What does Sup Forums think of this character?

What does Sup Forums think of this character?

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Since when is a sunset a character?

>No image
Is this a new meme?

looks like deviantart to me tbqh family

I don't see shit.

To be honest, I don't like her as a character.

I want to fuck that sunset.

Faggot weebshit


He's an asshole

Ice cream?

what character? nice sunset though.

Right? Always burning people and causing Cancer and shit.

Why won't the sun eat ice cream with me?

The fuck was this jackass's problem anyway?


It was interesting to see how Roxas development was influenced by her, she is an interesting character which served her purpose and should be really forgotten and never brought back because she was just some sort of magic/AI with Sora's memories, even though she developed her own memories she still isnt anything (no soul, no heart).

He was just tsundere for Mario.

I unironically cried at the end of Days, mediocre as the game may have been
Also, obligatory

Here, Sup Forums, I brought some ice cream.

It should've been Namine dammit. They implied that she and Roxas had met before, and Days showing that would've been great.

The interviews from Days' development lead me to believe this was originally supposed to be the case.

>writing something smart
Holy shit, it's floating.
Call up scrooge, I gotta tell him about this shit.


Why introduce Namine and force Roxas and Namine's relationship on 2 and then forget all about that shit and instead create Xion? They could have had Roxas and Namine hanging out together or something (but I suppose it wouldnt be possible due to Namine being prisioner of Xemnas in Castle Oblivion)

Fuck this shit.

>Good writing
Pick one

Has anyone here tried sea salt ice cream?

One of the few characters I actually cared about in KH, I still feel depressed everytime I see her appear every now and then

Yeah it's pretty good.

There are recipes online and I believe that they have it at Tokyo Disneyland, which is where Nomura got the idea.

Namine was never that important to Roxas. She was always more for Sora's story.

And CoM was made before KH2, it was clear she and Roxas couldn't have interacted much.

>met before
She was foreshadowing about Sora.

Its funny how we give meaning to things, even videogame characters, in this case Xion is a character which doesnt even have emotions but we still feel attached to it because we give it mening.

Its cool, thats how Nomura got us with the ending of the game.

Yeah.. this scene says otherwise

Its obvious Nomura simply forgot what he was trying to build here and just went ahead and made Xion.

That fucking cunt

I cried when she died. Fuck what anyone says 358/2 is a great game.

Namine was Kairi though so that doesn't make sense.

>358/2 is a great game.
I don't care if you think it's a great story, but great GAME it is not, even if it had some neat ideas, it fell on its ass executing them.

They met at the beginning of this game you fucking idiot it didn't imply anything you said.

Just because it was different doesnt mean it was bad. The mission system worked, the passing day system worked, the equip system for abilities and keyblades was great.

Its a great game, with a great story.

Are you dumb? I mean I havent played the game recently but I'm pretty sure Namine as supposed to have a special connection to Roxas, you can fucking see it in that scene and through the game, maybe you're autistic enough to not notice it but thats not my problem.

I have. Shit's delicious.

Nigga the fuck you talkin about?
We posting out of focus pictures again?

What the fuck are you talking about?
She and he are directly referring to things they said at the beginning of the game.

Their connection is that he's a nobody of Sora and she's a nobody of the girl he loves.

Stop pulling fanfiction out your ass.
How stupid are you anyway?

Get the fuck out of here with your 9gag images and autism, It isnt fan fic, if you werent dumb you could see what they were aiming for here, Xion wasnt even an idea when KH2 was made, and Namine and Roxas were obviously made to be connected the same way Sora and Kairi are, it was only when Nomura decided to make Days that Xion was created and NaminexRoxas scrapped.

What's you point exactly?
He obviously wanted a sad ending and couldn't break canon either, I'm not even sure what you're whining about.

>The mission system worked,
>the passing day system worked
>the equip system for abilities and keyblades was great.
It was different, but the fact that some keyblades were just retardedly better than others kinda sucked.
For abilities, I'll give a "you tried". Nothing beats putting points into shit.
I feel Re:Coded's "not quite sphere" grid worked better in terms of ability advancement and equipping, but I'd still just rather put points into things since its both the simplest method and gives you the most simultaneous possible.

Also, re:coded's real-time keyblade ability system was fucking great. I loved that shit.
If they could make it work without touch, I'd be all for it.

Not him. Honestly, everything about Roxas seems pointless or half finished in KH2.

Axel didn't really do anything. I was expecting Axel to try and make Sora depressed so he would turn into a nobody and bring Roxas back. Instead he was just so gay he exploded.

Yeah, your opinion buddy. "I dont like it" doesnt mean "it doesn't work".

My point was that they made Namine and just dropped her after Chain of Memories,she played her role but it would be nice to see more of her.

You were the one who started arguing for no reason.

I still don't understand what her role in the overall story is. Seems like she was just created so they could make a KH game.


