Have Slavs achieved perfection?

Have Slavs achieved perfection?

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Literally no ass, so no.


>you can see the bra

triss is superior tbqhwy

she has a nice tatoo


Ciri is my daughterfu.

Ciri is covered in blood and who knows what other bodily fluids, for most of the main game.

slavs are masterrace

Only time I liked Triss was when I could get her tortured

this tbqh


Oh, you'll get someone mad with this one. Dumbass.

Please kill yourself

Why do his shoulder pads look like toaster ovens behind glass?

Is a bucket of paint worth $1,000 where they live? Not even being Sup Forumslution, but every image involving Slavs looks like the background.

Bras weren't a thing a thing back then. They wore bustieres or Corsettes. The modern bra wasn't invented until the late 19th century and even then they weren't popularized until flappers came around and made them a popular clothing item.

Most of the municipal building were built like, 70 years ago? And after that they usually got no renovation and were abandoned cuz nobody gave a fuck about it anymore.
Think Detroit, but on the scale of entire state.

>back then

if you are from a western Country, you are basically a millionaire there.

average wage there is like 500€ a month

back when dragons were a thing and giant centipedes came out of the ground to eat you. back in mideval and fantasy times when gandolph Hiller was still doing wizard shit.

>back then
Oh, you mean back in 1262 in Northern Kingdoms? I weren't aware you were an expert on a fantasy history.
What else will you tell us?
About inconsistencies of wearing a jabot in the same era as chaperon?

could be worse


A woman would not have worn either btw. She also wouldn't have worn stilleto'd pumps as pumps were a man's garment. She would've worn flat chauseurs with woolen socks.

I gotta ask, do you get a lot of hate for this high level of autism?

Not really, I just don't like historical anachronisms and inaccuracies. It takes me out of the game. If you're going to wear a jupon as a woman, it needs to be high collar with a v-taper. Ciri wears a man's jupon. It's very low-brow for the era.

She can time travel so what makes you think she couldn't have gotten a bra from the future

ciri has literally time traveled to the future you autistic fag

>those abs

>average wage there is like 500€ a month
Good meme.
It's actually significantly lower than 500€ a month.

To when exactly? Why would she wear a bra, yet forgo a pair of comfortable denim jeans? The jeans actually came first.

You couldn't be more wrong. It looks good while you get to play as her.

Found the nigger


Probably because it is much easier to make and maintain a bra than denim that is constantly being worn down/torn. That is like asking why she uses a fucking sword instead of a gun that she has seen people use.

>he likes deep stinky butt cracks

How do you even know that, in the Witcher's universe, there are no bras? Is the subject ever tackled in the games or books?

In the pre-modern era, you had a choice. You could wear an ill-fitting dress made with wool, if you were fantastically rich you could get one in silk. You could wear cotton breaches if you were a man, but cotton was expensive. You could also wear wool pants, which were also incredibly uncomfortable. Denim changed the scene and comparatively were far more comfortable even in their rudimentary form.


how is hers compared to this

Triss and Ciri are equal.

She kind of has a bitch-face going on senpai.

>tfw you can't leave Triss to Menge and finally get rid of her

>Yenn not one of the biggest cunts

Don't get fucking pissy at Geralt because of amnesia and then expect me to go and pander to your sidequest, fuck off. Also don't throw the fucking bed out the window and teleport my ass.

Fucking cunt can't take the truth.


She was never that much of a cunt to me
Maybe youre the cunt

Yes this is some nice videogame gameplay discussion
Why don't you fucking kill yourselves you fucking retarded loser pieces of beta garbage sportin boners over fictional women created with pen and paper or computer graphics.
There is no fucking excuse to be this much of a fucking retarded autistic sperg in 2016 when the internet exists and real live women are whoring themselves out on free came site and abundance of free porno sites.
If you wanna talk about how much the female form excites your weak tainted flesh, then I suggest you go there and take care of buisness. instead of shitting up videogame board with your sexual frustration

Wow that was so rude.

Men pick Yen
Boys pick Triss


Cause that person cant/wont draw chainmail.

Lol keep acting tough you fat sack of inbred retard shit. Keep pretending like you're the one whose got it all figured out working your third shift stock job at Kroger, stealing the lean pockets that you were told to throw out because they got warm in the truck, your entire life a constant cycle of fansubbed anime, irritable bowel syndrome, and crippling diabetic depression as you desperately try to assert yourself as a well adjusted human being on an internet message board. Yeah bud, you sure got us.

Looks like a tranny witch


Why are you so hostile.

Does the thrill of anonymously attacking strangers over the internet get your chode to tickle? Perhaps you should consider paying attention to your overdue bar tab. Oh wait im going to guess you dont leave that crusty old basement you call your home. Perhaps if you took one moment, one day, nay, one passing second to think about your situation in life you would realize that in the end nothing is worth while and that the most you can do to positively impact this world and all other worlds in the known universe is to finally, FINALLY, itch that scratch in the back of your mind. The thought you dare not acknowledge lest you finally man up the cojones, balls for your impoverished foolhardy ass, to FINALLY take that power cord, sticky and grimy with caked on layers of doritos crumbs, sweat, and semen. A frothy, disgusting mixture of bodily waste that so accurately sums up who and what you and your lifestyle represent: Absolute scum. Not one more second should pass where you continue to contribute to the enthropic heat death of known reality. Take that power cable. Take that disgusting mound of semen, rubber, and disgusting food particles. Take it. Take all 8 feet of it from the very wall in which its plugged to the half dismantled box that you use to type this message to me. Take it, and finally, FINALLY, itch that scratch. Tie it as tight as you can around your neck, make sure that one end is securely fastened to the ceiling, and take that final plunge. That final step off your bent and mangled chair, the unfortunate piece of plastic used to carry your morbidly obese welfare person. Take that final step. Take that final step into the halls of darness and obscurity. Do it. Kill yourself. For the good of all mankind you mother fucking piece of shit.

slow down turbo.

