


Yes, but cute

>draw girl
>say she's actually a boy
Why is this allowed

because you're gay

Because its cute.

she has a benis :DDDDDD

Just because he dresses like a girl doesnt mean he likes men.

>tfw you'ill never be mistaken for a girl

Actually happened to me one halloween. Now I'm pretty sure nobody mistook me for a pretty girl (or even a not-ugly one) but like half the people I met couldn't tell my gender.


I want to fuck Alter Ego

I'm happy for you, man.

Good taste.

What the fuck, Hifumi

I can't replay Trigger Happy Havoc because of this fucker.

That case makes me too sad.

I know right? Fat fuck shouldn't be eating yogurt at his computer.

>tfw happened to me all the time when I was young
>tfw still happens sometime
No facial hair, thin face and slim figure does that to you in front of really old people with sight issues or at least I sincerely hope it's just old people.

>tfw I've let the internet make me more attracted to boys dressed like girls than just actual girls

Huh, cool.
>tfw pretty slim figure
>tfw face is just manly enough to not be convincing


Widen your eyes, hold your mouth slightly open, and wear makeup. I've got a pretty manly face too but I still sometimes get confused for a girl by old folks, and when wearing makeup and baggy clothes for a costume or something even people who aren't half blind sometimes mess up my gender from the front.


>tfw I was mistaken for a girl once while out with my mother
>tfw super happy about it but didn't want her to realize it

Is anyone gonna post pics or what?

Thank god.

Poor guy ;o;
Now that I think about it, it happened once when I was on a citytrip in London, the guy behind the counter must've not seen that well though..

Happened to me on halloween, everyone was convinced I was a girl (put on a dress as a costume) and I was even congratulated on my ability to do so.
It was weird having to shake some guys hand over it and some girl being jealous of my face.

It happens every now and then besides that anyway.

No problem. Long bangs can also help by masking your facial structure some. There are actually a lot of resources about the differences between male and female facial structure online, so you should also look some of those up to find out other things you can do to try and make yourself look more like a girl.

Nope. I have a "no posting my face on Sup Forums" rule and like I said earlier I don't really do this on purpose very often so I don't have any makeup handy and would need to shave first.

I really only got interested after people got my gender confused from the front in highschool whenever I wore makeup for a school play or something, so I did some research to find out why that might be. I don't really do this as a hobby. At least not yet. The idea of learning how to disguise myself so well people think I'm a girl is really interesting to me but I wouldn't be able to show it off or people would think I'm weird.


Damn, I want to bully Saionji. I want to scold her to tears and throw her into pool. I want to take her gummies and eat them in front of her. Then I'll force-feed her with lemon-flavored gummies, palm after palm. I want to call her a stinky and take her panties so she has to going commando for the rest of the trip. I want to mock her inability to put her kimono by herself, so I'll strip her every once in a while, yelling what one day, she'll be glad to be able to dress up herself. Also, I'll take her kitty hairpins, making her long blonde hair cover her private parts. And when I'll give kimono back to her, I'll make sure to put Mr. Ants in every single pleat and Mr. Crab in her panties.

And when finally she snaps and try to bully me by any means possible, I'll spank her in front of everyone until she'll like it. And when she'll come to me, begging for another spanking, I'll mock her again, then spank her as if my life depends on it, laughing on her moans full of pleasure. Mere seconds before her climax, I'll throw her into pool once again, leaving her in her aroused state.

Every day, I want and will do it, and no one can tell me otherwise.

>hair grows really fast, is really soft
>small dick
>want to be a qt trap

>wide shoulders
>deep voice
>body hair that requires daily shaving

It happened to Ronnie too.

Can't have it all, buddy

Because it's hot

>wide shoulders
That's actually an advantage user. Makes you look like you have an hourglass figure if you've got a little junk in the trunk. You can also let your hair go out to the sides a little bit to confuse people about the scale of your head relative to your shoulders.

The other stuff is all workable too. Voice training can make you sound basically however you want and you can just shave or wax the body hair (or do laser hair removal if you want more permanent results).

I have no interest in being a trap or any shit like that, but it is funny when I do shave, my face looks so weird without the hair.

My facial hair is pretty crazy. It goes all the way up to just under my eyes, and covers the entirely of my face from there down to my neck, where it literally connects with my chest hair to create a giant carpet. I love it, except I have to shave my neck daily to avoid the dreaded neckbeard.

My face just looks wrong without it now. I shaved not too long ago and that shit can not come back fast enough. I'm already almost back after just a week though.

I actually looked into laser stuff, and it's SO EXPENSIVE

Last time I shaved a surprising amount of people thought I'd gotten new glasses but only realized I didn't have a beard anymore after I pointed it out. Shit was weird.

I've heard. There's a reason most people choose to shave instead of just having it all removed.

There's no not seeing it for me. The sad thing is like a lot of guys with huge beards I'm losing my hair. Eventually I'll have to pull the beard/bald head combo that's gotten so popular nowadays.

And that's also weird because when I was a teenager my hair was boss as fuck. Shit was perfect, just the right thickness and I could style it however I wanted. Now my barber gives me 2 options, shave it or comb to the side, that's all it can do now.

I'm 18 and male but I people think I am much younger due to having soft features and shaving my facial hair.

Was hoping this would be a danganrompa thread...

Why not

I want a boyfriend like him

Same, I'm only 22 and already I'm losing my hair. It fucking sucks, not to mention I researched what causes it and I've been accidentally doing a ton of shit to accelerate the process. Going to have to take Propia to keep what I have and then something else to try and get it to grow back. Once I get my first big boy job, first thing I'm doing is getting a hair transplant.
Why me...

mfw i'm mistaken for a girl 50% of the time

>accidentally doing a ton of shit to accelerate the process
Like what?


>put on some thights and take a few pics
>put them up on porn site
>all those messages from guys wanting to fuck

I probably shouldn't take it any further

I have been
Both of them were other girls

Now post that pic here user i have to leave for work in 10 minutes

Work out and embrace your man hood to become a beutiful napoleon fabio

Because it's actually important and extremely relevant to the case and turns the whole situation on its head.

Started taking Creatine for gains and that accelerates the process. Also general stress, I've studying for LSAT/Applying for law school/writing my thesis for the past two years and I've never been so stressed in my life. My friends just started pointing out my hair was really thin and noticed my hair was in literal shambles.

I sometimes wonder if these posts are really serious and not ironic.

Embrace your masculinity you fucking cuck. Lift and be confident.

>I probably shouldn't take it any further
That's a coward's way of thinking.
Are you a coward?
Do you want to live like a coward?

It's serious.
I just want to be cute.
I wanna wear cute skirts and cook and clean and be a good housewife


god me too. i dont even want to be a polyamorous slut like the rest of you. i'd love to take care of a man and feed him, dust his anime figures... where are all the guys in illinois into traps who will embrace video game crap with me

I don't even understand how someone could possibly be okay with that
I know if I had a boyfriend that cheated on me I'd probably just never try again, I'm terrified of betrayal

>tfw doomed to a life of un-cuteness
I'll always have the internet i guess

There's a reason why betrayal was punished by death in the old days.


Would it be gay to dick her?

This happens to me too. I alternate every few months between keeping clean shaven and growing out my beard. Right after I shave off my beard I feel so pretty and soft. I kinda wish I could stay like that all the time.