a pricing problem. f a pirate offers a product anywhere in the world, 24 x 7, purchasable from the convenience of your personal computer, and the legal provider says the product is region-locked, will come to your country 3 months after the US release, and can only be purchased at a brick and mortar store, then the pirate's service is more valuable. Prior to entering the Russian market, we were told that Russia was a waste of time because everyone would pirate our products. Russia is now about to become [Steam's] largest market in Europe,"

After reading the part how they are ready to set up the paperwork from Sony to make more sales, they sound like a bunch of tryhards to me. Giving warranty of 1-12 months and stating how some denuvo games aren't cracked yet.
It is common that new DRM doesn't get cracked on day one. Even tho it was the case with MGSV. At the same time I feel like the scene doesn't give a shit that much about denuvo after all. Games were all mediocore and the ones who managed to crack denuvo didn't really show off as much. 3DM for example literally said: fuck it, we gonna see how it will impact on sales and back off for a while. Later on they said no piracy in 2 years but then bragged again about having it cracked entirely and will be back. After all its about fame and bragging rights but this isn't 1985-2007. Shit improved a lot but they seem like a bunch of traitors who suck off Sony while working for them and keeping up their solution with sales. If nobody will use this DRM it will eventually die out or gets exposed by crackers.

There is good reason to preserve bad shit: you tend to learn as much, if not more, from mistakes than you do from successfully pulling it of.

Not all "steam games" actually require steam to be running, senpai. The ones that do tend to be MP games like TF2. Plus there's ways of running ones that do require it (single player) without actually having it running. Like I said, it's primarily a MP cheat detector, that also happens to be a game distributor.

>you sure told us.

Who told you this was an argument or i wanted to get anyone "told", do you treat every conversation as an argument like an autist?
Someone asked something, i gave him the answer

I own DarkSpore and that happened to me too, also i spent 20$ on Age of Empires Online and it shut down as well, that was the end for me to support this shit.

>muh freedumbs

just a few more days and denuvo is cracked

No, but they all require Steam to be accessed and installed in the first place, kohai.

Would you complain about Denuvo if it allowed modding while at the same time prevented piracy?

>few more years

Fixed, sorry.

Obviously yes as long as there's a risk to continued access to the game.

And I don't know how they could dodge that one.

No, it shouldn't install hidden files on PC, it shouldn't force me to go online to activate the game over and over again, it shouldn't mess the EXE. with all that i personally might take it with lube but still what is has for me ? i gain what exactly by having a game with that DRM on it ?


>Every Denuvo game stays uncracked for one year.
>People supports the game and the developer
>After a year the game is cracked and can be both pirated and modded, allowing it to be preserved in case of the original developer / publisher dying

Win-win for everyone

>Piracy is essential for a healthy gaming industry: without piracy developers aren't motivated to create games good enough that people feels compelled to pay for them
are you brazlian by any chance?

I am a game developer who released games online before and after the existence of steam
The PC market never suffered a "crisis" but the only advantage it has over consoles realistically is it's an open platform. A central, online marketplace where anyone call sell their game made the PC market explode. Weather you think the explosion in games is good is up to you, but there would be alot less good and shit games on the PC without it (or any equivalent sales platform, if Valve didn't do it someone else would have)

>check reddit comments
>"I was wondering if peopel at denuvo hated pirates, but after reading that if think they are just doing their job without any kind of hate"

Holy shit is this guy 12? Is this the Reddit you've been warning me about?

No, it shouldn't install hidden files on PC
Dude, you're using a Microsoft OS. You already have hidden files up the ass.

Daily reminder that Deus Ex 4 will be 1/3 of initially planned game, thanks to SE. Another half-assed Denuvo title.

Great falseflag

Games that have denuvo need sales the least.
I'd even say they need less sales for all the bullshit their publishers do.
However, I'd stop complaining if AAA devs donated a portion of revenue to fostering good game studios.