Ask anybody else if the mission system was good and worked. They'll agree with me.

Final Boss of Kingdom Hearts 3 leaked



Cool bro. You and your mates are clearly experts.

The mission system worked. Whether you like it or not that's up to you.

The Akari of Sup Forums

literally who?
probably a nobody.

fuck off carlos

The funny thing about this is, she's not a Nobody. She's a Replica.

what was the name of roxas three friends again?

What the fuck is this!?

Not real. It comes from /khg/. Someone just edited Pence's medal from Unchained. There's a Abu/Xabu edit too.

>6 days until E3
Is Squeenix having a conference this year?

Sora, Donald and Goofy.

This Wednesday at like 8 in the morning.

Probably. Actually due to JP Unchained's latest tweet, it looks like we may be getting Aqua's 2.8/KH3 medal tomorrow.
Goddamn, I'll be at work.

I'm actually a different person and I disagree with both of you.

Wait you mean like in TWO FUCKING DAYS!?!?

So is there going to be a stream for it? There had not been any new about a Squenix conference.

Damn. I still chuckled.


>disagreeing without stating your opinion

What did JP Unchained's Latest tweet say?

>tfw you booked the week off to chill and watch E3 streams.

Feels good.

Moe larry and shemp

she died as she lived

>The REAL KHfag !fvna3QzWVM
Damn you're still on this?
It looks like she's holder Master Keeper and just doing pic related's pose but you know in a new render.

Shite. I took time of work to so I could watch E3 and now it looks like the one I want to see the most is on while I'm still working.

The Wednesday one is just for Do Sex; probably more likely to see stuff during Sony's.


Oh well. I may watch it afterwords anyway. Human Revolution was pretty damn good. Still it's always a lot more fun watching this stuff live.

I'm referring to next week. I don't give a shit about Day Sex.

Looks like Aqua alright

Looks like Aqua with a turtle shell

So are we thinking this is her new 2.8 model then? It's a bit different than this

Jensen confirmed for Aqua's party member

That's what I said here initially user. The one pic I posted here already has a medal. It even plays a voice clip in Unchained.

Okay cool. I don't play unchained so I don't really know what this medal shit is about but thanks for the info.

The medals are how you play the game. They have a bunch of different characters and shit. The JP twitter had a twitter campaign to reveal that new medal and it the the 10k that they asked for in 2 and half hours.

So assuming we are getting a new trailer whats the chances on it being anything more than gameplay + rage awakened? I'd like some plot details and maybe something form KH3's OST.

Ah, so that means that we probably won't get any KH3 info this E3. Welp, theres always TGS.

Honestly I'm expecting most 2.8 shit.

If anything, it'll probably be:
>hi im master conli, here's a preview of another world's concept art
>now watch that same tangled area footage from months ago
>Now in Development

It could be at the Sony or Microsoft conference. Some articles seemed to confirm KH3 was going to be at E3.

>Deus Ex under Square Enix
Does this mean they'll only be talking about Deus Ex? I really hope not

pls no

I thought that she was a completely unnecessary character that ended up hurting 358/2 Days in the end. We spend so much time with her that we end up learning absolutely nothing knew about Org. XIII that we didn't already know from KHII, other than Axel and Saix being buddies.

The one interesting thing about her, the fact that her appearance is an illusion and she looks different to different people, isn't used very well. In fact, the cutscenes in the HD "movie" that hint at this ended up looking more like glitches than anything. We could have built up a lot of mystery by having scenes of her, looking like Sora or Ventus or whomever, doing really out of character shit with no explanation, giving us a mystery to work toward solving until we learn that those characters were all Xion all along. Instead they do absolutely nothing with it beyond giving us the nightmare that is Sora with a little girl voice.

Even disregarding that, her whole arc was a much more drawn-out version of what we already saw Roxas go through in the prologue to KHII. And her entire existence is a bit ridiculous- when I played Chain of Memories and they introduced Replica Riku, I assumed that he was primarily some illusion created by the Darkness as well as Namine and Castle Oblivion's powers over memories. Not that Vexen and Zexion had a fucking sci-fi cloning lab in their basement that they used precisely twice and no one bothered getting it working again.

Days was just a complete train wreck in general, and if Nomura didn't keep trying to hint at a Xion return (which she has no business doing), then I'd recommend people to just pretend it doesn't exist.

>Square Enix has announced an E3 event, the Deus Ex Universe Pre-E3 Showcase, where it will announce and show off "new projects" in the Deus Ex universe. Also during this event, the publisher will broadcast an "exclusive" gameplay demo for this August's Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. The event kicks off on June 8 at 8:30 AM PST / 11:30 AM EST, and you will be able to watch the entire event live on the Deus Ex Twitch channel.

user, I...

The KH shit will probably be at one of the other conferences. Right?

Good, then I won't have to get up early


Xbone Conference if Microsoft feels like cucking Sony