She's a complete cunt if you tell her to drop it. Which she should, Geralt had amnesia he can't exactly be held responsible for his actions, that's stupid, and he clearly comes around once he gets his memory back.
Triss can fuck off too, the only one that matters is Ciri. Gotta save her and catch up on all those years with snowball fights.

Yes, yes they have.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

depends on the Country. Czech Republic makes more than 500€

too bad her voice acting is similar to an english textbook quality

Your waifu is nothing but a cheap whore.

I use the Polish VO. Is the English one really that bad?

hanging is literally one of the dumbest ways to die.

Her polish VO sucks too
They have already found cure for cancer in witcher world

Not at all.

Why do you persist you miserable little asshole?
Do you realize just what a waste you are? Just what a miserable little person you've turned out to be.think. Think back. to your childhood. Think about how full of promise and excitement you were. Now think about how you've suffocated and murdered that child under the weight of your own inadequacy. You've disappointed everyone, you know. Your mother can barely stand the sight of you, you are now as much the child she took to her breast as the cancerous lump growing in her uterus is. At least that lump of cells holds no false promise but peace from your wretched existence. Think back to all the people you ever encountered in your squandered life and say a quiet apology to them for being a complete waste of their time and faith. That girl who actually liked you, who you so foolishly indulged in fantasies of being married to and having children with and dying peaceful, gray haired on a bed with. Just think, she's currently rutting with some other, much more successful man(unlike you, who could barely be called a man, let alone human), filling her womb with his seed, propagating his lineage. Do you feel it? Do you hear it? Her nails on his back. Her moans of ecstasy when he takes her. They'll have a long, happy future together. A better one than you could've ever given her. .Your lineage is squandered on rags, dying, encrusted, yellowing rags and filling the dank air of your festering living area. You have failed not just as a person, but as a basic living being. You waste your time on message boards. You snap at people who have no identity, who will come and go through your life, and you meet them with hostility. Killing yourself would simply be a benefit to you so in all actuality I hope you never die. I hope you just keep living, in this constant state of mediocrity and anger.

Delete this you piece of filth

>not Wendish

>Sup Forums - Video Games

I wonder how many miles of dicks have passed through that filthy, used up cunt.

i need to get this game again

3. Dandelion
4. Zoltan

Never: Triss

Like 1-2 actually.

You think you can just copy me? The way i speak? The way i think? The way in which i artistically and surgically annihilate you and your worthless opinions and self conscious?

You think that you can rival the destructive raw force that a mighty being of pure energy and nature such as i am capable of? You're nothing. You exist in a bubble of your own design, sitting and wallowing in a puddle of urine and self pity, wondering why and when your life went wrong. At some point, perhaps in grade school, high school, college, hell, maybe your mid 20's, you had dreams. You had it all. A girl you wanted, a job you needed, a family you so desperately wanted to feel the necessity of love from. But then it was all swept away. You got complacent and lazy, your lumbering useless mound of flesh and pubic lice, the meat sack, the thunderous trunks on which you walk, your individual person and design, your silhouette, a revolting mass comparable only to a midgetized blob monster of which God himself looks upon in shame. You have only ONE course of action in which you can benefit the world, nay, society at large. Those people in which you share a familiar landscape. Those individuals all of more important worth than you. You have ONE way to show that your life had any meaning other than as a means to continue the respiratory cycle of plants. Tomorrows eve, you shall commit your last sinful act as a member of this decrepit earth. The earth you made decrepit as a result of your intollerable, poisonous existence. You shall climb to the very heights of the tallest spire in the city you reside. And you'll take one step off the edge. Your body will tumble and splatter across the pavement as if a water balloon filled with blood, ink, sweat, and copious amounts of semen. You'll be a martyr for a greater cause, eliminating the inferior from this world. Making it a better place for all of us. The Master Race.

She looks Jewish. Do you like the Jewish girls goyim?


Yes actually

She's said to be ugly as fuck though.

Not him but replace Yen with Priscilla.

I'm still mad about the end of Carnal Sins. I should have been able to lock the fucking vampire up and torture his ass.

Give Moshe a shekel, he's our greatest ally.

Meant to use, fuck and discard.

I'd give them my other shekel if you know what i mean


Oh I didn't even mean to fuck, just importance senpai



I didn't mean to fuck either, Priscilla is just a fun character, she's Dandelions.

You true, you true




Ciri is for hugging not fugging.

Other than he mid section looking like taffy, that's pretty well done.

>White bra
>Suddenly red

fugggg, why does it end before the actual sex scene?


Does anyone NOT take advantage of this horny slut?


>imagine the torture Sile went theough when Mad Lad the Rad captured her
>get hard

I need help