Why do you care?
because he didn't feel lonely
Gamespot too...and I think everybody.
Is just for the name Blizzard.
>occasionally lonely
Well that does make games less fun sometimes
>tactical depth
did i miss a memo or did we all just redefine the words 'tactical depth' for overwatch. the game isn't fucking deep. it objectively isn't. it has a very compressed skill cap and an extremely high amount of randomness
Have you played the game?
"blizzard is an important brand even when activision make their games, you must support them or else you aren't a true gamer".
Compare that review with splatoon.
This isnt hearthstone.
No you haven't
Because it's a good game.
Fuck off shill
>sparse models
What? It's retarded as much as "too much water". At least give some fucking sensed Cons. Who works for this bullshit site? If you know them irl go fucking shoot them, thank you
good talk
Wew, re-read that lad.
Modes you imbecile
American education ladies and gentlemen
It is a pretty good game
The point is it wouldn't be this AMAZING SHOOTER if it was made by some no-name company that doesn't have a huge a rabbid fanbase.
>You haven't played the game, your opinion is wrong
>But I have played the game
Holy shit. Congrats, you've made me hate the game even more now.
Rabid, not rabbid.
>Tactical depth
Normalfags think this game has tactical depth. OW will now be the new FPS standard for the next half decade. Why.
>implying I didn't mistyped
>implying education has something to do with mistyping
>implying I'm americuck
>implying "sparse MODES" isn't still a retarded opinion
Gold medal for autism, ladies and gentlemen.
none of these anons but
>made a mistake
>thinks he has the right to brag about others
yeah nah, go fuck yourself cunt
you'll never be good at anything either
How is not enough game modes in a competitive FPS not a legit criticism?
>tactical depth
If you consider TF2 tactical depth then maybe
Sparce something is an unwritten ign rule?
Its in every fucking review.
because its fun, user
you do remember what fun is, dont you?
>tactical depth>tactical depth>tactical depth>tactical depth>tactical depth
>tactical depth>tactical depth>tactical depth>tactical depth>tactical depth>tactical depth>tactical depth>tactical depth>tactical depth
What the fuck does this even mean??
What is a tactical game?
Tell me what the most tactical game is you played
>Have you even played the game?
>I have but "_____" ruins the game
>No shut up you haven't played it
F is for fapping to glorious traps,
U is for urine in her mouth,
N is for niggers who play on PS4s,
Down here in the shit hole Sup Forums!
>tf2 knockoff getting a 9.4 from IGN
haah waaw
>reading reviews
Just get Gamefly and try every game.
>All these butt devastated faggots mad that Overwatch is a good game
>tactical depth
>Game is literal bullet spam
aside from the occasional "hurr durr all charge" situations, RO2 can be very tactical
>mfw competent squadleader and commander on your side
Dude, you're embarrassing yourself.
Modes are kind of a big thing, you idiot.
>tactical depth
>bursting with character
I guess so. They're cookie-cutter archetype.
RO2 is actually extremely tactical. RS is probably even more. Also the france mod is good.
>relying on IGN reviews
>tactical depth
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
>RO2 CAN be very tactical
Nigga, we don't have to hide our power level from these unenlightened masses. We all know RO2 isn't a game you can win with a single, simple rush or mass push.
You need to coordinate your SL's with arty and every single player needs to pay attention to weak points to shore up or exploit it accordingly. The weakest link breaks the chain in that game to the n'th degree compared to many other shooters.
Also, when the fuck is RS2 coming out?
RO2 is the kind of game where you have to listen to your SL and communicate with others. Holding your position and slowly advancing is the key. And using the smoke of course.
I mostly agree with the review but the characters feeling like people part is shit. Their diversity is good gameplay-wise but they don't have any depth personality-wise. TF2 did it way better on that part.
>why doesn't everyone have the same opinion I do?
>Reviews are opinions
friendly reminder that these people gave the Witness a 10/10.
they are ridiculous.
If these multiplayer games that have their dedicated audience (dota etc.) get nothing but a 9+ its shit on as a bad review and the reviewer doesn't know how to play.
>tactical depth
>1 weapon per character
>Broken matchmaking
>Balancing issues out the ass
>Game revolves around who can get their ult fastest and mash q first
>Faggots and shitters always almost pick Hanzo, Mcree, Widowmaker, Mei and Genji
>Nothing stops people from picking 6 of the same character, resulting in horribly boring matches
>Even lines characters say are locked behind loot boxes
>The unique skins boil down to two different kinds with a different color scheme
>$60 on top of microtransactions
I got this for free and I'm fucking amazed at how awful it is
>Vidya reviews AREN'T opinions
I want you to name one single genuine, critical, vidya review that doesn't rely on opinions.
There was just enough water.
Once you beat the game or clear a planet the enemies don't return.
So when you get to the final boss there are little to no enemies on any of the planets other than the one the boss is on.
Hope that made sense
xcom, total war, empire earth, world at conflict, valkyria chronicles, fire emblem, disgaea, ftl, eve
so one of those, don't know which to choose
Everything on that christian review site
yeah but those aren't online team FPS games are they
first post best post
why are people still caring what IGN says about anything?
Honestly, what's the appeal of Overhype besides fapb8?
Man I bet that was a whole lot more funny in your head than it actually is
>Bursting with character
The fuck? Everything felt it was just cherry-picked from other games. Bland cliched characters, especially.
Oh, hahaha! Fuck, I stopped taking them seriously 16 years ago.
>Excellent map design
>Tactical depth
I wonder how much Blizzactivivendi paid IGN for this review.
It's fun, faggot. Someone most of Sup Forums doesn't understand while they're too busy 'playing' movies.
Lets be real for a moment people, even Blizzards shit is still GOTY for whatever genre they're doing. It's not new and it hasn't really changed much.
>tactical depth
how is luck and pressing q tactical in any way?
Hero swapping to counter enemy comp, thanks for confirming you're either garbage at shooters in general, or that you simply don't play them.
yes, pressing h and picking a character that objectively beats another (aka no skill involved) means tactics. how very ironic
>le press q to win meme
Most ults require team cohesion to work against good players.
What's fun about it?
PS: Fun is subjective, and even the worst multiplayers games can be "fun".
>The game's depth revolves around the character select screen
To be fair, I'd be making excuses like that too to justify throwing my money away
pretty much none. a good player can always carry the team. I want to say rainbow six siege, but even then you can just aim well and destroy any team
Pretty much this. Still don't see how people try so hard to make it a meme. It is very accurate.
>tactical depth
top kek
The only tactic in that game is to spam choke points with your infinite ammo while waiting for your ults to come up to do them all at once.
It's almost like the ending bullets of a review only SUMMARIZE what was in the fucking review, and you need to read the whole thing to understand/argue with the author's viewpoints!!!!
Then the summary is ill-fated
it has good audiovisual feedback and I haven't played a multiplayer FPS in years so it's challenging to me
>Tactile depth
Such Original Heroes!
Transforming robot
Tiny asian girl in a giant mech
Literally Frank "Gray Fox" Jaeger
Honorable Samurai
Madmax Extra
Party-time Brazillian
Clint Eastwood
Meek Bookworm
Robo Angel
Egyptian Samus
The Grim Reaper (+2 points for edgily dual wielding pistols)
High-Tech Paladin
Another Madmax Extra
Rank-and-File Soldier #76
Portal Vindaloo
The Dwarf
Female Scout
Sniper with Buns!
That Villian from Season 5 of Teen Titans
Who Touched Sasha?
Less stretchy Dhalsim
Does it at least have a new game plus like the old games?
I really hope they fix this before ranked mode
you're going to be disappointed
Blizzdrones will defend this
Even with those bullshit hitboxes, Hanzo is still really fucking low tier. That's a bit sad.
The hitboxes have to be that way to make up for the netcode
Aren't custom games 60hz? I mean, they can do it.
Rainbow 6: rouge spear
Playing hanzo is like playing the game with bighead mode on
Don't trust their lies
but I already bought the game
>Most popular game this year
>people who matter love it
>salty ass v wrong again
>selling ten million in a week
But hey there's always risk of rain lol